


英語 高校生


1 Grammar 動名詞(いろいろな形/動名詞と不定詞) ● 動名詞のいろいろな形 完了形〈having + 過去分詞〉:述語動詞が表す時よりも前の時を表す。 受動態〈being + 過去分詞>: 受け身の意味を表す。 Target 1 My uncle is proud of having been a pilot. ( 私のおじはパイロットだったことを誇りに思っている) 動名詞と不定詞:動詞によってどちらか一方だけを目的語にするものもある。 ・動名詞のみ: avoid, enjoy, finish, give up, mind, stop など ・不定詞のみ:agree, decide hope promise, refuse, wishなど 両方とも begin, continue, hate, like, love, start など Target 2 We enjoy skiing every winter. (私たちは毎年冬にスキーをして楽しむ) SP に入れるのに最も適切なものを、あとの( )内から選んで書きなさい。 (1) Have finished reading you (reading, to read) (2) Bill refused to tell (telling, to tell) (3) My grandfather gave up (smoking, to smoke) the novel I lent you last week? us where he went with that girl last Sunday. smoking (4×3=12) when he was 40 years old. 2 日本語の意味に合うように,( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。 (1) サキは将来について心配し始めた。 (the future / worrying/started/about/ Saki). Saki worrying started about the future、 (2) あの女の子はタクと一緒にいるのを見られるのが好きではない。 That girl (seen/like/ Taku/ with/being/doesn't ). That girl doesn't like being seen with Taku (1)( 語 (5点x3=15点) (3) 私はそんな不注意な間違いをしてしまって恥ずかしい。 I'm (made / a careless mistake/ashamed/having / of / such). I'm made having ashamed such of a careless mistake (1)

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英語 高校生

翻訳を使っても意味がわかりません。 どなたか教えてください😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

不定詞、動名詞 6)先生は私たちにあきらめないように言いました。 ) us ( )組( )番 名前( Our teacher ( ) up. 1. 次の日本語の意味に合うように, 空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを 選びなさい。 1) 私はおばにEメールを送ろうとしたが, できなかった. I tried ( 0 to send 2 sending 7) 彼女がこれらの問題を解くのは難しかった )was difficult ( ) her ( ) solve these problems. ) an email to my aunt, butI couldn't. 8)私は彼らに教室で走らないよう言いました. ) them not ( I( )in the classroom. 9) ケンタロウは昨作夜, ぼくに宿題を手伝ってくれと頼んだ。 Kentaro ( 入ることがある) 2. 次の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを選びなさい. ) him with his homework last night.[空所には2語以上 1) I gave up ( の to travel ② traveling )with you next month. 10)兄は朝食を食べずに家を出て行きました。 My brother left home ( ) breakfast. 2) Jane finished ( ) the long letter a few minutes ago. の to read 2 reading 11) 昨夜,タツヤは寝ずにテスト勉強をしました. Tatsuya studied for the test ( ) sleeping last night. 3. 次の日本文の意味に合うように, 空所に適語を入れなさい。 1)彼らはその事実を発見して驚いた. They were surprised ( 12) サルたちは木の上で眠り始めました。 The monkeys started ( ) on the trees. ) the fact. 13) 以前あの男性に会ったことは覚えていますが, 彼の名前は覚えてい ません。 I remember ( [to不定詞または動名詞を 2) その山に登ることはとても難しいです。 ) the mountain is very difficult. ) that man before, but I don't remember his name. 3) そんなに長い距離を泳ぐなんて, あなたは水泳が得意なのにちがい ありません。 You must be a good swimmer ( 14) ケンは毎日一生けんめい勉強することを約束しました。 Ken ( ) such a long distance. ) hard every day.[空所には2語以上入ることがある] 4) 私には今日すべきことがたくさんあります。 I have many things ( 15) ジョンと私はあなたの計画に賛成です。 John and I ( ) to your plan. ) today. 5) トムはそれを聞いて驚いていました。 Tom was ( 16)私は1時間前にくつを洗い終えました. I( )my shoes an hour ago.[空所には2語以上入ることがある) ) to hear that. new / a / decided )

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英語 高校生

読解問題です。 時間かかるとは思いますが全部といて欲しいです! お願いします🙇‍♂️🙏

The Latin word infans, from which “infant" comes, means “a person who isunable to speak", parents with their eyes, their expressions and their whole bodies, and parents respond to them But all mothers know that communication begins long before actual speech. Babies “talk Human beings are different from other animals in our highly developed use of language and gradually learns to recognize meaning. In South Africa, *the Bantu tribe celebrates 得点 and understanding. A baby can hear conversations even while she is in her mother's womb. And then from the minute she is born she begins to feel the rhythms of her native language 取り組み日 日 月 目標時間 STEP3 読解問題にアプローチ 20分 単語を (2年7月 改) Ch 自標 yC VC (前直詞+関係代名詞〉, 不定詞, 動名詞に気をつけて英文を読もつ。 POINTの [問 to in the same language. POINTの 5 POINTO POINTの POINTO the first time a child answers to her name with a special dinner. 10 way to encourage your baby's language is to begin a two-way conversation. Mothers an over the world talk to their babies in a special language. known as “アmotherese' or "baby talk". Without learning how, we tend to use the simplest words, changing ouglammar to make sentences shorter. Mothers talk of themselves in the third person, repeat things, and POINTの speak to their infants in a sing-song pitch. By looking at our babies while we are talking to 15 them, we also teach them the facial expressions that come with speech. Babies start babbling from around three months, repeating easy sounds like “da", "ta", "ma", “"ba" and “pa”. All around the word these first basic sounds are the roots of common names for other family members, most importantly “mother” and “father”. For example, baba means “mother” *the Gusii tribe of Kenya, while baban is “father” for *the Sambarivo people of 20 Madagascar. The English word “daddy” is tata in Greek, tatas in Sanskrit and papa in French. Considering the amount of time she spends with her baby in the first months, a mother might expect her baby to say her name first. But this doesn't usually happen. Studies have shown that (イbabies try to name their fathers before their mothers. Perhaps mothers want among POINTの POINTの POINTの to hear their baby's first word as “daddy”, in order to make a father feel more important and 25 to add more meaning to his fatherhood. Or perhaps father, a familiar but often a little more POINTO distant person, is considered worth saying first. In Europe, the origins of the everyday words for “mother” are closely related to breastfeeding. Mom, Mam, Mummy for mother's milk”, and the Roman mamma, meaning “breast". all these words come from the ancient Greek mamman, which means “to cry Before you know it, your baby will be giving her own special names to her brothers and 30 sisters and the cat. But it's not very surprising that a baby's very first “words” are meant for her parents - the first objects of a baby's attention. (461W) 注)*the Bantu tribe = バントゥー族(中央·南部アフリカの黒人諸族の名前) *the Gusii tribe = グシイ族(ケニアの農耕民族の名前) *the Sambarivo people = サンバリボ族(マダガスカルの民族の名前) (出典) From A Gift for New Mothers: Traditional Wisdom of Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood by Deborah .Jackson. 1999. 2005, Duncan Baird Publishers. Copyright © 1999, 2005 Watkins Meaia Limited. Used by permission. (Watkins. London. 2005)

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