


英語 高校生

インタビューを受けた、と書いてありますが 、なぜ受動態になってるのでしょうか? インタビューを与えた(give) だから、ブラジル人にインタビューをしたと思ったんですけど、、

1 Creativity is effective novelty. V 和訳 創造力とは、有用な目新しさである。 novelty 「新しさ」 2 (That is to say), it is doing or making something new [that solves a SV problem or usefully changes how we act, think, or feel J. bro sin 和訳 つまり創造力とは、問題を解決したり、行動、考え方、感じ方を効果的に変え たりといった新しい物事をしたりつくったりすることなのだ。 that is to say 「すなわち」、 solve 「解決する」 3 To be creative, then, can be as simple (as seeing something (everyone V C else sees], but thinking what no one else thinks about it). どんな 文法?? 和訳 創造的であるということは、他の誰もが見ているものと同じものを見て、それに ついて他の誰も思いつかないようなことを考えるといった単純なものだと言える かもしれない。 166 4 Other times, it requires taking ideas or processes that people usually 0 view as being unrelated and finding some fruitful connection between them. do 和訳 またある時には、人々が普通無関係だと思う考えや行為を取り入れたり、それ らの間に意味のあるつながりを見つけたりする必要がある。 view A as B 「AをBとみなす」 fruitful 「有益な」 1 Recently, we gave an interview (to a Brazilian journalist) about

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英語 高校生

写真1枚目の日本語分を英訳するという問題についてです。私は In addition to genes, aquired factors such as diet, smoking, drinking, stress, insufficent sleep and exerci... 続きを読む

LESSON 6 社会問題 「遺伝子検査の問題。 swab sample to a testing institute, one can know his or her risks of developing various diseases. The biggest issue is the accuracy of such Des tests. genetic testing venture 23andMe, dMe.Lin which Google has invested, has started offering the Personal Genome Service to "provide health reports on 254 diseases and conditions" for slightly less than $100. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in November 2013 ordered the company to halt the sales of its saliva collection kit due to concerns over the accuracy of its genetic examinations. (ア) 7 People need to be aware that the results of genetic testing only have a high degree of correlation with the risks for certain diseases. 遺伝子に 加えて、食事、喫煙、飲酒、ストレス、 睡眠不足、運動不足といった後天的 要素が、 癌を含むいくつかの病気の原因である。 Isals! 8 Users of genetic testing services should know that the discovery in genetic examinations of the presence of irregularities that raise the risk of developing certain diseases does not necessarily mean they will develop them. Y 9 So, it is not wise to rely solely on genetic testing. The results testing may cause some people to be unduly pessimistic about their future. The providers of genetic testing services must be careful when explaining C 30 9202 201 .) "Pros and cons es 2014/07/11>) g. nething to try or taking a sam xam. eing careless 即して日本 尿

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英語 高校生


解答欄にマークしなさい。 問 2, 間 3, 4, 問5の解答は, 解答用紙 守谷市祗1枚目 (マークシー 2枚目 (記述式) に記入しなさい。 Technology is rapidly and fundamentally changing the way most people do their jobs, disrupting (1) the nature of work and increasing the demand for new kinds of digital skills. The impact can be felt in all kinds of jobs. Gone are the days of copywriters (2) simply writing copy, for instance. Now they also need to be familiar with search engines and social media to know what will make their work more visible online. Architects need to be able to create digital concepts as their clients now often expect to see more than a 2D drawing. Accountants have to keep up with rapid digital advances disrupting their industry such as the growth of online filing. (3) Byron Nicolaides, CEO of PeopleCert, a professional skills assessment and certification business, says: "The digital skill gap describes the effect that has resulted from a shift. towards digitalisation, with the emergence of new professions, alongside the displacement of other roles, that now require continued digital training." Demand for people with high-level digital skills is greater than the supply of suitably qualified employees, and the gap is growing. The World Economic Forum estimates that by 2022 emerging technologies will generate 133 million new jobs in place of the 75 million that will be displaced. "If the demand for digital expertise is not able to be met by the supply, the resulting deficit in a skilled workplace will not only affect the ability of businesses to shape their own future, but will hinder the economic growth and generate a new reality of [digital] illiteracy (E4)," argues Nicolaides. The UK is the fifth most digitally advanced nation in Europe (Finland comes top) according to data from the European Union. It is already home to a large number of big tech businesses and the UK has more tech "unicorns" (start-up businesses valued at $1 billion or more) than any other European country. According to Tech Nation, a UK network focused on accelerating the growth of digital businesses across the country, in 2018 the UK continued to attract tech talent, employing 5 per cent of all high-growth tech workers globally. In Europe this places the UK behind Germany but ahead of Sweden, France, Denmark and the Netherlands. Despite (A) this encouraging news, the UK is still facing a significant digital skills shortage. A report from the Open University last year highlights the extent of the problem and its impact on UK companies, with nine in 10 organisations admitting to having a shortage of digital skills. Jules Pipe, London's deputy mayor (5) for planning, regeneration and skills, says the capital needs workers with advanced digital skills. "More than half of the capital's start-ups say a lack of highly skilled workers is their main challenge, while emerging industries -

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