


英語 高校生

写真下の、青く囲んでいるところらへんについてです。(And the fact that〜perceptions of her) 回答の和訳が、 写真 2枚目のようになっていたのですが 、「アジア人以外による彼女についての認識」の意味がよくわかりません。教えていただきたいです。

【必問題】 bonch of Bumagana ndanese farve boft 4 次の英文は,ある大好きな映画の新作を誰よりも早く観たくて、公開日の3日前から劇場 に並んでいる高校生の Elena の話である。 英文を読んで、あとの問いに答えよ。 (配点 39 ) →手足などが)悪感覚で 彼女の左足はしびれていた Her left foot was asleep. 立ち上がってピョンピョン 跳んだ She kept kicking the sidewalk, then stood up to bounce. ここでは A: 血液循環" "Is your leg asleep again?" Troy said. "I'm worried about your circulation." foot. 20 us to ov "It's fine," Elena said, stamping her foot.ro]" binn She'd only been sitting for two hours) but she was so bored she could hardly (7) 3 it. She could literally hardly (7) even her blood vessels were bored.top ov ~ 渇 all be She'd brought lots of books. She'd planned to read Star Wars books whenever she 静かな瞬間 had a quiet moment in line. Which was every moment so far. But the wind kept blowing the pages, and the paper was so bright in the sun that reading made her eyes water. None of that seemed to bother silent Gabe, who read his paperback without (イ) seeming to notice the sun, the traffic, Troy, Elena or Elena's mom, who kept driving by 1 2 slowly. "The Imperial March" started playing, and Elena answered her phone. Why don't I pick you up now?" her mom said. Then you can get back in line when S there are more girls there." borra "I'm fine," Elena said. 5 to'l- & FOU ELfordd ²1" "You don't even know those men." J V D Elena glanced over at Gabe, who was still absorbed in his book) He was pale with curly, milk-chocolate-colored hair and fosy cheeks. He looked like Clark Kent's skinny cousin. バラ色の頬に赤みがかかっていた やせこけた "You know you have to be extra careful, her mom said. "You look so young." "We've been through this," Elena said. adem They'd been through it a lot: "You look twelve," her mom would say. And Elena couldn't really argue. She was short and small, She could shop in the kids' section. And the fact that she was Vietnamese seemed to confuse non-Asians' S perceptions of her. She was always being mistaken for a kid. 12 - よく言っていた(習慣)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


Reading Many overseas schools also have school uniforms. countries? The uniforms in South Korea are quite like those in Japan. Many students wear jackets and ties. The uniforms in Australia also look much like ours. (1 ), the traditional costume is adopted as the school uniform. ( 2 ), at some high schools in Vietnam, girls wear the native costume called "ao dai." In Bhutan, all schools have adopted the native costumes called "gho" and "kira" as uniforms. What are uniforms like in other What are The designs of some uniforms differ because of the religious backgrounds of the students. In Malaysia, girls wear different kinds of uniforms because of their religion. Some girls show their hair, but others cover it with a head scarf. 1. Choose the appropriate phrase for blanks (1) and ( 2 ) from a. to d. ca (1) a (2). a. For example b. For that reason c. In some countries d. In the past 2. What does the underlined (1) refer to? Answer by using a phrase in the passage. those : The school uniforms 3. How do girls in Malaysia wear uniforms in different ways? Answer by using a sentence in the passage. Some girls showe haz other cover) it with a head scarf their hair, but 4. Answer the following question in English. What do many students wear in South Korea? Jackets I ever fin ma 5. Choose one sentence that fits the passage. (1) The school uniforms in Australia are similar to those in Japan. (2) Students in South Korea sometimes wear the traditional costume at school. (3) In Vietnam and Bhutan, all school uniforms are the native costume. (4) School uniforms are not influenced by religion in Asian countries. (2) (2)_((13)) bivibnt sided beinnow yoddasb huo Vads\acting lourdsal al Uniforms LESSON 3 |三者

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

高3英語です! 答えが合っているか確認していただきたいです! 間違っていたら訂正お願いします。 テキスト(構文80総合問題演習)

Lesson 6 代名詞の研究 18 1920 隣のテーマ: 18 世間一般の人々を表す you, we, they EXERCISES You're not just learning English; you're learning about the world. we: 自分を含む (あなたを含む世間一般の人々は誰でも) they: 第三者(自分、聞き手を含まない) 「ら」 ただ単に英語を学んでいるのではない。 世界について学んでいるのだ。 A 整序完成 発展 those who ~ 「~する人々」 1. 私たちはあ Those who are learning English are actually learning about the world. [will / we (英語を学ぶ者は、実際には世界について学んでいるのだ。) We このthose は代名詞で 「人々」 の意味。 who~ English が those に係る 。 people who ~ も同じ意味の 2. 私の辞書の The size The size 19 that of ... 「・・・のそれ」 構文80 pose 3.スポーツ = the meaning xit of ... とはできないことに注意 The meaning of globalization is different from that of internationalization. [ like / Som 国際化のそれとは グローバル化の意味は異なる グローバル化の意味と国際化の意味は異なる。 B 書き捨 発展 those of ... 「・・・のそれら」 in fist phnolombio 4. Do you The clothes of Vietnamese women look like those of Chinese women. bus Do (ベトナム人女性の服は中国人女性の服と似ている。) 「the + 複数名詞」の繰り返しを避ける代名詞。 that と違って, 物にも人にも使える。 × them of ... は不可。 5. The h ⇒ Th 6. Ther 20 one ... the other ~ 「 ( 2つのうちの) 1つは・・・で,もう1つは〜」 X80 p.060 T 行ってみたいアジアの国が2つある。 There are two Asian countries | would like to visit. 1つはミャンマーで、 もう1つはブータンだ。 C One is Myanmar and the other is Bhutan. 1つ 1つ もう1つ その他 (残り全部) ●●● 7. On ものが3つ以上の場合 O ものが 2つの場合 O one the others (残り全部に特定) one the other (残りの1つに特定) 1 他の1つ 他のいくつか その他 asibor quo ( 「他の不特定の1つ」 は other に an をつけて another) 8. TH *その他の場合 O ●● bro オ one another others the others (「他の不特定の複数」は others, その残り全部は the others) X oil jedi brunt sed 9. H 発展 some... others ~ 「・・・もあれば, ~もある」 Some countries are industrial, and others are agricultural. (工業国もあれば農業国もある。) C 不特定多数を指す構文。 まずいくつかのものを指して some と呼び, 他のいくつかを指して others と言う。 (不特定多数なので the はつかず, 複数形。) D 10. 導入問題 上の例文を参考に [ ] 内に入る適語を選択肢から選びなさい。 18 環境のことを考えなければいけません。 1: [ You ] must think about the environment. 19 アイルランドの旗はイタリアのそれに似ている。 that ] of Italy. The flag of Ireland is similar to [ 20 2羽のウサギが野原で暮らしていた。 1羽は黒く,もう1羽は白だった。 There lived two rabbits in a field. ] was white. other [ ] was black, and the [ One you one that other 英

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

どなたか英語の得意な方この問題問いてくださいませんか、、 先日受験して不安で眠れません

6. 次の英文を読み, 以下の設問に答えよ。 legally as a *trophy. In 2003, a lone hunter killeda rhino on a legal safari in South Africa and brought it back to Asia. Dozens of poachers soon followed. The sound of rifles being fired could be heard in the dark forest just as each paying $50,000 for a hunt. It seems like a lot to pay, but poachers can Damien Mander arrived at his campfire after a long day training *game ranger make as much as $200,000 in profits by selling a pair of horns on *the black recruits in Zimbabwe's Nakavango *game reserve. "There, near the eastern market. boundary," he pointed. He and his rangers grabbed their guns, radios, and ull Many officials in Vietnam are fighting back against reports that the country medical kits. They then drove into the night, hoping to stop the shooter. is the main market for rhino horn, stating that rhino horn bound for Vietnam (21) And so goes a night on the front lines of southern Africa's ruthless * rhino is merely in transit for another country. Do Quang Tung, deputy director of war, which has seen more than a thousand rhinos killed since 2006. At the CITES Managing Authority in Vietnam, said the country "could not be the main bloody heart of this conflict is the rhino's horn, a prized ingredient in traditional market for South African rhino horn," claiming that the majority of Vietnamese Asian medicine. Prices range from $33 to $133 a gram, which at the top end is people would not be able to ( 26 ) rhino horn. Even if there is an emerging double the price of gold. group of people who can ( 26 ) it, he thinks it is too small to make the country Although the range of the two African species 一 the white rhino and its a significant consumer. Professor Dang Huy Huynh, chairman of the Vietnam smaller cousin, the black rhino- has been reduced primarily to southern Africa Zoological Society, says that rhino horn has never been a popular ingredient in and Kenya, their populations had shown signs of improvement. In 2007 white traditional medicine. rhinos numbered 17,470, while blacks had nearly doubled to 4,230 since the mid Recently, there has been a renewed interest in the unproven belief that rhino 90s. horn has healing power. For at least 2,000 years, Asian medicine has prescribed For conservationists these numbers represented a triumph. In the 1970s rhino horn to reduce fever and treat a range of illnesses, but the handful of 22 and '80s, *poaching had nearly caused the two species to become extinct. Ther studies which have been conducted on rhino horn have not found any proof that China banned rhino horn from traditional medicine, and Yemen forbade its ust it can reduce fever. The newest rumor is that it cures cancer, but doctors say in ceremonial knife handles. All signs pointed to better days. But in 2008 th the proof is nonexistent一 no research has been published on the horn's efficacy 23) number of poached rhinos in South Africa shot up to 83, from just 13 in 200' as a cancer treatment. But even if rhino horn is not an effective cure for anything, let alone cancer, that doesn't mean it has no effect, says Mary Hardy. By 2010 the figure had soared to 333, followed by over 400 in 2011. Most of th 27) medical director of Simms/Mann UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology. "Belief horn trade was found to lead to Southeast Asia. in a treatment, especially one that is wildly expensive and hard to get, can have *Javan rhinos once lived in Vietnam's forests. ( 24 ) It had a bullet a powerful effect on how a patient feels," she says. its leg and its horn had been removed. In any event, John Hume believes no rhinos need to die to supply the rhino Even with the rhinos gone, rhino horn can still be found in Vietnam. This 28 25 horn to those who want it. The 69-year-old * entrepreneur has acquired one of because South African law, which complies with the Convention on Internatio the largest privately-owned rhino herds in the world, and currently has more Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), allowS a rhino's horn to be expor ○M3(45)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

学校の講習で使っている長文読解のプリントなのですが、どの参考書のものか気になっていて… 分かる方いたら教えて頂きたいです。

Lesson 1 語 単語 品詞 動 ~がなくなる 1IOrun out of ~ 解答欄 名 天然資源 O natural resources ~を除いて (B); (イ) Dexcept for ~ 問1(A);(ウ) 名 電子機器 Delectronics 大量の~ O large amounts of ~ 問2 いる種類の砂である。 動 抽出する,採取する 図extract 名 アスファルト Dasphalt 問3砂漠の砂はあまりにも滑らかすぎて人間が必要とするほとんどのものには適さないかと 副 ほとんど,大部分 O mostly 2 Z huge 莫大な 間4 (イ) 図 dump 動 捨てる Zexpand 動 拡大する 砂を掘削あるいは採取するために, インドネシアではいくつかの島が消滅し, ベトナムでは 問5いくつもの森林が伐採され, ケニアのサンゴ礁は損傷を受けた。アメリカ合衆国では砂浜が 侵食されてしまうなど, 環境被害が甚大である。 ロ territory 名 領土 2 quantity 名 量 Dimport 動 輸入する 問60 (イ) 2 (ア(オ) Z surround 動 取り囲む construct 動 建設する |turn out 動 結局のところ~であると判明する D smooth 滑らかな, つるつっるした 段落の要旨 3 Dapproximately 副 およそ,約 図mine 動 採掘する さまざまな目的のために水と空気以外で砂を最もよく使っているために, 世界では今砂不足に 直面している。 Dannually 副 毎年 Denvironmental 形 環境の |世界でなくなりつつある砂は, 砂それ自体ではなくて, 私たちの現代生活を実現するために使 われる種類の砂である。 D cost 代償,犠牲 D disappear 動 消える 世界で毎年およそ400億トンの砂と砂利が掘削されており, さまざまな地域で環境への代頂は 3 大きい。 4 Dmud 名 泥 のwork with 動 ~と協力する 4資材の再利用や砂を使わない埋め立て方法など. 幸いにも砂に代わるものはある。 形 オランダ人の 図Dutch Dexpert 名 専門家 熟 ~の代わりに,~しないで Dinstead of~ 熟 ~の代わりとなるもの Dalternative to ~ Lesson 1

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英語 高校生


SOUND Breakfast in Vietnam 容 ベトナムの朝食 po you eat breakfast at home every day? Many Japanese people eat preakfast at home, but Vietmamese people usually get up wih he sun and eat out They drop by food stalls or restanrants 因 も fo eat breakfast. The most popular breakfast dish in Viemam 諾 に js io. 7Mo looks lke 2oz but it is made of 記寺 に rice. People can emjoy difierent toppings everV morming. gr (French bread sandwiches ) and xoz (stcky rice) are also popular for breakfast. Are you interested jm Vietnamese food nows 6皮でフィーを食べる人々 (ポーチミン) Maybe you can nnq Vietnamese restaurant in your town and try some. 人ん 本文の内容にあうものにO。 あわないものにXXを箇きなさい。 1 ベトナムの人々は, 朝食にうどんに似た料理を食べる。 ( ) 2 フォーは米から作られていて, さまざまな内材をのせて食べる。 ( ) 3 パインミーやソイは, 朝食としてはあまり人気がない。 〔 ) Ln 也 次の問いに対する答えを下の[_]の中から選び. 記号を書きなさい。 1 Where do Vietnamese people usually eat breakfast? ( ) 2 What is the most popular breakfast im Vietnam 5 ( ) ( ) 3 IS 22%7 7 a kind of sandwich? f |ァ Yesjtjs イィNeoitisnt ・ウBo エ 2 j5. オ At home. 力 At food staUs or restaurants. Vietnam ベトナム社会玉義共和国 Vietnamese ベトナムの ealout 外食する drop by 立ち寄る food stall 財台 jo フォー(料理名) topping 具閉、トッピング 2 がf パインミー (料理名) xi ソイ(料理名) Sticky rice もち米、おこわ

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