


英語 高校生


長文を読む 1. 甲南大学 目標解答時間20分 Is In the 1920s American movies filled the cinema* screens of the world. Most were made in 郊外 Hollywood, a suburb of Los Angeles, in California. Hollywood's big attraction for film-makers was its clean air and sunshine. The movies made there were bright and clear. By the 1920s it had become the film-making capital of the world. HOT ning sibisbaste Maomhsnob vildung, Hollywood movies were made by large companies called studios. The men who ran these boowellpH ei obam eşivom NSROMA FOR STOWW studios were businessmen and their main aim was to make as much money as possible. They eslognA zo.llo eduduz si mixt boot semool 69 adı ni come do enim mobbe i soon found that one way to do this was to (1) standardize* their films. When audiences had 185s d is si BAT-silyte sii seino blowodi 16 lasins anim-mlit od zew boow lig shown that they liked a certain kind of film, the studios made many more of exactly the same kind. Solit tiedi svibnsbasız(1) 21 aninsom ni 122colo da bistars were Another sure way for a studio to make money was to (2) turn its actors into "stars." stil vlieb wone-thr 291700 Tosun sis 29 il ngibus ob es esiyor to bridomy, M vonom to jol som si zivom SAM actors who were so popular that people went in crowds* to see any film they appeared in, no matter bisbristes amosad redivom sole MD A famous star could make any movie a sure success. So the studios how good or bad it was. 21612 00 210106 21 went to great lengths* to make their actors into stars. (S) 01 ob 20ibure du bib jew They encouraged fan magazines. They ob 9 16 2016 2 e sivom vas sisMS 2012 196snt bas esnissgsm nisl noqqu set up special publicity departments* to get stories about their actors into the newspapers. The movies of the 1920s were silent. They bisbasse mod, om to spoke through expressions and movements, not in f H THE LOYAT 1500 words, and so their language was international. All over the world, from Berlin to Tokyo, from night of the week to see the ople lined up every London to Buenos Aires, tens of millions of people lined √ SU OJANE JA AJANSAZETHO A USA (X TO favorite Hollywood stars and, without realizing it, to be Americanized. AANSE AJR

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

この文章について、下から2番目の「one thong is clear now」のone thingが示す内容は何なのですか?

New Media There have been many great inventions in history, for example, the wheel, paper, and the steam engine. Inventions can change people's lives. They can create new businesses and new culture. This is especially true for two recent inventions personal computers and the Internet. The Internet has become an important kind of media, an important means of communication for many people. This new media form is different from older forms, such as print media (books, newspapers, and magazines) and broadcast media (radio and television) in at least two ways. LF-4 First, people can get and send information easily on the Internet. They can access information at almost any time. People can use the Internet to communicate in many ways. It's easy to send pictures, videos, and messages, so people are sending and viewing a lot of them. However, this may also be a problem. People are spending too much time on their smartphones and computers. 3» A second difference is content. With other media, such as newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio, the content is usually made by a limited number of professionals. However, nowadays, almost anyone can create and upload content to the Internet. That means we can get much more information, but we have to be careful. We don't always know who made the content, and some of the LF-3 information may be incomplete or incorrect. 4" The Internet has become an important way to get and share information. We won't know the real effect of the differences between the Internet and other media for years. However, one thing is clear now. It has already become an essential part of our culture. 1» 2»

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


1 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適当な語を入れなさい. (1) They sell various kinds of fruits at that store. Various kinds of fruits (is) ( sold alcohol at this restaurant. (2) They don't serve Alcohol (ist ) (served ) at this restaurant. ) at that store. (3) Ken painted the doghouse blue. The doghouse (was ) ( painted) (blue) by Ken. (4) They say that many people died of the disease. (It) (is) (said ) that many people died of the disease. 2 日本文の意味に合うように( に適当な語を入れなさい. (1) 報告書が彼によってちょうど仕上げられた. The report (had ) just ( been ) by him. (2) 私たちの便の出発は濃霧で遅れた. The departure of our flight ( were ) (delayed) by the heavy fog. ) ( (5) ボブは学校の成績に満足している. Bob is (satisfied) ( with (3) 私たちは森の中でひどいにわか雨にあった。inow.banagged We were ) ( caught ) ( in the woods. (4) トイレは今清掃中です . quiber sib The restroom (s ) now ( being ) ( cleaned ). wento d ) a heavy shower in ) his record at school. (1 many young people. [受動態に] 3 各文を [ ]内の指示にしたがって書きかえなさい. (1) Did the musician write the song? [受動態に] Was The musician written the song? (2) This magazine is read by many young people. [文末に for many years を加えて現在完了形の受動態に] The magazine has been read (3) What did you name your daughter? What was name your daughter? (4) Our teacher's farewell party was given last Friday. [下線部を next Friday に置きかえ, will を使った文に] Our teacher's will be (5) These pictures were taken in Australia. [下線部を尋ねる疑問文に given farewell party next Friday. where were these pictures taken?

解決済み 回答数: 1