


英語 高校生


-EXERCISES A Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. (1) I liked life in Osaka best (I / lived / had / there / for / though) only two years. (2) ( even / you / join / if / the volunteer / do not) club, you can still help in the community. 4372 harde o taborn you de 300 bri (3) (what / matter / we / reason / have / no), we must not start a war. (4) Peter will not take any time off ( of / spite / order / in / his doctor's ). (5) ( of / freedom / is / speech / though / even) the basis of democracy, few people understand what it means. (6)( not / whether / or / computers / like / we ), we cannot imagine life without them. une lis 10 1390.in B Fill in the blanks to complete the dialogs. (1) Satoshi: You've lived in Japan for three years. Have you ever been to Kyoto? Olivia: Yes, of course. I always find something new N 京都でどこを訪れても (2) George: Takeshi seems to have overslept and missed the nine o'clock train! Mika: Oh, no! He won't be on time for the ceremony たとえ飛行機で来ても (3) Kate: Is that man your tennis coach? Fred: Yes. He will be seventy next month, but he is still active He jogs five kilometers every morning. Let's Try ! ALLA sd Illw #2910x3 C Express the following in English. (1)たとえ政治に興味がなくても、選挙権をもつ人は投票しなければならない. (2) 結婚で仕事を辞める女性もいるが,最近ではより多くの女性が定年まで仕事を続ける . _________: 彼の年齢にもかかわらず InT [retirement age ] (3)優先座席であろうとなかろうと,いつも自分の席をお年寄りに譲っている.〔priority seat〕 (4)ユニバーサルデザインの普及にもかかわらず,障がいのある人々が街を動き回るのはいまだに 困難だ.〔universal design, disabled people〕 (5)日本は高齢化が急速に進んでいるにもかかわらず,老人ホームの数が十分ではない。 [nursing home]

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