

TED BEO REO 4. Practice 3. We would have gone to see the movie last night if we ( 1 know 2 would know 3 had known 32 ☐ 4. If I had known about the good news earlier, I ( ***** would call 3 would have called 5. If my son had taken my advice, he ( 1 is 2 was 6. CENTRA I wish I ( 1 can turn 7. I wish I ( 1 study 8. If ( ) he had told her the truth. 1 timely 2 only 9. It's time Bill ( 1 go ☐ 10. ( □ 11.( 1 Without □ 12. ( home. 2 will go goes ) his idleness, he would be a nice fellow. If he would be 3 If it were not for 2 must have called Barco 4 should call impo 3 would be 1 Not were it sol fo ) successful now. 3 plainly 2 If he were not 4 If it was ) for the examination, I could have gone shopping 2 If 3 But ) for your support, we wouldn't be here. 2 It were not ) to congratulate you. ) back the clock and do it all over again. 2 could turn 3 had turned ) much more when I was young. A JA tuorliw A diw 2 studied 3 have studied 4 had studied ) it was so 4 could know 3 Were not it ☐ 15. ( ) your help, we would have failed. 1 Were it not been for 3 If it had been for syad blaviw on blues Fat not have been Sodist you ぼ」を funny. 4 would have been would Hav 4 suddenly 4 went 4 have turned CHEATS ****** Inlog not be 仮置 402006464031 〈京都精華大 > 13. ( ) I known more about the man, I would not have trusted him. 11 If 2 As 3 Were 4 Had 2 Had it not been for 4 Without being Hiw (wisrito b with my friends. 4 With SADEC sobnars lutsu) 4 Were it not <南山大) 14. () anything happen to you, you can always call me on my mobile phone. 1 If 2 Should 3 Unless 4 Would <東京医科大) 033 033 UKSANOO <中部大 > 034 <中京大) 036 〈〈拓殖大> 00 < 駒澤大 > ➡037 ➡037 <杏林大〉 <大阪経済法科大 > 038 ➡➡038 〈仁愛大 > ➡➡032038 < 近畿大 > ➡037 038 ② 同じ意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れなさい。 16. (a) Because of the storm, I couldn't arrive earlier. 037 (b) If ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) for the storm, I could have arrived earlier. webisow adi ISO blous < 桜美林大 > <北里大〉 gainst botuste a'll [ 17. (a) If 12. (b) ( 18. (a) I (b) 19. (a) (b ③3 次の □ 20. □ 21. 4 次の □ 22. □ 23 400 Jad
easo ining 033 〈東京医科大 > ◆031 <京都精華大 > ➡037 杏林大 > 大〉 038 <中部大 > 駒澤大 > ➡038 法科大> ➡➡038 愛大 > 038 大〉 <南山大〉 <中京大 > ➡036 〈拓殖大> 033 034 037 30 □17. (a) If he had helped us, we could have succeeded. Whis help, we ) his help, we could have succeeded. sorel 500 12(b) ( ➡➡039 <東京理科大 > log 18. (a) If you heard him talk, you would think that he was a new stude Weiven (b) ( )() him talk, you would think that he was a new student. □ 19. (a) If the university students had not started at once, they would have missed the train bound for Tokyo. ➡➡039 (b) The university students started at once; ( que wong humo wa dhe po pls way linal III, pod sift ved 4 次の日本文の意味になるように,( bound for Tokyo. MER O Instil woy ni now bib proy teady zf bra Pad on of pose addi find no ⅡS ③ 次の英文の下線部には誤っている箇所が1箇所ある。その番号を選び、正しい形に直しなさい。 buto ② to come to an end, what will become of us? bily □ 20. Were the world ① blow 1 <名古屋外国語大>032038 □ 21. If he pknew about the problem earlier, he would have suspended the project. dat vM .§. 4 ohad known idquod ad 〈立命館大>030 22. もし僕が君だったら,そんなことは心配しないね。 4 5 3 I (worry about/ were / if / I / it / wouldn't) you firw I wouldn't wo 一口 23. もう少し早く来れたらよかったのに。 Lin ) they would have missed the train wong worg lliw 内の語または語句を並べかえて適切な英文を作りなさい。 worry about it if I were) 4. 仮定法 Practice □ 25. テレビをつけないでほしいのですが。 ejyou. nosa peed batt ⑤ asse ved 1 6 It (been / better / had / have / if / would / you) come earlier. nille, Amot mollien FIGUR It ( would have been better. (turn / you/ the / rather / on / didn't / I'd) TV. ➡➡039 < 亜細亜大 > SIO □ 26. 彼はまるで経済学の専門家であるかのように話す。 All liv 〈神戸学院大 > □ 24. もし地中 に水がなかったら, ほとんどの植物は死に、動物は飢えるだろう。frow ①037038 (in / for / it / water / not / were) the ground, most plants would die and animals would starve. 〈西南学院大 > borrie molengo aso① Uniisotherlainl ( He talks (as/an expert/he/economics / in / if / were ). ➡➡➡029 札幌学院大〉 ➡➡030 〈立命館大〉 you had come earlien. bad oved ⓘ W bitow galub blirds & asw variom e'ois M OI 4 仮定法 6 Wistiqxs sved teum O ➡034 <中部大〉 ➡035 <札幌大〉 〈立命館大> 029 トロ 27. もし君が事情を説明すれば、 メアリーはきっとわかってくれるだろうに。 I'm (explained / if / Mary / sure / understand / would / you) the situation to her. I'm (sure Mary would understand if you explained the sination to her. 33
(22) I (wouldn't worry about it if I were you). 0 (6) had turned. Ⓒ could turn o (?) @ had studied (8) only no (0) had turned & could turn (?) @ had studied. (1) only (9) @ went (co) Ⓒ If it were not for (W) ) If (+) Ⓒ) Were it not (1₂) Had (14) If (15) 0 were it not been for (26) He


