


英語 高校生

自分の行きたい進路先の過去問を解いてみました。 解答が付いてないないので、どなたか添削お願いします🙇‍♀️ よろしくお願いします🙏

第2問 次の対話1~5の( )に入れるのに最も適切なものを、①~④の中から1つず つ選び、その番号を解答用紙の解答欄に記入しなさい。 1. A: Come downstairs, Mary. Dinner is ready. B: I'm ( ). (4) bringing 2 taking 2. A: What's that song you're listening to? B: You don't know? It's "Yesterday Once More" by the Carpenters. You ( hadn't heard 3 must've heard S ~ coming かどれない might hear 4 shouldn't hear rough ないた 3. A: I'd like to go to Narita Airport./ Can you tell me foughly what the fare would be? B:( ). A: Can you make it in 30 minutes? I'm supposed to be there by 6 o'clock. B: I don't know if I can, but I'll try. I suppose it'd be about ten kilometers. I suppose it'd be about three thousand yen. 3 I think the train is late. A: ( ) B: So I can't agree to that. I think I can pay tomorrow. 金 像 4. A: I want to buy this golden statue of a bear. B: What good will it be to us? 1 Heaven knows. I didn't mean it. arrived too late you I have a question going 2 That's too bad. I know just how you feel. 5. A: Hello. This is Sophia Klein speaking. May I speak to Bill? B: Bill? There's no one by that name here. I'm afraid (). A: Oh, I'm sorry. Good-bye. ③ I can't hear you well you have the wrong number ) it before.

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

解答がなく困っています。 どなたか分かる方いらっしゃいませんか?? どうしても行きたい進路先の過去問なので、よろしくお願いします。

第2問 次の対話1~5の ( つ選び、その番号を解答用紙の解答欄に記入しなさい。 1. A: Come downstairs, Mary. Dinner is ready. B: I'm ( ). hadn't heard 3 must've heard に入れるのに最も適切なものを、 ①~④ の中から1つず bringing 2. A: What's that song you're listening to? B: You don't know? It's "Yesterday Once More" by the Carpenters. You ( 2 taking 3 coming 4 going A: Can you make it in 30 minutes? B: I don't know if I can, but I'll try. 2 might hear 4 shouldn't hear 3. A: I'd like to go to Narita Airport. Can you tell me roughly what the fare would be? B: ( ). I'm supposed to be there by 6 o'clock. 1 I suppose it'd be about ten kilometers. 2 I suppose it'd be about three thousand yen. 3 I think the train is late. 4 I think I can pay tomorrow. Heaven knows. 3 I didn't mean it. 4. A: I want to buy this golden statue of a bear. B: What good will it be to us? A: ( B: So I can't agree to that. 1 you arrived too late 3 I have a question 2 That's too bad. 4 I know just how you feel. 5. A: Hello. This is Sophia Klein speaking. May I speak to Bill? I'm afraid ( ). B: Bill? There's no one by that name here. A: Oh, I'm sorry. Good-bye. ) it before. 2 I can't hear you well 4 you have the wrong number

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


自標時間:14.5分 0各30秒× 10問 0各60秒× 0各30秒× 0各30秒× Chapler 0各2点 合計/調点 0各2点 3問 8問 5個 0各4点 0各2点 /16 /10 158 /12 120 |5分 各2点 0 空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを1つずつ選べ。 The doctor has advised me not to eat eggs anymore, so T've stopped ( ④ to buy ) them. (南山大) 1. 3 for buying の to have bought 2 buying ) the window? 2 opening (上智大) 2. Would you mind ( ③ open の open to 0 to open We cannot afford ( の to buy )a house right now. 2 buying (甲南大) の in order to buy 3. 3 for buying ) the old house by advertising it in the paper. 2 having to sell (清泉女子大) We managed ( O having sold 4. 3 to have sold ④ to sell )with her in a beautiful garden when I was young. の to play (日本大) 5. I remember ( O played ② playing ③ to have played )to Uncle Neil tomorrow. 2 of writing (北里大) Don't forget ( 0 writing 6. to write の having written (青山学院大) 7. My mother wouldn't ( D admit )me eat more than one ice creama dav. 2 get 3 let の permit ) to my office. When he returns from lunch, please have ( 2 him to come 8. (福島大) D him come 3 he should come の him coming The river is terribly polluted. How can we ( keep ) people to clean it? 3 let 9. (昭和女子大) 0 get の make ) some things for themselves. 3 to discover 10. A good teacher allows students ( (センター試験) 0 discover 2 discovered ④ discovering ② ( ) 内の語句を並べかえて文を完成させよ。 先頭の語も小文字で始まっている。 |3分 各4点 1. Have ( about / complain / èver heard / her /her job /you )? (愛知みずほ大) ever heard har COmolain abaut her job! 2. 医学の進歩により、 人々はより長生きできるようになった。 (to/ people / live / enabled / have/longer /imedical advancements ). (盛農学園大) Medicol.aduance monts enabded to 1omgtr Deople live 3. 雨が突然降ってきたので、少年たちは仕方なく野球をやめました。 The ( stop / the boys / rain / playing / forced / to /sudden ) baseball. (日本大) min Stap playing. Main. Sudden to. forced the. boy.

解決済み 回答数: 1