


英語 高校生

英検準一級のライティング問題です。 添削お願いします。字数稼ぎの表現などがあれば教えて下さると嬉しいです!

Should people trust information on the internet ? 120~150 words 思わない。 1.ネットには、うその情報が多く書かれている。 それは私たちを幸せにすることもあるが、不幸せにすることのほうが多い。 すべての情報に信じすぎてしまうと、何を信じたらよいかわからなくなり、 SNSにうかれてしまう。 2、あまり公式でないネットショッピングサービスを使うと、だまされることがある。 レ例えば、普通の時よりも安く売ったり、 高買う お金だけ払って商品が届かない など 気づかずに個人情報を入力してしまうと、その後も被害を受ける 可能性がある。 I think That people shuld not Trst infomation on the Internet, I have two reasons, First, information on the internet is consisted of us unhappy. And, If we lie information and tmstinformation. If we cannot judge such infinatin information makes T Trust all information we do not understand what we believe. So, SNS made us tired、 Second, when we use unofficial online shopping service, we may deceive. For example, we may buy things expensive price than usually price, we but and Pay money we cant get goods. If we do not realize that we put into personal information, we can laffect damage after. For these two reasons, I think that people ought to trust information on the internet, 」 101 118

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英語 高校生

英検準1級の要約の添削をお願いします🙏 最後の方がまとまり切らなくて入らなかったので、アドバイス欲しいです!

Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark, has emerged as a shining example of a city proactively addressing global warming. With a comprehensive and ambitious approach to sustainability, Copenhagen has set a goal to become the world's first carbon-neutral capital by 2025. The city has implemented a range of initiatives, including a robust public transportation system, extensive bike lanes, and a commitment to renewable energy sources. One of Copenhagen's notable achievements is its focus on cycling infrastructure, encouraging residents to choose eco-friendly modes of transportation. The city has invested heavily in creating an extensive network of bike lanes and bike-sharing programs, reducing reliance on carbon-emitting vehicles. Additionally, Copenhagen is committed to transitioning to renewable energy, with wind power playing a significant role in meeting its energy needs. While Copenhagen's efforts are widely praised, challenges remain. Critics argue that achieving carbon neutrality by 2025 is an ambitious target and may involve trade-offs, such as increased taxes and potential economic strain. Additionally, the city faces the complexities of balancing urban development with environmental preservation. Nevertheless, Copenhagen's dedication to tackling global warming serves as an inspiring model for other cities, showcasing the potential benefits of sustainable urban planning and the importance of balancing environmental goals with economic considerations.

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