


英語 高校生

この解説の授業受けておらず友達に答え見せて貰い(1)の答えが、紅茶にミルクを注がれると一杯の紅茶の味がよくなるという発見 と書いてあったのですが、私はミルクに紅茶を注がれると一杯の紅茶の味がよくなるというという発見だと思います。どちらが正しいですか?よろしくお願いします🙇

15 The secret of how to make a perfect cup of tea has finally been discovered by put the milk in first. The finding that a cup of tea tastes better English scientists if the tea is poured into the milk appeared to have settled an argument that has been of major concern to this nation of tea drinkers. 52 It all began after Dr. *Andrew Stapley, a chemical engineer at *Loughborough University, revealed 3) the recipe for a perfect cup of tea. He said the keys to producing the perfect cup were using *soft water, warming the pot and allowing the tea to stand for three minutes. As to the difficult issue of whether the milk or tea should be poured in first, Dr. Stapley said science proved it must be the former. The reason is that 10 when milk is exposed to high temperatures, such as being poured into a cup of very hot tea, it loses its fresh taste. 3 However, only a few hours after Dr. Stapley announced his findings to the world, a noisy debate started within the scientific community. Dr. Julia King, head of the *Institute of Physics, said the secret was to keep the water temperature at 98°C. Putting the milk in first was only a social custom that "has nothing to do with taste," she said. "In the past, only the rich could afford high quality *china cups which could withstand the hot tea being poured in directly. In contrast, those of us with cheap china had to put the milk in first to prevent our cups from cracking." ウ 262 words)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

英文の方写真汚くて申し訳ないです汗  3パラグラフ目の印のしてあるaround が、和訳中のどの部分に当たるか分かりません。教えていただきたいです。

テーマ 専門性☆☆☆ 英文レベル★★★ 30 DNAはウイルスから? 文 11 What with the threat of bird flu, the reality of HIV, and the genera unseemliness of having one's cells pressed into labour on behalf of something alien and microscopic, it is small wonder that people don't much like viruses. But we may actually have something to thank the little 5 parasites for. They may have been the first creatures to find a use for DNA, a discovery that set life on the road to its current rich complexity 12 The origin of the double helix is a more complicated issue than it might at first seem. DNA's ubiquity -all cells use it to store their genomes - suggests it has been around since the earliest days of life 10 but when exactly did the double spiral of bases first appear? Some think it was after cells and proteins had been around for a while. Others say DNA showed up before cell membranes had even been invented/ The fact that different sorts of cell make and copy the molecule in very different ways has led others to suggest that the charms of the double 15 helix might have been discovered more than once. And all these ideas have drawbacks. "To my knowledge, up to now there has been no ⚫ convincing story of how DNA originated," says evolutionary biologist Patrick Forterre of the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay. 13 Forterre claims to have a solution. Viruses, he thinks, invented » DNA as a way the defences of the cells they infected. Little more than packets of genetic material, viruses are notoriously adept at* avoiding detection, as influenza's annual self-reinvention attests. Forterre argues that viruses were up to similar tricks when life was young, and that DNA was one of their innovations. To some researchers 25 the idea is an appealing way to fill in a chunk of the DNA puzzle. 270 •

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

高校三年生の論理表現の前置詞についての問題です。 解答を教えていただきたいです。

A 基本的な前置詞 ① of 〈所属部分〉 のイメージ At last we reached the top of the mountain. (ついに私たちは山の頂上に到達した) She is a person of importance in the political world. (彼女は政界の重要人物だ) * of importance = important ②with 〈同伴〉のイメージ ・Who is that girl walking with Tom? (トムと一緒に歩いているあの女の子はだれですか ) That man with gray hair is Dan's father. of : 一部 of : 性質 ・特徴 with : 同伴「~と一緒に」 with : 所有・付属 「~を持った, 〜の付いた」| あの白髪の男性はダンのお父さんだ) *反意語は without (~を持たないで, 〜なしで) ・I should have brought an umbrella with me. with : 携帯 「~の手元にあって、~を身につけて (傘を持ってくるべきだった) We must handle these old books with (great) care. (私たちはこれらの古い本を (非常に)慎重に扱わなくてはいけない) ・I wash my hands with soap as soon as I get home. (私は家に帰るとすぐに石けんで手を洗う) ③through 通り抜ける〉 イメージ . Our train passed through a long tunnel. (私たちの乗った列車は長いトンネルを通り抜けた) Alice wants to travel through Japan. (アリスは日本中をあちこち旅行したがっている) 時間についても同様の用法がある。 ・ I was able to sleep soundly through the night. (一晩中ぐっすり眠ることができた) EXERCISES 1 with :「(様子・状態)でもって」 * with care carefully ( )に of, with, without, through のいずれかを入れなさい。 (1) Alex traveled (4 (2) No animal could live ( (3) Afriend ( . with : 手段 ・ 道具「~を使って」 through: 「~を通り抜けて」 through: 「~のいたるところを」 ←端から端までずっと through: 「〜の間ずっと」 ←始めから終わりまで ) Shikoku. 3 ) water. ) mine told me that Ms. Davis would get married. うわさ てんこう (4) The rumor about Lisa's transfer to another school spread quickly ( (5) Your advice was ( (6) Don't you have any money ) great use. Thank you very much. (7) A large herd of deer were running ( (8) Ellen solved a problem in physics (9) Please fill in the blanks ( (10) She is said to live in a big house ( )you? ) the forest. ease. ) a pen. ) a pool. 52 52 ) her class.

回答募集中 回答数: 0