


英語 高校生


年 月 (第5回)修飾に関する問題の 日 の別冊解答 p.23~ ロ口11( ) their native language, Japanese students should also have a good cofmyd of English O In addition Moreover (3 As well Besides (東京経済大) 空所に入るもっとも適切な語(旬)を選びなさい。 ロロ12 Appointments are made on the basis of test scores,( 1 )of age, sex,, or ロ 1 The questions will be followed by four answers. You are ( Ochosen nationality. O pointless )the best のregardless reckless useless (慶務義塾大) answer to each question. D choose Dchoosing (広島工葉大) ロ口 13 The boy turned on his father's computer, though he had been told ( のto choose O not do it 2 not to 3 to do not の to not. (青山学院大) )your e-mail sooner. 2 Im sory for ( 0 not to answer 2not having answered の no answering ロ 口■ 14( )your interest in English, I would advise you to study it in college. (桜発林大) C Considered 2 Taken 3 Having の Given (南山大) not to have answer ロ15 Winning Saturday's game is ( ),a good teacher. what not )if the team is to go through to the ロロ 3 Anne is a good researcher and, ( Dwhat's more finals. D crucial のthat is O still less (同志社女子大) のdefiant 3genial Oimplicit (立命営大) ho ロロ 4 The story I read in today's English class was really ( のinterested ) to me. un 2 )内の語句を正しく並べ替えなさい。 Dinteresting 3 interest O being interested (愛知大) C口16 Alice took a taxi (such/ to/ not / so / as / be) late for the party. ロロ 5 Since I was a child, I've always wanted to study ( 2 for abroad in abroad (1語不要) bouh 畿央大) Dabroad のto abroad (大阪経済大) bo og ) the night. 口 6 Susan woke up three times ( 0 at のfor 6 until (武蔵大) ロ口 17 ハッピーエンドの映画を見に行きたいですか。 (中央大) Do (like / a/with / you/ to / going / feel / movie) a happy ending? 2 by 3 during ロロ 7 As a child I had a ( )escape from being run down by a car. 1 small (2 narrow short のlittle (神戸女子大) ロ口 8A It's getting cloudy, isn't it? B: I'm afraid it( ロロ 18 遅かれ早かれ、あなたは自分のしたことを悔やむときがやってくるだろう。 大 Sooner or later, the time will (be / for / come / sorry / you/when / 1 ) rain. Let's go inside. のis able to will) what you have done. (東京経済大) D has to 3is about to Cought to (愛知学院大) ロロQ After the incident, there was considerable doubt ( had happened. Oin the question of ) exactly what (慶鷹教塾大) ロロ 19 少年はかべに寄りかかって,一人で立っていた。 (関東学院大) のas to のin the shape of の for The boy was standing (back / alone / against / with / the / his) wall. ロロ 10 If Yuko does not arrive by 3:30, then it is ( )that she will come. Dunusual 2) umecessary 3 unable Ounlikely (南山大) 20 第5回 修能に関する問題の 第5回 修飾に関する問題の 2

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英語 高校生


8 M。 例題 Among topics we discussed over lunch) was the regrettable と, habit.film directors then had of altering the plot of a noval に一 to suit themselves, to the extent even of changing a sad を ending into a happy one. 人神戸大> 読解プロセス Jempd janica a この文が,Among (前置詞)から始まっていることに気づいたでしょ うか。すると, 例題2 で説明したプロセス通り考えて, どこまでが前置 詞句かを決定しようと思うはずです。 (Among topics) we discussed over lunch was the と区切ると,we discussed over lunch was the S V V となり, S V V で文の形となりません。 (例題1と同じプロセス) topics(関係詞の省略)we discussed over lunch と考えて, {Among topics (we discussed over lunch)}/was the VS 続いて,主語の部分ですが, これは文末まで続き, 非常に長い主語と なっていることもあって, 倒置が生じているのです。 (別の理由について は例題4のく参考>1) (倒置→例題41 ~ 47)訳出は, among ~ を「~ のひとつ」と訳し, 文頭から訳していってかまいません。 (辞書をひいて みること) the regrettable habit film directors then had すでに, 動詞 was があったのですから, was ·… . had と Vが続くはず がないので、 the regrettable habit (関係詞の省略) (film directors then had ~ だろうと考えます。 関係詞の場合, 節はどこからどこまでかというごと

解決済み 回答数: 2