


英語 高校生

問5の考え方を教えてください。 大学の過去問のため、解答を読んでも内容が薄すぎてわかりませんでした。

次の英文を読んで, 後の問いに答えなさい。 (35点) 1 Some of the best workers in America dont get paid. But these (jemployees aren't quitting or Complaining. In fact, they seem happy to work like, well, dogs. That, of course, is what thev are Professional dogs do a variety of jobS. They serVe as "eyes" for the blind and "ears" for the dear" A they bring joy to children in hospital, Dogs do many other jobs too. (2With)the right training, dogs make great workers. They're smart. and faithful. They're also very much reliable. 3 Lア has/ イ than/ ウ a dog's/ エtwenty/ オ ahuman's/ カ nose / キtimes / ク more smelling cells」: Dogs may learn to smell bombs, drugs, money, or even bananas. les, bananas. Fruits, vegetables, meat, and other food items sometimes carry nsects and diseases, Food-rom foreign_countries scould infect, crops or animals in the U.S> To prevent that, the U.S. Government trained a group() beagles,) who check wallets and bags at international airports. The beagle silegtty_ sits down next to A illegal items. But why beagles? They're friendly and attractive. So they don't scare people as they check through the crowds. More important, beagles have an amazing nose for food. They sense smells so Vague that machines can't measure them. acch mugy pae pauue 「smells Suspicious. The dog's human partner then checks for

未解決 回答数: 1