

1 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適当な語を入れなさい. (1) They sell various kinds of fruits at that store. Various kinds of fruits (is) ( sold alcohol at this restaurant. (2) They don't serve Alcohol (ist ) (served ) at this restaurant. ) at that store. (3) Ken painted the doghouse blue. The doghouse (was ) ( painted) (blue) by Ken. (4) They say that many people died of the disease. (It) (is) (said ) that many people died of the disease. 2 日本文の意味に合うように( に適当な語を入れなさい. (1) 報告書が彼によってちょうど仕上げられた. The report (had ) just ( been ) by him. (2) 私たちの便の出発は濃霧で遅れた. The departure of our flight ( were ) (delayed) by the heavy fog. ) ( (5) ボブは学校の成績に満足している. Bob is (satisfied) ( with (3) 私たちは森の中でひどいにわか雨にあった。inow.banagged We were ) ( caught ) ( in the woods. (4) トイレは今清掃中です . quiber sib The restroom (s ) now ( being ) ( cleaned ). wento d ) a heavy shower in ) his record at school. (1 many young people. [受動態に] 3 各文を [ ]内の指示にしたがって書きかえなさい. (1) Did the musician write the song? [受動態に] Was The musician written the song? (2) This magazine is read by many young people. [文末に for many years を加えて現在完了形の受動態に] The magazine has been read (3) What did you name your daughter? What was name your daughter? (4) Our teacher's farewell party was given last Friday. [下線部を next Friday に置きかえ, will を使った文に] Our teacher's will be (5) These pictures were taken in Australia. [下線部を尋ねる疑問文に given farewell party next Friday. where were these pictures taken?
動詞の態 受動態 高二 論表


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

(1) Various kinds of fruits(S 複数) (are) (sold) at that store.
(2) 〇
(3) 〇
(4) 〇
(1) The report (as) just (been) (completed) by him. <現在完了:完了>
(2) The departure(S 単数) (of our flight)(M) (was) (delayed) by the heavy fog.
(3) 〇
(4) 〇
(5) 〇
(1) Did the musician(S) write(V) the song(O)? → Was the song written by the musician?
(2) This magazine has been read by many young people for many years.
(3) What did you(S) name(V) your daughter(O)? → What was your daughter named?
(4) We(S) will give(V) our teacher's farewell party(O) next Friday.





You're welcome!😊
(1) The report [(as)] just (been) (completed) by him. <現在完了:完了>
→ (1) The report [(has)] just (been) (completed) by him. <現在完了:完了>
