


英語 高校生

どうなのか分からないので全部教えて欲しいです🙇‍♀️ 至急でお願いします🙏🙏

1 各文の( )内の語句を使って,動詞を過去完了形にして文を完成させなさい. (1) When I woke up, the sun (2) I 4 (already rise) (3) She sick for a week when you called me. a panda until she went to the zoo. (be) (never see) *(4) I waited outside the room because I the key. (lose) 5 2 各文の( )内の動詞を過去完了進行形にして文を完成させなさい. (1) My brother from school. (2) Sam felt hungry because he (3) I TV for two hours when I returned ★3 各文の( )内の動詞を未来完了形にして文を完成させなさい。否) 1655(watch) 01) (since early morning. (drive) the piano for an hour when the phone rang. (play) 6 (1) I to bed when my father comes home. (2) If Jeff reads the novel again, he (3) Liz (4) Ryota 8685-17 it three times. (read) in this apartment for five years next month. (live) the dishes by the time the TV program starts. (wash) (go) 4 各文の()内のうち, 適当なほうを選びなさい. (1) The game (has already started / had already started) when we got to the stadium. (2) I (have never traveled / had never traveled) abroad before that time. (3) The rain (has just stopped / had just stopped). Let's go out now. (4) Ken was angry because he (has been waiting / had been waiting) for her for two hours. *(5) Aya didn't have her jacket. She (has left, had left) it on the train. € に直すこと)

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英語 高校生


1 ay! Grammar 文法に強くなろう! A. 例にならい、 枠の中から適切な単語を選び、 必要な場合は適切な形にして次の1~4の文を完 成させましょう。 例 It is raining). Take an umbrella. 1. Let's hurry. Everyone ( ) for us. ole ) a shower every morning. 2. Donna ( 3. It ( 4.1( ) when I got up this morning. ) Ron's phone number. Shall I call him? know rain √ snow take wait B. 例にならい、 次の英文をカッコ内の指示に従って書き換えましょう。 例 Ron reads the newspaper. (現在進行形に) 1. Beth doesn't use a computer. (現在進行形に) 2. We had a good time at the party. (過去進行形に) Ron is reading the newspaper. 3. Do you suffer from jet lag? (現在進行形) brow b 4. Did you use the washing machine? (過去進行形に) C. 日本語の意味に合うようにカッコ内の語句を並べ替え、 英文を完成させましょう。 ただし、文 の始めにくる単語も小文字にしてあり、 1つ余分な語句が含まれています。 1. 時差ぼけを感じていますか? (feeling / jet lag / do / you / any / are )? 2. その時はシャワーを浴びていました。 found | (taking / at / a shower / that time / was / am). 3. 時差ぼけについてはよく知っています。 ( a lot / jet lag / l / know / am knowing / about). 4. ロンはいつ帰って来る予定ですか? (coming / when / is / come/back/Ron )?

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