


英語 高校生


第 01 章 15 13 Michelle loves her dog, and ( ① washes Try! My father usually ( ② washed ① woke ② wakes 12 1 Section 1 現在時制 過去時制 ・進行形 ・時制の問題のポイント 動詞を入れる問題では, 時を表す語句を探す。 文意や空所の前後の語句に注目し, 空所の品詞や形を判断する。 Nick ( ① leaves Field 1 文法 2. The game ( ① starts My brother ( 1 watches ③ is watched Try! Maria ( COMPLEME Try! 1.Scott (move) the chair to our classroom last Monday. 時制 2. Everyone ( 1 is known ③ is washing ) up at 5 o'clock these days. LANTL 3 wake ② has started ) home about two hours ago. (le ② is leaving ③ left ④ has left ) the dog every Sunday. ④ wash an hour ago. 1 was talking ③ has been talking ④ woken PSACCH ② is watching 4 is being watched ③ will start E AS Try! Keiko is in the kitchen. She's () a pot of tea. ① is making > 2 making 3 makes 4 make SLADI When I entered the room, David (5) TV. ① has been watching ② is watching 3 was watching ④ watches ④ started ) TV in the living room at the moment. ② is knowing ) with Jan when I saw her 30 minutes ago. ② has talked ④ is talking 合 章 30 AR TO ) about his success in business. i 3 know ④ knows J&J 語形変化 She ( ) that doll very much. 80 ① like ② likes ③ was liking ④ has been liking Try! 1. I hated chemistry when I was in junior high school, but now I (like) it. (神田外語大) 現在の習慣的動作 ・ 状態を表す動詞の形 は? JOSEHONE4 (東京工芸大 主語が Michelle であ ることと every Sunday に注目 T100 過去の動作・状 態を表す動詞の形 は? about two hours ago 「約2時間前に」が示す ,現在,過去,未 来のどれ? ( 椙山女学園大 ) (湘南工科大)文 T100 今している最中 の動作を表す動詞の 形は? 主語が my brother で あることと watch と at the moment の関係に 注目 T100 過去のある時点 進行中の動作を表 す動詞の形は? When I entered the room 「私がその部屋に 入ったとき」という過去 のある時点でDavid が ainenしていたことを表すに は? 10 原則として進行形にし ない動詞とは? like 「・・・ が好きである」 は進行形にできるか できないか? Sec 6 Try 17 TE F 8

解決済み 回答数: 1