


英語 高校生


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 17 12 13 11 15 16 We stayed at a bed and breakfast ( 1 for the sake of 2 instead of Dolly's hand was badly swollen because she ( ) by a bee on the weekend. 1 stung 4 has stung 2 had stung 3 had been stung I know a lot about Spanish grammar, but when it comes ), I'm not so good. 4 speak 2 to speak 3 to speaking for speaking At this time tomorrow, I ( had been traveling ) spend too much money on accommodations. 3 so as not to 4 so that 〈 関西学院大 〉 ) to Paris. ( 2 have traveled 4 will be traveling ). 3 traveled Many spectators found the game 1exciting 2 excited 3 excite The roads were wet when we left the restaurant, so it must ( 1 be rain 2 be rained 3 had rained 4 have rained When pulling suitcases with wheels in crowded places, you have to be careful ( hitting not 2 not hit to 4 not to hit 3 not hitting to 明日も雪が降り続くと, まる1週間降っていることになる。 It a/will/been / for / have / snowing / week / whole) if it goes on snowing tomorrow. 〈立命館大 > これ以上この問題を議論しても仕方がない。 There is no ( ) discussing this problem any longer. 11 doubt 2 help (3 use このニュース雑誌の7月号を買っておくべきだった。 I ( I would have 4 excitement きみの電卓を使ってもいいかな。 報告書を作成するのに必要なんだ。 Can I use your calculator? I (need /to/a/report / prepare / one ). (***) 彼には以前会っていたので, パーティーではすぐに彼を見つけた。 (easily found / met him / before, /I/having / him) at the party. ) bought the July issue of this news magazine. 2 should have 3 could be (a) They are building new shopping centers in the suburbs. (b) New shopping centers ( ) in the suburbs. 1 build 2 are built 3 are building 〈南山大 > ) while we were inside. 14 隣街の店までわざわざ行ったが, 閉まっていることが分かっただけだった。 I went (only to / the store /to / in a neighboring city / find it/ all the way) closed. 〈中央大〉 〈南山大 > 4 way 〈芝浦工業大〉 might be 〈関西学院大〉 ) other people or block their path. < 日本女子大 > < 東洋大 > 〈中央大〉 〈成城大〉 〈龍谷大〉 4 are being built <亜細亜大 >

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


B 次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、 (1) He sings as if he were a rock star. He sings a rock star. (2) I am sorry that I spent all the money. I wish I not spent all the money. (3) He was able to buy a car because he won the prize money. The prize money him to buy a car. に適切な1語を入れなさい。 (4) Thanks to calculators, we can add large numbers easily. Calculators it easy for us to add large numbers. (5) Please tell me when you will arrive. Please tell me the time of C 日本語の意味になるように〔 〕内の語(句)を並べかえ,その語順を記号で答えなさい。 (1) 彼がその本を盗んだという証拠が何かありますか。 Do you have [① stole ② that ③ any ④ evidence ⑤ he ⑥ the book] ? (2) それをもっと綿密に調べていたら, 新事実が出てきただろう。 [ⓘa new fact ② of ③ might have ④ it ⑤ a closer examination ⑥ revealed ] . (3) もう一度やっていたら, その学生は成功していたでしょう。 [ⓘhad ② another ③ made ④ the student ⑤ attempt ⑥ he ] would have succeeded. (4) この電車に乗れば空港に着くでしょう。 yoy poids for [ⓘthe airport ② this train ③ to ④ will ⑤ you ⑥ take 〕. (5) もしあなたの助けがなかったならば、彼は失敗していただろう。 [ⓘfor ② your ③ not ④ had ⑤ it ⑥ been ] help, he would have failed. ① 次の日本語を英語にしなさい。 ただし〔 〕内に与えられた語はそのままの順序で用いること。 その歌手は日本だけではなくアメリカでも有名だ。 〔 is / only / America]

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


RELATIVE CLAUSES 1)That's the sheep ……I saw yesterday. 2)He bought the 5.- Mary was the girl had a bath. 3) Paul is the boy 4)Iwashed my car souvenirs he … calculator I'm … was very dirty. a)who wanted. using. a) whose a) which b) who c)whom a) who b)that c)whose a)whom b)which c) whose b)whose b) who c)that c) which a 7.- Anne hasa 9.-The book we 10.-Ten o'clock is the time I go 6.- The birthday … 8.- Julio is the er. person with he is working there. we ate was delicious. school bag she read in bed is carries her books. fantastic. home. a)which b)who c)where a)who b)where c)that a)whom b) which c) who a)which b)whose c)who a) whose b) when c) who 0S. 15.-Those are the 13.-Tobby was the dog died last night. 11. - She opened the 12.-I visited Notre 14.-He had the box.. she received. accident he grapes We bought Dame.. is in Paris. was skiing. a) that b) where c) who a) who b) which c)where a)which b)when c)whom a)when b)who c)where a) where b that c)when ect 19.-The girl.. 20.- The armchair 16.- They are the me children . parents 17.-My dad did the 18.-The man was asked the question …… he sat down laundry was in the basket. in charge of the are Dutch.oid factory wasn't was my sister. was green. Roger. a)who b)whose c)where a)where b)whom c)who a) which Women a)who a)where to? b)who b)who of stars c)when b) whom The one or Tivse c)whom c)whose 21.-He 22.-Eric is a French 23.-An architect is 24.-The day .. we 25.-The house Wore a costume man ..wife is somebody. meet was raining. we lived was was strange. Spanish. designs buildings. enormous. a) where b)which c)who a)which b)who c)whose a)who b)when c)whom a)whom b)when c) which a)which b)when c)where 29.- Lola called a 30.-The kid played 26.-The film I saw 27.-Sushi is food 28.He played friend was in video games..…… was frightenng. …… Japanese eat. football he met Amsterdam. belonged to dad. his friends. a)that a)which a)which a)whom a)whom b)who b)where b)who b)who b) who c)where c)who c)when c)where c)which

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