


英語 高校生


主語を決める Lesson 1 1 日本語に合うように,( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 1. 君の笑顔はすてきだ。 (広島国際大 *) )( have. 2. 日本の天然資源は豊かでない。 ( Japan 3. 先日、私のコンピューターはどこか具合が悪くなった。 (成蹊大*) (Something) ( went :) ( wrong ) with my computer the other day. 4. 夏休みが始まるまでにまだ1週間あります。(摂南大*) is ) still ( There ( )( week 66 ) a nice (smile (西南学院大 * ) ). 形 ) ( is )( not i) rich in natural resources. ) to go before the summer vacation begins. 2 日本語に合うように,( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 1. カナダでは何語が話されていますか。(中部大*) What language ( ) ( is 2. 今年はいつもよりずっと雨が多い。 (愛知学泉大*) (We )( have :) ( had 3. 昨日から食欲がなくなってしまったんです。(関西学院大 *) I )( have )((ost 4. 中間テストのできは良くなかったね。 (順天堂大 *) (You ) didn't ( do ) ( well ) on the mid-term exams. 5. この道をまっすぐ行くと, その銀行は右にあります。 (東京理科大 * ) Go straight down this street, you :)( will )( find )(spoken ) in Canada? ) more rain than usual this year. Jan appetite since yesterday. ) the bank on your right. 3 日本語に合うように, 下線部に適切な語句を補いなさい。 1. 「今, 雨が降っていますか。」 「はい, すごく降っていますよ。」 (三重県立看護大) Is it raining. now?" "Yeah. it is 2. 暗くなる前に必ず戻ってきなさい。(つくば国際大*) raining really hard." Be sure to come back before it gets dark. 3. あなたと最後に会ってからどれくらいたちますか。 ( 広島経済大 * ) How long has it been since I saw you last? 4. 外は寒いのでコートを着るようにメアリーが言ってくれました。 (龍谷大*) Mary said I should wear a coat as it was cold out. 5. いちばん近いコンビニエンスストアまでどのくらいの距離がありますか。 ( 足利工業大 *) How far is it to the nearest convenience store? 6. 我慢できない,もしくは不快感を表す場合, 「我慢できない」 と言う。(駒澤大 *) When you want to express impatience or annoyance, you say, ". I can't stand it."

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英語 高校生


) at all to do with my health. →177 24. My decision to retire did not have ( ① anything ② something ③ everything ④ nothing 〈杏林大 > this machine. → 177 25. Something is the matter ① at ② in ③ of ④ with 〈富山大 > 26. “Did you all have a nice time?” “Yes, we enjoyed ( ① a good time ② all ③ ourselves ④ us <湘南工科大〉 27. Because of his business problems, John is always ( ① above ② beneath ③ beside ④ toward 〈東京理科大〉 )." →178 ) himself with worry. →178 ②2 次の英文の下線部には誤っている箇所が1箇所ある。 その番号を選び、正しい形に直しなさい。 <札幌学院 28. Gasoline taxes in the United States Dare ②lower than ③that ④ in Europe. 大〉 169 29. I had ②no idea that the kitten and the puppy were ③ fond of each ④ another. →173 〈北里大〉 30. Irealized ⓘmost my money ②had been spent, and the trip wasn't ③even half ④ over. 〈神奈川大〉 174 31. Jodie recommended that Nancy ②buy several ③books on World War II, but she wanted ④ neither of them. 〈近畿大〉 172 3 次の日本文の意味になるように ( 内の語または語句を並べかえて適切な英文を作りなさい。 32. ここで車なしで生活することはキツイとわかった。 →168 Ⅰ (to / live / difficult/ without/ here/ found/it) acar. 〈東洋大〉 33. 人々は、お互いに自分の人生に起こった不思議な出来事について語るのが好きだ。 →173 People (abouteach/events/enjoy/other/that/telling/mysterious) have happened to them. 摂南大〉

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英語 高校生

仮定法の範囲です! 6〜21、20、24〜26の答えあってるか確認して欲しいです!不正解の場合正しい回答も教えてくれると助かります🙇‍♂️

TEO BEO PEO 32 4. 1872 Practice - 3. We would have gone to see the movie last night if we ( 1 know 2 would know 3 had known 4. If I had known about the good news earlier, I ( would call 3 would have called 5. If my son had taken my advice, he ( 1 is 2 was 6. I wish I ( 1 can turn 7. I wish I ( 1 study 8. If ( 1 timely □ 10. ( 9. It's time Bill ( 11 go ) he had told her the truth. 2 only ☐ 11. ( 12. ( 1 If he would be 3 If it were not for ) back the clock and do it all over again. 2 could turn 3 had turned ) much more when I was young. 2 studied ) home. ) his idleness, 1 Not were it 2 will go 2 must have called Categy 4 should call 3 would be ) successful now. 3 have studied 3 plainly goes Brfar he would be a nice fellow. ) to congratulate you. ) for your support, we wouldn't be here. 2 It were not 2 If he were not 4 If it was 4 could know ) it was so funny. 3 Were not it 15. ( ) your help, we would have failed. 11 Were it not been for 3 If it had been for log bloos ) for the examination, I could have gone shopping with my friends. 1 Without 2 If 3 But 4 With would have been would have mukt not b 4 have turned Bhd Razn tuoritiw 21 A diw◄ 4 had studied 4 suddenly 4 went t 4 Were it not 13. ( ) I known more about the man, I would not have trusted him. 1 If 2 As 3 Were 4 Had ***** inlo artro 2 Had it not been for 4 Without being 〈 京都精華大 ) 14. () anything happen to you, you can always call me on my mobile phone. If 2 Should 3 Unless 4 Would ( 東京医科大) 033 Call CONSACINCOR 同じ意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れなさい。 16. (a) Because of the storm, I couldn't arrive earlier. (b) If ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) for the storm, I could have arrived earlier. 033 <中部大) bohaty a 034 <中京大) ➡036 拓殖大> 037 <大阪経済法科大 > < 駒澤大 > ➡037 <杏林大 > 038 038 <仁愛大 > 032038 < 近畿大 > ➡037038 〈北里大〉 ➡037 < 桜美林大 > 17. (a) If (b) ( 18. (a) I T (b) 19. (a) (b ③③ 次の夢 □ 20. □ 21. ④4 次の 一口 22- 一口 23 0:

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英語 高校生

仮定法の範囲です 6〜21、20、24〜26の答え教えてください! 解いたのであってるかみてほしいです。不正解の場合正しい回答もしりたいです🙇‍♂️

TED BEO REO 4. Practice 3. We would have gone to see the movie last night if we ( 1 know 2 would know 3 had known 32 ☐ 4. If I had known about the good news earlier, I ( ***** would call 3 would have called 5. If my son had taken my advice, he ( 1 is 2 was 6. CENTRA I wish I ( 1 can turn 7. I wish I ( 1 study 8. If ( ) he had told her the truth. 1 timely 2 only 9. It's time Bill ( 1 go ☐ 10. ( □ 11.( 1 Without □ 12. ( home. 2 will go goes ) his idleness, he would be a nice fellow. If he would be 3 If it were not for 2 must have called Barco 4 should call impo 3 would be 1 Not were it sol fo ) successful now. 3 plainly 2 If he were not 4 If it was ) for the examination, I could have gone shopping 2 If 3 But ) for your support, we wouldn't be here. 2 It were not ) to congratulate you. ) back the clock and do it all over again. 2 could turn 3 had turned ) much more when I was young. A JA tuorliw A diw 2 studied 3 have studied 4 had studied ) it was so 4 could know 3 Were not it ☐ 15. ( ) your help, we would have failed. 1 Were it not been for 3 If it had been for syad blaviw on blues Fat not have been Sodist you ぼ」を funny. 4 would have been would Hav 4 suddenly 4 went 4 have turned CHEATS ****** Inlog not be 仮置 402006464031 〈京都精華大 > 13. ( ) I known more about the man, I would not have trusted him. 11 If 2 As 3 Were 4 Had 2 Had it not been for 4 Without being Hiw (wisrito b with my friends. 4 With SADEC sobnars lutsu) 4 Were it not <南山大) 14. () anything happen to you, you can always call me on my mobile phone. 1 If 2 Should 3 Unless 4 Would <東京医科大) 033 033 UKSANOO <中部大 > 034 <中京大) 036 〈〈拓殖大> 00 < 駒澤大 > ➡037 ➡037 <杏林大〉 <大阪経済法科大 > 038 ➡➡038 〈仁愛大 > ➡➡032038 < 近畿大 > ➡037 038 ② 同じ意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れなさい。 16. (a) Because of the storm, I couldn't arrive earlier. 037 (b) If ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) for the storm, I could have arrived earlier. webisow adi ISO blous < 桜美林大 > <北里大〉 gainst botuste a'll [ 17. (a) If 12. (b) ( 18. (a) I (b) 19. (a) (b ③3 次の □ 20. □ 21. 4 次の □ 22. □ 23 400 Jad

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英語 高校生


4 20 科学 420 words Chapter 1 The recipe for making any creature is written in its DNA. So last year, when 1-1 geneticists* published the near-complete DNA sequence of the long-extinct woolly mammoth, there was much speculation about whether we could bring this giant creature back to life. 5 東京理科大学 Creating a living, breathing creature from a genome* sequence that exists only in a computer's memory is not possible right now. But someone someday is sure to try it, predicts Stephan Schuster, a molecular biologist at Pennsylvania State University and a driving force behind the mammoth genome project. So besides the mammoth, what other extinct beasts might we bring back to life? Well, 12 10 it is only going to be possible with creatures for which we can recover a complete genome Without one, there is no chance. And usually when a creature dies, the (1) - DNA in any flesh left untouched is soon destroyed as it is attacked by sunshine and bacteria. sequence. There are, however, some circumstances in which DNA can be preserved. If your 15 specimen froze to death in an icy wasteland such as Siberia, or died in a dark cave or a really dry region, for instance, then the probability of finding some intact stretches of DNA is much higher. Even in ideal conditions, though, no genetic information is likely to survive more than a million years. - so dinosaurs are out and only much younger remains are likely to yield good-quality DNA. "It's really only worth studying specimens that are less than 100,000 years old," says Schuster. The genomes of several extinct species besides the mammoth are already being sequenced, but turning these into living creatures will not be easy. "It's hard to say that something will never ever be possible," says Svante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute 25 for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, "but it would require technologies so far removed from what we currently have that I cannot imagine how it would be done." But then (3) 50 years ago, who would have believed we would now be able to read the instructions for making humans, fix inherited diseases, clone mammals and be close to creating artificial life? Assuming that we will develop the necessary technology, we have 30 selected ten extinct creatures that might one day be resurrected. Our choice is based not just on practicality, but also on each animal's "charisma" - just how exciting the prospect of resurrecting these animals is. 1-3

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