


英語 高校生


UNIT 7 Reading Reading 33点 10点 Grammar /32点 /15 Information Listening Writing /10 TOTAL 100点 全文 音声 なまけ者のトムが望んだ仕事とは何でしょう。 Tom was a very lazy man*. He didn't like hard work. But he needed a job. One day, (his/Tom / a job / asked / uncle / him / find / to ). "What kind of job?" asked the uncle. Tom answered, "I don't want to work. I want meat for lunch every day. I just want to walk around and take naps*. And I want 100 dollars a day." "( )" the uncle sighed*. 2 One day, Tom got a call from his uncle. "Tom, I found the perfect job for you. A tiger at the zoo died recently. They need a new tiger. You can be the tiger. You'll wear a tiger's skin and walk around, eat meat, and sleep in the cage* like a real tiger." "( 3 )" said Tom. "I'll start tomorrow!" 5 3 The next day, Tom was in the cage in tiger's fur. He just walked around, ate meat, 10 and took a nap. Tom was happy. 44 Suddenly, he heard an announcement*. "We'll soon have a special show. It's a fight between a lion and a tiger! Enjoy this exciting show." "( )" He looked around his cage. Then another cage was carried next to his. A fierce-looking* lion was in it. "I'll be killed!" he cried. The doors of both cages were opened. Tom jumped back. "( 6 )" 15 The big lion slowly walked toward him, roared*, and opened its mouth. "Stop! I'm not a tiger! I'm a man!" 5 "Shhh!" Tom heard a small voice from the lion. "( Ⓒ )” (252 words)

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英語 高校生

所々分からない部分があるので教えて欲しいです よろしくお願いします🙏

Work Complete the sentences below to match the Japanese. If everyone ( ) best-before dates properly, we ( waste. ) all children ( I( 1. 誰もが賞味期限を正しく理解していれば、フードロスをいくらか防ぐことができるのに。 2. すべての子どもたちに食物の安全な取り扱いについて学ぶ機会があればなあ。 3. 水問題についてまるで他人事のように話すべきではない。 4. この最新のオーブンレンジがなければ、より多くのフードロスが生じるでしょう。 We should not talk about water issues ( business. ) ( ) ( ) not ( there would be more food waste. ) a chance to learn about safe food handling. ) prevent some food 3.〈状況〉水問題について議論するハルトの様子を描写します。[be] Haruto is discussing water issues as if he ) they were none of our B Complete the sentences below using the verbs in the brackets. 1. <状況> もし自分がお金持ちならどんなことをするかを述べます。 [be, donate] If I rich, I 2.〈状況〉フードロスを減らすためにできるとよいことを述べます。 [plan, avoid] I wish everyone _unog srij their meals and 4. 〈状況〉もしその村に井戸がなかったら,と考えます。 [be, have If it for the well, villagers ) this latest microwave oven, to fight against food waste. impulse buying. an expert. access to drinking water.

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