


英語 高校生

②の最後の文 just create 〜 environment that のthatは関係代名詞の主格用法?ですか?

5 1 1 百倍へ How to Avoid Being Late 急用を思い出して相 You never want to be late for class. But once in a while, 249 words you stay up late at night, losing yourself in a TV show or video game. Or maybe you simply find that you are incapable of waking up early. You to be on time, but you just can't. You're at your wit's end, and decide that you're just not cut out for mornings. you want may ② Don't worry! There are solutions. Experts say that going to sleep earlier is the first step. Getting more sleep at night will makea 遅刻しないようにす ① 誰だって自ら望ん かしをして テレビ番組 に早起きができない い でもどうしてもそ contribution to earlier and more productive mornings. Some people turn to sleeping pills, but these should be a last resort. Just create a 10 bedroom environment that is suitable for a good night's sleep. ③ Another good idea is to develop a new routine for the mornings. If you have some delicious tea or breakfast treats to enjoy in the course of getting ready for school, you'll look forward to starting your day. And if you feel like you're always on the go, set aside a few minutes to breathe 15 quietly and relax. ④ What if you're still late? If the class is already in progress when you get there, after class, get in contact with a friend and find out what you missed in the class. And even if you fail at first, don't lose sight of your goal. Just keep trying, and you'll become a more は朝型に向いていない ② 大丈夫! 解決策 夜の睡眠時間を のにするのに役立つ すべきだ。 とにかく う。 ③ 朝に新しい習 ている間に、おいし 1日を始めるのが うなら.2.3分時 う。 ○ それでもや もう授業が進行 聞き逃したこと

未解決 回答数: 2
英語 高校生


Grammar Yourself! bog法に強くなろう! A. 例にならい枠の中から適切な単語を選び、 必要な場合は適切な形にして次の1~4の文を完成 させましょう。 例 It's Takashi's birthday tomorrow. He'll (b)20. 1. "Are you coming with me?" "No, I'll ( ) here." 2. Don't worry about the test. You'll ( ) an A. ) you about the program in detail. be√ come get stay 3. Beth is going to ( 4. Let's wait here until everyone ( ) back from the campus tour. B. 例にならい、カッコ内から正しい語句を選び○で囲みましょう。 tell 15 Hurry! It's already nine o'clock. ( We won't/We're going to be late. 1. "Are you ready?" "Not yet, but (I'll / I won't) be ready in 10 minutes. 2. "Is Yoona coming to the party?" "I don't know. (I'll / I'm going to ) ask her." ar, 3. I'm worried about the test. If I don't get over 60 percent, I won't / will) pass. ) 4. "How about going out for dinner?" "Sorry. (I'll / I'm going to go to a concert から tonight." angled tar You C. 日本語の意味に合うようにカッコ内の語句を並べ替え、 英文を完成させましょう。 ただし、文 の始めにくる単語も小文字にしてあり、 1つ余分な語句が含まれています。 you talk. D 1. キャンパスツアーの後は何をする予定ですか? ( are / will / what / to do / we / going) after the campus tour? 2. キャンパスツアーの後で歓迎会を行います。 Portom tort (welcome we're / we'll / a / party / having ) after the campus tour. 3.10分を超える遅刻は欠席と見なします。 If you're more than 10 minutes late, ( consider / won't / absence / an / it / I'll ). Kaat's Read Aloud & Welte 4. 後でキャンパスを案内します。 (you / I'll / I'm going / the campus / around/show) later. 5 単語 も実際 に使わ 35

未解決 回答数: 1