


英語 高校生

教えて下さると嬉しいです( •̥-•̥ )

A. Circle the correct answer for each question. likely to be jealous of someone. 1. You are more 2. Which do many people decorate at Christmas time? 3. Which are people more accustomed to? a. rich a. a feast b. a tree a. spending money b. receiving awards a. an empire b. a rifle a. an insect b. water a. help it b. ruin it 6. What would profit do for a business? a. excited b. confused 7. Which would people rather be? a. a contract b. a feast 8. Which would you invite friends to share with you? a. a recruit b. a contract 9. Which would you sign? a. being punished b. getting a reward 10. Which would few people enjoy? B. Complete the paragraph with items from the box. Two items are extra. Which of these is a weapon? 4. 5. Which of these flows? discovered resembled establishing rights faced status by Roy's s grief the rest of Many people change countries during their life, but one man has (1) (2) son and (10) heir took over This surprised people in the UK, who believed they had the (5) . Bates and (6) to leave the platform. However, Roy (8). in the sea to contain (3) that would be used to fight off invaders. After the war, the soldiers left these platforms and they were forgotten - until 1967. In that year, a British man, Roy Bates, one of the platforms and announced he had started his own country, (4) called Sealand. b. poor himself by his own country. During World War II, the UK built a number of artificial platforms made a name for weapons the people on the island (his family), (7) In 1968, a court decided that the UK had no power over Sealand. Just like other places with the that the platform was in international waters. to the platform. orders of a country, Sealand, has its own stamps, coins, and passports. It is controlled 'Prince' Michael, and is home to a large Internet business. 11 15 69

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英語 高校生


Circle the correct answer for each question. A. likely to be jealous of someone 1. You are more 2. Which do many people decorate at Christmas time? 3. Which are people more accustomed to? 4. Which of these is a weapon? 5. Which of these flows? a. rich b. poor a. a feast b. a tree a. spending money b. receiving awards b. a rifle b. water b. ruin it b. confused b. a feast b. a contract a. a recruit a. being punished b. getting a reward B. Complete the paragraph with items from the box. Two items are extra. 6. What would profit do for a business? 7. Which would people rather be? 8. Which would you invite friends to share with you? 9. Which would you sign? 10. Which would few people enjoy? discovered resembled establishing rights faced status a. an empire a. an insect a. help it a. excited a. a contract grief the rest of (9) by Roy's son and (10) heir took over Many people change countries during their life, but one man has (1) (2) himself by his own country. During World War II, the UK built a number of artificial platforms in the sea to contain (3) that would be used to fight off invaders. After the war, the soldiers left these platforms and they were forgotten - until 1967. In that year, a British man, Roy Bates, (4) one of the platforms and announced he had started his own country, called Sealand. This surprised people in the UK, who believed they had the (5) - Bates and (6) to leave the platform. However, Roy (8). made a name for weapons to the platform. orders In 1968, a court decided that the UK had no power over Sealand. Just like other places with the that the platform was in international waters. of a country, Sealand, has its own stamps, coins, and passports. It is controlled 'Prince' Michael, and is home to a large Internet business. the people on the island (his family), (7) in 11 - 15 69

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英語 高校生


A. Circle the correct answer for each question. likely to be jealous of someone 1. You are more 2. Which do many people decorate at Christmas time? 3. Which are people more accustomed to? a. rich a. a feast b. a tree a. spending money b. receiving awards a. an empire b. a rifle a. an insect b. water a. help it b. ruin it a. excited b. confused a. a contract b. a feast a. a recruit b. a contract a. being punished b. getting a reward B. Complete the paragraph with items from the box. Two items are extra. 4. Which of these is a weapon? 5. Which of these flows? 6. What would profit do for a business? 7. Which would people rather be? 8. Which would you invite friends to share with you? 9. Which would you sign? 10. Which would few people enjoy? discovered resembled establishing rights called Sealand. faced status - Many people change countries during their life, but one man has (1) (2). This surprised people in the Bates and (6) to leave the platform. However, Roy (8). (9) by Roy's son and (10) grief the rest of heir took over in the sea to contain (3) that would be used to fight off invaders. After the war, the soldiers left these platforms and they were forgotten - until 1967. In that year, a British man, Roy Bates, one of the platforms and announced he had started his own country, b. poor himself by his own country. During World War II, the UK built a number of artificial platforms made a name for weapons who believed they had the (5) the people on the island (his family), (7) to the platform. orders In 1968, a court decided that the UK had no power over Sealand. Just like other places with the that the platform was in international waters. of a country, Sealand, has its own stamps, coins, and passports. It is controlled 'Prince' Michael, and is home to a large Internet business. in 11-15

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英語 高校生


Circle the correct answer for each question. A. likely to be jealous of someone 1. You are more 2. Which do many people decorate at Christmas time? 3. Which are people a. rich a. a feast a. spending money b. receiving awards a. an empire b. a rifle a. an insect b. water a. help it b. ruin it a. excited b. confused a. a contract b. a feast a. a recruit b. a contract a. being punished b. getting a reward B. Complete the paragraph with items from the box. Two items are extra. 4. Which of these is a weapon? 5. Which of these flows? more accustomed to? 6. What would profit do for a business? 7. Which would people rather be? 8. Which would 9. Which would you sign? 10. Which would few people enjoy? discovered resembled you invite friends to share with you? called Sealand. establishing rights faced status grief the rest of Many people change countries during their life, but one man has (1) (2) heir took over (9) by Roy's son and (10) This surprised people in the UK, who believed they had the (5) . Bates and (6) to leave the platform. However, Roy (8) - b. poor in the sea to contain (3) that would be used to fight off invaders. After the war, the soldiers left these platforms and they were forgotten - until 1967. In that year, a British man, Roy Bates, one of the platforms and announced he had started his own country, b. a tree himself by his own country. During World War II, the UK built a number of artificial platforms the people on the island (his family), (7) - - made a name for weapons to the platform. orders In 1968, a court decided that the UK had no power over Sealand. Just like other places with the that the platform was in international waters. of a country, Sealand, has its own stamps, coins, and passports. It is controlled 'Prince' Michael, and is home to a large Internet business. im 11 - 15

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英語 高校生


1. I think something wrong (happen) [4語] 「何か良くないことが起こるだろうと見 2. He (live) in Tokyo. 3. We (fly) to Vancouver on our school trip next summer. [₂] 4. It (rain ) in Osaka tomorrow. [2語] 「明日、大阪は雨です」 5. I'll call you as soon as I (arrive) at Kyoto station. 6. He (leave ) Japan next week. [進行形を使って] 7. I (read) around midnight last night. 8. I (be) a university student. 9. She (not know ) my e-mail address. 10. Please call me later. We (have) lunch. 11. Water (boil) at 100°C at sea level. 12. World War II (break) out in 1939. 13. He (teach) Japanese in this school ten years ago. 14. (I see) Ted tonight. [進行形を使って ] 15. (Ivisit) my uncle in Canada this summer. 4語 「叔父さんを訪ねる予定 (計画済み) 16. Ken (go) to school at eight. 17. The phone rang while I (cook). 18. The sun (rise) in the east. 19. Please wait here until dinner (be) ready. 20. My father (work) for a trading company. 21. Haste (make) waste. 「急がば回れ」 22. What (you do ) tonight? [5] 「今夜は何をする予定ですか?」 23. I must finish my homework before my mother (come ) home. 24. I (see) you next week. [2] 「来週君と会うよ」 25. My grandfather (be) seventy next year. 26. (I meet) Jim this evening. [*] 27. He usually (walk) slowly, but he (walk) very fast now. 28. Practice (make) perfect. (習うより慣れろ ) 29. We (fly) over Osaka around ten tonight. 10時ごろ大阪の上空を飛んでいるでし 30. If 「明日、雪がたくさん降るようなら、 電車には乗らない (take a train) 」

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英語 高校生

raise2英語総合問題を使っている方に質問です。 Lesson8(p34〜37)と別冊ノートp19の答えを見せていただけないでしょうか。

Lesson 8 受動態 >pkeeper [Jap ki:pir| impressed with... ...に感動する CAN-DO リスト Reading Grammar Expression Listening Speaking /12 /14 /47 /21 48 Reading 【速読 問題 次の英文を3分で読んで、1.の問いに答えなさい。sainte A few years ago,/a 43-year-old shopkeeper named Rajesh Kumar/visited the construction site of a railway station/in New Delhi.//He saw many children/who were playing at the site/instead of studying at school.//He thought/he had to do something/to help those poor children.//He decided to create a special 5 classroom for them.//He said,/"We didn't have much,/so I started teaching them under a bridge/ (2) with the things I could use."// In this way,/his special open-air classroom was born/under the bridge of the Delhi railway system.//A train passes above the classroom every few minutes,/ but the noises are not a problem for the children. //There are no chairs or desks/ and the children sit on the ground. //The walls are painted black/and used for blackboards.// 口 平易な英語で /6 Rajesh has tried hard/to teach the poor children under the bridge.//More and/ more people are impressed with his volunteer work.// (3) Through the kindness of people in the community,/the poor children are given (4) many things. //They are iven not only books and pens but clothes and shoes.//One kind person even ends a bag full of biscuits and fruit juice/for the students every day. //Children me to the classroom for many reasons.// (s) This is one of them. // Rajesh says, / "I hope/that future generations will learn something.//Then/we ll have a better world."// 『New Delhi [n(ja:deli] ニューデリー (インドの首都) U-3420 Total /100 'open-air 戸外 [野外] の (232 words) O 1. Rajesh Kumar の学校の様子を表すものを、 次の ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 (5点) 232語 x60= 3. 下線部(2)の具体例を一つ, 日本語で説明しなさい。 (5点) 【精読 問題もう一度英文を読んで, 2.7.の問いに答えなさい。 2. 下線部 (1) の those poor children とは具体的にはどのような子どもたちですか。 日本語で 説明しなさい。 (6点) wpm 6.下線部(5), This と them の指すものを明らかにして, 和訳しなさい。 (7点) 文法 4. 下線部(3)の Through とほぼ同じ意味の through を含む文を,次の ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 She has just got through high school when her father died. (4) 2 The rain lasted all through the night. 3 They drove through the tunnel under the mountain. 4 Tom succeeded through hard work. 5. 下線部(4) の many things について, 本文中に挙げられている6つのものを日本語で答えな さい。 (各2点) 7. Which of the following are true? (You may choose more than one option.) (8) 実践問題 Rajesh Kumar was a construction worker at the construction site of a railway station. 2 Many children were playing at the site after school. 3 Rajesh started teaching the poor children under the bridge. 4 The noises from the passing trains did not prevent the children from studying. 5 People in the community helped Rajesh and the children. 6 Without a bag full of biscuits and fruit juice, the children would not. have come to Rajesh's classroom.

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英語 高校生


【4】 次の設問 (A), (B) に答えよ。 (配点 30> (A) 次の(1)~(6) の各英文には、下線部ア~エのいずれか1つに文法・語法に関して不 適切な あるいは文意を通らなくする箇所が含まれている。 その下線部の記号を記せ。 ア (1) It is estimated that the surface temperature of our planet has been risen by about half a degree Celsius, compared to a hundred years ago, and some scientists believe it's going to get warmer yet in the years to come. (2) In English-speaking cultures, children are often told to say "please" when asking for something. By so doing, they are more likely to be given イ permission than they do not. If they don't, their parents give them a hint, by asking them " What's the magic word?" Trying to forecast weather is incredibly complicated. Some scientists P believe that no matter how advanced science is, weather is impossible to イ predict it accurately, because there are too many random elements involved. (3) Inuits are a related group found in Alaska, and also in Canada and Greenland. They are thought to have spread into North America from Siberia many thousands years ago. In both the US and Britain these people are ウ often called Eskimos but the name Inuit is now preferred and is becoming more widely used. 5) The Cold War is a term for the political conflict between the capitalis countries of the West and the Communist countries of the East that begar 7 after World War II. Both sides had large military forces which were kep イ ready for war, and threatened at each other with nuclear weapons. I

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英語 高校生


I could have Practice ce agai 1 日本語に合うように, ( 内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成させなさい。 1. 朝ご飯を食べたのに、もうおなかがすいた。 Ⅰ (though/hungry now,/am/had/I) breakfast. 2. 私が小学生のころ、 家で犬を飼っていた。 (a/Ⅰ/had/when/dog/my family) was in elementary school. 3. 「発表の準備はもうできましたか。」「いいえ、まだです。 "(your / yet / prepared for / you/have/presentation )?" "No, not yet." 2 日本語に合うように, ( に適切な語を入れなさい。 ns 1. 家に帰った時, 電車に傘を置き忘れてきたことに気が付いた。 When I got home, I discovered I Cub neqal, id) tie pholair) my umbrella on the Hovered train. 2. 第2次世界大戦が終わって何年たったのだろうか。 How many years 3 日本語に合うように, 下線部に適切な語句を補いなさい。 1. 私は6歳の時に野球を始めた。 I )( towar C 3. 昨夜ジョンが私に電話をかけてきた時、私はシャワーを浴びていた。 I(def) (a helip) a shower when John called me last night. doleriT 4. 私が駅に着いた時には, 列車はすでに出発していた。 The train ( )( FO communication skills. 3. 私は高校に入るまで, 5年間剣道をやっていた I ) World War II ended? entered high school. 4. この公園に来るのは久しぶりだ。 when I was six. 2. 私は最近, コミュニケーション能力の重要性を理解するようになってきた Recently ) when I arrived at the station. Part1 understand the importance of since I last came to this park. Lesson 4 kendo for five years when I 動詞の形を決める ①

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