

I really feel sorry for you, hearing how your hands get cold and cracked because of the cold weather and water in winter. Whenever you use water, make sure you dry your hands and then rub them until they get warm. (December 11, 1944) This letter was written by Kuribayashi Tadamichi to his wife. He was a commander on Iwoto, a battlefield during World War II. He wrote many letters to her from there. Iwoto is a small flat island that lies 1,250 km south of Tokyo. One of the hardest battles between Japan and the US was fought there. The island was a very important place for both the US and Japan. For Japan, it was the last base to protect the mainland.
Twenty thousand Japanese soldiers fought in the battle on Iwoto, while on the American side there were 60,000 soldiers. The American side was sure that the Japanese side would be beaten within five days. Contrary to this expectation, the battle continued for over one month. Kuribayashi was leading the Japanese side. His mission was to delay the US attacks on the Japanese mainland for as long as possible. Losing Iwoto meant losing the lives of many people on the mainland. To complete his mission, he was prepared to die on Iwoto with his soldiers. He analyzed the geographical features of Iwoto carefully. Then he decided to fight against the US by hiding underground. He believed that his strategy would decrease the loss of Japanese soldiers and make the war longer.
To carry out Kuribayashi's plan, his soldiers needed to dig into the ground and make a network of 500 underground shelters. Digging there was extremely difficult. The soldiers suffered from unbearable heat of up to 60°C as well as sulfur gas. Moreover, they could only have one bottle of water a day. However hard the work was, Kuribayashi never stopped. Although Kuribayashi was very strict, he had another side too. He encouraged his soldiers to write letters to their families. The following is one of them. Whenever I can relax a little in the evening, I imagine our children being very hungry and shoveling their meals into their mouths. I sometimes feel like I am sitting in front of Nobu and have an impulse to talk to her.


