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79 Many Americans wish to live in San FranciscO. Beautiful setting, mySteriOuS and romantic fogs, cable cars一一everyone leaves their hearts here. The city jS also well known for being very hilly. There's a law that When you Dark Your car on one of the hills, you have to leave your front wheels turned to the curb so that the car wont start to roll down the hil. The State of California。in which San Francisco is located, WaS OnC6 a Spanish territory、 You can find a lot of Spanish place names in this state. Los Angeles is "The Angels” and San Francisco is “Saint Francis.′ There are still many people here who speak Spanish. Im January 1848, a man found something shiny near where Sacramento is today. It was a lump of gold! The news soon spread to every part of the United States. People deserted their homes and businesses and rushed to Califormia。 Accountants threw away their books, mechanics their monkey wrenches、farmers their plows, teachers their chalk, and sailors jumped of 。 their shipe Most of these gold-seekers came in 1849. so they were called the "Torty- " Thousands came by land. Going across the Great Plains, the Rocky and the Sierra Nevada was a difhcult and dangerous journey, but it _ WayY. Many others came by ship、for San Francisco was a wiled all the way from the Atlantic coast around South to Caiifomia. But not all of them were

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