


英語 高校生

答えを教えてください 至急です

) Father was, he had no intention of waiting for two hours. STIC ERAS ON. 376~3 学習日 スクランブル 英文法 語法 Basic 【3rd Editionl pp. 158~165(問籍 年 ;14-2 月 口ロ11 接続詞2 の別冊解者o.。 第 )にふさわしいものを1つ選べ。 STEP STEP 基礎 問題 選択肢のなかから( 2 ロロ 1 He was so disgusted ( O that ) he refused to talk. 3 which の such (東京国際大 ロロ 2 as ) ten years since the two companies merged. 2 has passed ロロ 2 It( O has been O passed (青山学院大 3 is passed ) the bride and groom 3 The musicians started playing a song( arrived. ロ 3 as soon as 1 soon (2 sooner (立正大) の as soon 5) soon as 4 Finish your homework so that you ( 2 may ) have free time later. の need O must 3 should (九州国際大 ) at home or at school, parents expected boys and girls to be good. 3 Whether 5( O During 2 Despite ④ Although (愛知大) )as I know, the game will be played as scheduled. 3 So far ロロ 6( D As long 2 To say の As well (明治大) □□ 7 The ( ) he came in, everyone stood up. 2 instantly 1 soon 3 moment (東邦大) 口■ 8 You should write down Mary's telephone number ( ) she is late for the appointment. O as long as 3 in order that (2 even if の in case (東邦大) ロロ 9 It was not ( )a week later that I found out the result. 2 for O before ③ since ④ until (大阪経済大) 口口 10 Patient ( O since 2 if 3 as の because (千葉工業大) 40 第14-2章 接続詞の

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