


英語 高校生

問題を解いたのですが、解答が乗っていなかったため、教えていただきたいです。 返信が少し遅くなってしまうかもしれません。 よろしくお願いします。

問1 次の英文を読んで, 空欄A〜J に入れるのに最も適切なものをそれぞれ①~ ⑩のうちから一つ選び, その番号を記入せよ。 ただし、 各語は大文字・小文字の区別 はしないこととし, 同じ語を繰り返して使用してはいけない。 なお, 選択肢には使用 しない語が二つある。 According to new research, the world's demand for water cannot be met by 2040. There is A question that water shortage is one of the most serious environmental issues, leading to damage to plants and soils. B only that, it can be a cause of conflicts. It is because water is essential C people's health, industry, and way of life. About health, when clean water is unavailable, people D to use dirty water. As for industry, E enough water, many factories cannot run at full capacity. Finally, water shortages may change people's culture. For example, shortages may affect rice cultivation and F agricultural traditions. In this way, people's lives depend G sharing fresh water. H one country or group dominates water resources, other countries or groups may face water shortages. Then, conflicts I limited water resources may take place in many parts of the world. It is safe to say that water shortage is a human problem as J as an environmental problem. above almost 1 (2) (3) for 4 have (5) if (6) (7 (8) no not on 10 (11) 12 over therefore well without

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


was frighten by a 4) (2 16. While traveling with my uncle through our national parks, I (同志社女子大) bear. 17. Ellen hadn't known anyone in the company before she employed. ② 18. A lot of students in the university are complained about the location and the facilities of the dormitory which was built ten years ago in the countryside. 摂南大) 4 C次の日本文の意味を表すように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい. 19. 稲作は夏の天候に影響される. The rice crop (by/in/influenced/is/summer/the/weather). by summer weather. (岐阜女子) & is influenced 20. このレポートは、 今月の末までに仕上げられねばならない. of this month. (be/by/end/finished/must/report/the/this) This report must be finished by the end (金沢工業大) 21. 私の本は10ヵ国語に翻訳されています. My (translated/has/into/been/ten/book/languages). book has been translated into ten languages (東洋大) 22. 私の乗ったバスは交通渋滞にあい, 2時間遅れた. My bus (delayed/caught/and/in/was/for/a traffic jam) two hours. was delayed 13 atraffic Jam for (明海大改) 23. 私たちの大学は駅から2,3キロのところにあります。 Our (a/few/is/kilometers/located/of/university/within) the station. university is a few kilometers from ( 東北学院大) locatecl 24. 私たちの英語の鈴木先生は、クラスのだれからも尊敬されています. worland Our English teacher, Mr. Suzuki, (up/the/students/is/all/by/to/in/looked) our class. is looked up the 25. 日本の伝統的価値観はサクラに反映されていると考えられている. by student's allup Traditional (are/be/cherry blossoms/in/Japanese/reflected/thought/to values).

解決済み 回答数: 1