

第2問 次の対話1~5の( )に入れるのに最も適切なものを、①~④の中から1つず つ選び、その番号を解答用紙の解答欄に記入しなさい。 1. A: Come downstairs, Mary. Dinner is ready. B: I'm ( ). (4) bringing 2 taking 2. A: What's that song you're listening to? B: You don't know? It's "Yesterday Once More" by the Carpenters. You ( hadn't heard 3 must've heard S ~ coming かどれない might hear 4 shouldn't hear rough ないた 3. A: I'd like to go to Narita Airport./ Can you tell me foughly what the fare would be? B:( ). A: Can you make it in 30 minutes? I'm supposed to be there by 6 o'clock. B: I don't know if I can, but I'll try. I suppose it'd be about ten kilometers. I suppose it'd be about three thousand yen. 3 I think the train is late. A: ( ) B: So I can't agree to that. I think I can pay tomorrow. 金 像 4. A: I want to buy this golden statue of a bear. B: What good will it be to us? 1 Heaven knows. I didn't mean it. arrived too late you I have a question going 2 That's too bad. I know just how you feel. 5. A: Hello. This is Sophia Klein speaking. May I speak to Bill? B: Bill? There's no one by that name here. I'm afraid (). A: Oh, I'm sorry. Good-bye. ③ I can't hear you well you have the wrong number ) it before.
第3問 次の( )内の英語の語(句) を、 日本語の意味に合うように並べかえたとき、 ( (注意: 文頭に来るべき文字も小文字で表記してある場合があります。) の番号を、 解答用紙の解答欄に記入しなさい。 )内で3番目と5番目に来る語(句) 1. 何か話すことを持っていることが重要だ。 It is important to (① to ② about ③ something ④ talk have something to talk about. あなたは私がそんな話を信じると思っているのですか。 Do you (① that story 2 me ③ to believe to expect me that story believe ⑤ expect)? ④ 3. あなたのために私ができることがあるかどうか、 教えてください。 ① if ② know let me ⑤ there's) anything I can do for you. Let me know if there's 4. 彼女はお正月に孫たちと会えるのを楽しみにしていた。 She ( ① seeing ②looking ③her grandchildren Year's Day. S 14 1 05 ③ was ⑤5⑤ to ⑥ forward) on New was looking forward to seeing her groned children ⑤③ ①② 4 5. 私は美容院でネイルをしてもらった。 (① painted ② my ③ had ④ nails ⑤ I at the beauty shop. I had painted my nails. 6. 濃い霧が道路に立ち込めて、安全に運転するのは不可能になった。 A thick fog covered the road ( ① it ② drive ③ impossible 7. 雪のため父はいつもより遅く帰宅した。 Because of the snow + got② home my got. 長崎は美しい景色で有名な異国情緒豊かな町です。 beautiful 2 Nagasaki is an exotic town (① scenery which). 5 have). 50 3 later if making inpossible todrive father 420603 (50 which beautiful gcenery 14364 making ⓢ to) safely. my father than 6 usual). home later than usual, ④①②( which famous ④ for its famous ⑤ for もし君が事情を説明すれば、メアリーはきっとわかってくれるだろうに。 I'm (① explained situation to her. understand if ③ Mary ④ sure sure Mary woulol understand if you explained 5 is 6 its (7) ① 10. 彼女は午後ゆっくりできるようにと、午前中にがんばって働いた。 She worked hard in the morning ( ① that afternoon. ② she ③ in ④ so ⑤5 could ⑥ would ⑦ you) the that she could relax in 401 360 ⑥ relax) the
第4問 次の英文を読んで、(質問) 1~5に対する答えを、それぞれ①~④の中から1つ ずつ選び、その番号を解答用紙の解答欄に記入しなさい。 小遣い Jimmy was seven years old. He got an allowance from his parents every week, but (1)he wasted a lot of it on things which he saw in the stores and suddenly wanted to buy, although he didn't need One day his mother gave him a notebook and said, “Now, Jimmy, (2) ( )you buy anything, I want you to write it down in this notebook, and write down the price, too. Then you can look at it again when your money's all (3) ( ), and you won't waste so much money next time." them. After a week, Jimmy said to his mother, “Do you know, Mommy, before Ⅰ spend any money now, Ireally stop and think?" His mother was very pleased and thought, “Well, he's learned the (4) ( ) of money now." But she wasn't so happy when he added, “Yes, before I buy anything, Ⅰ always ask myself, 'Am I going to be able to (5) ( ) that in my notebook?"" 【注】 allowance 「 小遣い」 (質問) 1.下線部(1) のような状況を日本語で何と言うか、最も適切なものを ① ~ ④ より選び、 その番号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 ① 青田買い ② 爆買い ③ 安物買い ④ 衝動買い 2. 空欄 (2) に入れるのに最も適切なものを①~④より選び、その番号を解答欄に記入し なさい。 the deg 何にでも ① whatever ② however 3. 空欄 (3) に入れるのに最も適切なものを①~④より選び、 その番号を解答欄に記入し なさい。 ① ② reached 3 using ④ coming ① gone 4.空欄(4)に入れるのに最も適切なものを①~④より選び、その番号を解答欄に記入し なさい。 ③ ① size ④ place 5. 空欄 (5)に入れるのに最も適切なものを①~④より選び、その番号を解答欄に記入し なさい。 ① spend いつでも 誰でも 3 whenever ④ whoever (2 time send value 3 sell ④ spell ④ 【出典】 Intermediate Anecdotes in American English by L. A. Hill (Oxford University Press) p.32 より引用改変。
英語 高校生 高校3年 過去問 受験生


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

1. ③  ※come:話し手の所に来る/話し相手の所に行く  go:他の場所に行く
2. 〇
3. 〇
4. ① = 分かりません。/神のみぞ知る。
A:この熊の黄金像を買いたいな~。 B:私達にどんなご利益があるのだい?
A:分かんない。 B:じゃ~、それには賛成できないね。
5. 〇
1. 〇
2. ③① Do you (expect me to believe that story)?
※expect O to ~ Oが~することを期待する
3. 〇
4. 〇
5. ②① (I had my nails painted) at the beauty shop.
※have(使役動詞) O ~ed(過去分詞) Oを~してもらう
6. ③② A thick fog covered the road, (making it impossible to drive) safely.
※分詞構文:, making it impossible …=, and it made it impossible …
7. 〇
8. ③⑥ Nagasaki is an exotic town (which is famous for its beautiful scenery).
※be famous for … …で有名な
9. 〇
10. 〇
1. 〇
2. ③ ← whenever you(S) buy(V) anything(O) あなたが何かを買う時はいつでも 
3. 〇
4. 〇
5. 〇





My pleassure!😊
