


英語 高校生

答えを教えてください!!! 至急お願いします!!

スクランブル 英文法語法 学習日 (4)助動詞 第十章 年 月 日 別冊解答pp.15~17 )にふさわしいものを1つ選べ。 "STEP 選択肢のなかから( 基礎 1周題 1 I'd( ) to say thanks to you. 2 take ③ like 4 had (名古屋学院大) D used 2 You might as ( O good ) tell the truth. 3 if の welle V(大阪経済大) anol ② better の or to find art boring before I went to a modern art museum. ② using 3I( O used 3 to use っの have used (武蔵工業大) ol by 4 John( ) hungry because he has just eaten lunch. 2 must be O may be 3 can't be の should be (桜美林大) teq 5 Oh dear. It's already five o'clock and I'm late. I ( D could ) leave now. 2 had better 3 ought ④ should to (慶鷹義塾大) 6 The baby is sleeping. So, you ( O had better not ) be so noisy. ② had better not to ③ had not better の had not better to (中部大) 7 You( introduce me to the professor because we have already met. (1 never 2 are supposed to 6 will ③ should ④ do not have to (大正大) m uo! 8( you rather go first? ② Dare D Are 3 Had 4 Would d (関西学院大) 9 Idon't feel well. I might ( O be caught ③ have been caught )a cold. 2 been caught の have caught (近畿大) 10 Ican't find my umbrella. Someone ( od ) it by mistake. O must take ② will take ③ ought to take Dobn ④ must have taken (東京国際大) 10 第4章 助動詞

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