


英語 高校生

[3]で僕のaの答え方はダメですか?ちなみに答えでは「He lived in the late Edo period 」です 後,BでなぜYesとわかるのですか? 新しい教科書には載っていないということは読み取れました。でも今使っているのが古い方のは限らなくないですか??

READING 坂本龍馬に関するリカのプレゼンテーションを読んで, 下の問題に答えよう。 Hello, everyone. Which history do you like O Better, best , world history or Japanese history? In history, who do you like ② / Wetter, bést)? I love Japanese history. There are many farmous people in our history textbooks. Oda Nobunaga, Tokugwa Ieyasu, Saigo Takamori, and so on. Among them, I like Sakamoto Ryoma best. In the late Edo period, Ryoma talked about many new ideas. Also, he moved around Japan to make a big change, He met many important people and connected them. Of Course, he was one of the greater, greatest persons at that time. However, his name will not be in our new school textbooks. Japanese history teachers willnot tell us about Ryoma so much. It is shocking. I think ④(the / played / important / he / most / role ) to open this country to the world. Ryoma is one of the persons who changed our history. most impertan (1) O~3の[] 内から適切なほうを選ぼう。 (2)のの)内の語を並べかえて,文を完成させよう。 he played the Inost impertaht ,_ to open this country ole think to the world. (3) 次の質問に英語で答えよう。 you a) When did Sakamoto Ryoma live? Ih the late Elo period. b) Does Yuka's history textbook have the name of Sakamoto Ryoma? Mo.it doeshf. res,it dees. apanese hisaiy feachef will nof tell ns alaar cWhat is shocking to her? story Ryoma so madhi Fypand Your Vocab! (話量を広げよう) 口ミ

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