

) at all to do with my health. →177 24. My decision to retire did not have ( ① anything ② something ③ everything ④ nothing 〈杏林大 > this machine. → 177 25. Something is the matter ① at ② in ③ of ④ with 〈富山大 > 26. “Did you all have a nice time?” “Yes, we enjoyed ( ① a good time ② all ③ ourselves ④ us <湘南工科大〉 27. Because of his business problems, John is always ( ① above ② beneath ③ beside ④ toward 〈東京理科大〉 )." →178 ) himself with worry. →178 ②2 次の英文の下線部には誤っている箇所が1箇所ある。 その番号を選び、正しい形に直しなさい。 <札幌学院 28. Gasoline taxes in the United States Dare ②lower than ③that ④ in Europe. 大〉 169 29. I had ②no idea that the kitten and the puppy were ③ fond of each ④ another. →173 〈北里大〉 30. Irealized ⓘmost my money ②had been spent, and the trip wasn't ③even half ④ over. 〈神奈川大〉 174 31. Jodie recommended that Nancy ②buy several ③books on World War II, but she wanted ④ neither of them. 〈近畿大〉 172 3 次の日本文の意味になるように ( 内の語または語句を並べかえて適切な英文を作りなさい。 32. ここで車なしで生活することはキツイとわかった。 →168 Ⅰ (to / live / difficult/ without/ here/ found/it) acar. 〈東洋大〉 33. 人々は、お互いに自分の人生に起こった不思議な出来事について語るのが好きだ。 →173 People (abouteach/events/enjoy/other/that/telling/mysterious) have happened to them. 摂南大〉


