


英語 高校生

答えをなく困っています。 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

I 次の英単語で最も強く発音する部分(第一アクセント) を、 それぞれ記号で答えなさい。 1. del-i-cate アイウ Ⅱ 次の英文を読み、 設問に答えなさい。 How many hours a day do you spend on your *cell phone? Today, more and more young people are spending more and more time on smartphones and computers. According (D) a 2013 *survey carried out by the *Japanese Cabinet Office, 97.2% of high school students owned a cell phone; of these, 82.8% had a smartphone. This is a *drastic increase from 2010, when only 3.9% of those with cell phones had smartphones. The survey also shows that the spread of smartphones has led to increased access to the Internet among children, whose average access time on a weekday is 107 minutes. The Cabinet Office also found that 40% of Japanese children *log on to the Internet more than two hours a day, and that 8% spend more than five hours a day online. This has led to some serious social and *psychological problems. Heavy Internet users become *obsessed with staying online and @develop an *addiction to games, social media sites, and free communication systems such as LINE. The various *adverse effects of such addictions have been reported in most developed countries. Many young addicts suffer (2) headaches and sleep disturbances such as *insomnia. They fail to maintain normal weight *due to eating irregularities. And many are more likely to experience emotional distress, isolation, anxiety, and depression. A British study suggests a clear link between excessive Internet use (3) lower self-esteem. Those young people who spend more than four hours a day looking at a screen are particularly *vulnerable to mental *disorders. Several related studies conducted in China make clear the effects of Internet use on brain structure. One study has shown that *volume @losses were seen in the *gray matter areas of Internet addicts' brains. These areas are involved in people's ability to develop *empathy and compassion for others. Another Chinese study used MRI scans to look at the brains of Internet-addicted teenagers and found significant damage in the *white-matter nerve fibers connecting the brain areas governing emotions, decision-making, and self-control. Similar (4) can be seen in the brains of heavy alcohol and drug users. 2. a-bil-i-ty 3. access 4. va-ri-e-ty 5. in-tro-duce アイウエ アイ アイウエ アイウ () cell phone: ## 1. ( survey: drastic: 極端な log on : アクセスする obsessed with~: ~に夢中になる addiction: insomnia: I due to~: ~のため volume: disorder: # U empathy: # white-matter: Japanese Cabinet Office: psychological: 心理的な adverse effects: vulnerable to~: ~になりやすい gray matter: K Я, + ①~④に入れるのに最も適した語をそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その記号で答えなさい。 1 ( with into A to = at) 2 ( from in on = above)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

答えがなく困っています。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

Ⅰ 次の英単語で最も強く発音する部分(第一アクセント)を、 それぞれ記号で答えなさい。 d 2. a-bil-i-ty 3. access 4. va-ri-e-ty 5. in-tro-duce del-i-cate アイウ アイウェ アイ アイウェ アイウ Ⅱ 次の英文を読み、 設問に答えなさい。 How many hours a day do you spend on your *cell phone? Today, more and more young people are spending more and more time on smartphones and computers. According () a 2013 *survey carried out by the *Japanese Cabinet Office, 97.2% of high school students owned a cell phone; of these, 82.8% had a smartphone. This is a *drastic increase from 2010, when only 3.9% of those with cell phones had smartphones. The survey also shows that the spread of smartphones has led to increased access to the Internet among children, whose average access time on a weekday is 107 minutes. The Cabinet Office also found that 40% of Japanese children *log on to the Internet more than two hours a day, and that 8% spend more than five hours a day online. This has led to some serious social and *psychological problems. Heavy Internet users become *obsessed with staying online and develop an *addiction to games, social media sites, and free communication systems such as LINE. The various *adverse effects of such addictions have been reported in most developed countries. Many young addicts suffer (2) headaches and sleep disturbances such as *insomnia. They fail to maintain normal weight *due to eating irregularities. And many are more likely to experience emotional distress, isolation, anxiety, and depression. A British study suggests a clear link between excessive Internet use (3) lower self-esteem. Those young people who spend more than A four hours a day looking at a screen are particularly *vulnerable to mental *disorders. -No H Several related studies conducted in China make clear the effects of Internet use on brain structure. One study has shown that *volume @losses were seen in the *gray matter areas of Internet addicts' brains. These areas are involved in people's ability to develop *empathy and compassion for others. Another Chinese study used MRI scans to look at the brains of Internet-addicted teenagers and found significant damage in the *white-matter nerve fibers connecting the brain areas governing emotions, decision-making, and self-control. Similar (4) can be seen in the brains of heavy alcohol and drug users. () cell phone: ## survey: drastic: 極端な log on: アクセスする obsessed with ~ : ~に夢中になる addiction due to~: ~のため volume: white matter: insomnia: TRE disorder: , empathy: # 1. ( ) ①~④に入れるのに最も適した語をそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その記号で答えなさい。 (with into A to = at) 2 ( from = above) □in Japanese Cabinet Office: A psychological: 心理的な . # adverse effects: vulnerable to~: ~になりやすい gray matter: K ハon

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

分かりません 教えてください!

Exercise 1 Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the sentences. A 2) The frog was still in the bucket. [alive] 1) This is the story in today's newspaper. [main] 4) The book was written by the Prime Minister. [late] 3) Is there anything with the brakes? [wrong] 5) Because of the lack of sunny days, the crops are this year. [late] 6) She is to buy the jewelry. [ certain ] vakanteng gob you boallow sal berengued egnida synku? 7) That festival takes place in a town in Tohoku. [ certain ]RI RETAS 8) What do you think of the government? [present] 9) He was at the birth of his son. [ present ] 10) This river is about 200 meters there. [wide] A We need someone to carry out this research. [ suitable] 12) You should not leave your child in the car. [alone ] 13) Always keeping my room is not easy for me. [clean] Het be 2 Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences. One of the words given is unnecessary. →AB slurp Ai 7 Day ini yhatid bougs 3) party. 4) 1) [feeling / may / you / lonely / only / bé ] but you are not alone. 2) Will [be / convenient / Wednesday / you/ are/for]? was/ old friends/ meet/glad/he/it/to/his] at the / are/ for 12 [possible / are/is/you/it/to/ for ] attend the meeting? buque qulog dieu | () 5) [for/to/you/it/ stay / necessary / here /is/are ].meldeinftab liw-W 6) [to / sorry / mother / was/my/it/ hear ] the news. berini awono on yliqqall ek 7 the po 3 Bu Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. 1) I usually drink coffee ( . (何も入れないで飲む) REM 2) I have a ( 3) She stayed in the best room ( 4) Grandma isn't ( 5) He lay ( brother. (20歳の兄がいる))) teomis sH Q ei seion dT O →AB in the hotel. (そのホテルで利用できる最高の部屋に滞在した) (read small letters without glasses. (眼鏡なしでは読めない) ) half the night worrying about her daughter's future. (Tut Put it into English - Context writing - 1) 富士山は私たちにとって単なる山ではない。 (mere) It is a symbol of Japan. 2)その山は高さ3,776メートルの火山だ。 (a volcano) 3) 夏のある特定の期間, 山頂に多くの登山者を見つけるだろう。 (the mountaintop) 4) その山に登るときは、夏でも暖かい衣類を持っていくことが不可欠だ。(clothing) 5) 何か温かい飲み物を持っていくほうがよい。 FACTBOOK Tips 41 F p.426 形容詞は kind (親切な), busy (忙しい)などといった典型的なものばかりではありません。英語は位置のことばです。 前後に配置すれば典型的な形容詞でなくても形容詞として機能します。 (a) customer satisfaction (顧客満足),(b) mac translation (R), (c) English-speaking countries (4), (d) written English (U の現在分詞 過去分詞はもちろん, (a)(b)のような名詞も形容詞として使うことができるのです。

解決済み 回答数: 1