


英語 高校生

chapter5part4 映ってる問題教えてください

The History of Ice Cream. CHAPTER 5 の Focus on Contents One More Step ( )内に語を入れ,表を完成しなさい。 Fill in the blanks to complete the chart. の四1 True or False? not teup adh tewnc bns 1. T IFJ At the St. Louis World's (OFai ) in 1904 2. T / F) 3. T/ F I'm selling (Oweffles). pl emooedo ) I'm selling ice cream. I sell ice cream in a (② l) I'm running (3 ouT )of dishes. Oh, you are in trouble. ho9 Use my waffles and mooned Reading Skill (6Wrop ) the ice cream. omuonn ー 2行目のa very important development とは具体 的には何のことですか。 一 Ernest. 2次の問いに答えなさい。 S Answer the questions. T m91 90i ol svol sdT OWhat was an important development in the history of mgolovob erf TO ice cream? hiae のWhat did Mr. Hamwi do for the man selling ice cream at the World's Fair? 3What should we do to add an exciting flavor to ice lom oi gnio cream? bne yismmus ot go ms e Focus on Grammar He (ice cre 19bt 9t made agirl singing a. song 2録り上 分詞の後置修飾(現在介詞)「~している」 名詞+現在介詞+語(句) (後置)2語以上で名詞を修飾 c ad cf. 現在分詞+%詞(前置)現在分詞1語で名詞を修飾 b a singing girl 1銭 9dt The man selling ice cream ran out of dishes . 名詞 現在分詞 2話以上 VOU DeTngvmi 9Vsd 3 」の部分を説明している語句に下線を引き,日本語にしなさい。 b9aualsastnsnott brother. my What do you think? OThe boy| taking a picture over there is ●Some people are not OWho is the girl playing the guitar with Takashi? afraid of eating new and unusual foods. Are you an adventurous eater? The printer making a strange noise is broken. 67 Chapter 5

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