


英語 高校生


表すことが をあとに 投的ではな を話すこと (3) 適した仕事を見つけることが重要だ。 化するという している。 ている。 ることが好き しいとわかっ 定詞を用 なっている EXERCISES 束する)な と起こ 1 日本語に合うように (1) その試合に勝つことはほぼ不可能だろう。 ob i ()() the match will be almost impossible. (2) ケンの夢はアメリカで事業を始めることだ。 & Ken's dream ( ) ( ) () a business in the U.S. 表現はあり )に適語を入れなさい。 不定詞① (名詞用法) 3 (3) We're planning ) ( (4) I found it expensive () () London. (5) It was necessary ( )( [finish / visit/ hold / go / take ] 日本(に合う) is important()( ) a suitable occupation. (4) インドで大学に入るのは難しいですか。 + doidiw) - (he Impe) (thing) difficult () enter university in India? lint at watale M (5) 彼は夜ひとりで外出するのは危険だとわかった。 He found() dangerous () (s ) a welcome ceremony. wondl f'nob sauj 10 womal fnasob ade ⓘ 2 下 [ []内から動詞を1回ずつ選び、適切な形にして、英文を完成させなさい。 (1) Mami promised ( ) ( ) care of the cat. (2) I want()() to that school. A B 1) out at night alone.inu roirfw. ) the homework on time. ow Jadwe Hat pp. 195 3 与えられた状況に合うように ( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 ただし、不要な語 句が1つずつ含まれています。 (1) 状況 駅から徒歩3分のところに引っ越したユキ。つくづく思うのは... It is (live/convenient/the station / to / near / for). (2) 私の~(夢・目標)は・・・することである。 [is] $$ sreda > mode 0 A B A B 3419 (2) 状況 受験生になったケンは、夜型の生活から朝型に変えようとしたが….gi vivainl He (it / change/ had / found/ hard / to) his daily schedule. cotto bebisshIO (3) 状況 台風の被災者の方々が取材で次のように語ってい We are all fully aware of how important (to/it/ for / prepare / is / very) natural disasters. F+(19van) 4 [ ]内の語を参考にして~…に自由に語句を入れ, オリジナルの英文をつくりなさい。 AB (1) 私の~(人) は将来 ・・・することを希望している。 [hope] 49

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英語 高校生

高3 英語表現です。 合っているかのチェックと、あれば訂正もお願いします。

STRESEMO SI In many cases, *cyber-bullying can be even more painful than face-to-face bullying. A lot of cyber-bullying can be done without using a real name, (1)( ) you may not be sure who is targeting you. This can make you feel even more threatened and can encourage bullies, (2)( ) they believe online secrecy means they're less likely to 秘密にすること おどされる いじめをする人 get caught. Since cyber-bullies can't see your reaction, they will often go much further in 〜ので ) they would do face-to-face with you. farate their harassment or ridicule (3)( 冷やかし (Adapted from Dealing with Bullying and Cyber-bullying by HelpGuide.org) (注)*cyber-bullying: コンピュータや携帯電話, ソーシャルネットワークなどを利用したいじめ ameldorg Inanitouha a'cijama Jarít (1) Ⓡ still (2) 1 as (3) 1 so that and pas 2 nevertheless 3 otherwise にもかかわらず さもなければ 5 but 2 though Kithet 2 such that 3 but however 3 than MTU 3 because 4 before when s vous diely you? Hosely odi otai genom gnigned Jaemmourvne yaibanorve adi bas orent page 4 4 unless 2 mnib sa roue olil magitom robom ~ように Sound travels in the same way as water waves (1) 2 still pond. The water is perfectly still (2)( O the stone falls in, waves are sent out in all directions. ) the stone hits the water. But once travels in all directions It is important to realize that sound spreads out (3) from its source. You can, (4)( 6 ), direct some sounds, for example, the human voice by using a megaphone. This makes the voice seem louder, (5)( is pointing the sound in one direction rather than letting it spread out (6) Ⓡ ) in fact it ) it would normally. ~ない限り 4 when 文章問題 Diw ob of saidton syar ns of alushur n (大阪医科大) noun at vide ) a stone is thrown into a (名古屋工業大)

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英語 高校生


しまった。 st few / hardly / of) I became < 東邦大 > For years. 4 whether ause/down/ upon). lest study hard. while <京都学園大 > with <浦和短大 > <東京電機大〉 ring them back within a <立教大 > 〈 南山大 > could not pass it. ng, he kept making <東海大 > 094 095 096 295 296 ( ) he likes it or not, you must teach him how to handle it. What 2 Who 3 Whenever 4 Whether He ran ( (1) as 297 It was ( 000 1 very 299 ) quickly that I couldn't catch up with him. 2 too 3 so ) a bad snowstorm that they shut the airport down. 3 such 4 too SO 298 I opened the door quietly ( 1 so that 2 unless 4 more ) the teacher wouldn't notice me. 3 otherwise 4 because of 〈神奈川工科大 > 300 寝坊するといけないから目覚ましをかけておきなさい。 <1語(句) 不要) (in / the alarm/you/ don't/ case / set) oversleep. 301 ( ) you're a grown-up, you must stop this childish behavior. 1 Now that 2 As long as 3 Even though 4 In case <神奈川大 > 302( ) he made up his mind to go, there was no stopping him. Though 2 Whether 3 While 4 Once Our grandmother never travels by air ( ) she will have a heart attack. in case that 2 so that 3 in order that 4 for fear that <九州産大 > < 芝浦工大 > 〈 広島工大 〉 <日本大〉 097 <駒澤大 > 098 <九州産大 > 303 As long as I know, prices in Spain are much lower than those in Japan. 2 0 < 松山大 > 099 100

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数学 高校生

これの答えを教えてください! 解答がなくて答え合わせができず、困ってます😭

196-197 ません) らない) つくるこ をすべき とつくる 続けら -199 だ) た) ―には の意 Knot 0 B30 XOT XEXERCISES ES 不定詞① (名詞用法) ⑤ [ ]内の意味に合うように、不定詞を使って英文を完成させなさい。 (1) Ann wants to know a teacher. [教師になる方法] (2) I know (3) Sam didn't know (4) I haven't decided that book. [どこで買えばいいか] [何を言えばいいのか lood to of DoverIO for Canada yet. [いつ出発すべきか] HOUSTI RISTONSSON 0 ⑥6 日本語に合うように( (1) 大切なのは、だれにもうそをつかないことだ。 The important thing (to /is/lie / not) to anyone. )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 16 SORTIR D aslood to fol a basi PASA d'evil of a to guidool a'ade z (2) 彼女があなたに怒っているのは当然だ。 It is (for / natural / you / angry with / be / to / her). om gloro base on avail I as 宝不さ玉会 3 om eqlar barst on (3) 妹が夜ふかしするのはめずらしいと思う。 (2) I think (unusual/my sister / stay / to / it's / for) upl late. 100 Lat of yu tead sillal terW HIS GJELDED MIROS PROSVITU TOGE (4) 私の長所は,決して落ちこみすぎないことだ。1000 ( My good point (be / to / depressed / is / too / never) of a bit uovo woH C (1) CONST 8 7 与えられた状況に合うように ( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 ただし, 不要な語 句が1つずつ含まれています。 CD (1) 状況 医師から食生活を改めるよう言われたので、私は…。 I (not/ eating / eat / decided / a lot of /to/ sweets). 07-11-not eating/cated 13/2014 bro bothate 7 of advice. BORARSTO ENNUJAS LEBET CAS (2) 状況 ルーシーは最近悩みがあり、だれかに相談したいのですが・・・。 he of htpal chu Lucy doesn't (ask/know/who / for /to/ bawala a no ixats qode of CUS LOT- (3) 状況 最近, 地震が多いことを受け, ホームルームで先生がひと言。 We had better (what / case/ do / consider / to / of / in / doing) emergency. JON TOTO + ton en 08) a 16 red blor. I 8 [ ]内の語を参考にして~…に自由に語句を入れ, オリジナルの英文をつくりなさい。 れ、オリジナ 28-1-571-7 CD (1) 私が~することは簡単だ。 [easy / to ] (2)~(人)は私に….する方法を教えてくれた。[teach] 51

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英語 高校生


3 3 [] [] ーロコ 2023 推薦 公募制推薦入試A・B 【適性検査】 文系学部 公募制推薦入試 A・B 文系学部 Ⅰ 次の英文の 選びなさい。 (1) This cheese is made ( a. about b. from c. one d. to b. between c. by d. of (2) Sally is very good () teaching tennis: she is one of the best coaches in the tennis school (3)( a. Economics b. Education C History d. Politics (4) English is a ( it. a. careless b. major c. partial d. regional ) is the area of study that is concerned with teaching and learning. (9) My father ( swimming instead. a. ought to b. should c. used to d. will a 内に入れるのにもっとも適当なものをa~dの中から1つ so as b so that C such as d. such that 00) Nowadays, millions of robots are used in various fields ( manufacture and the health industry b. in case goat's milk. n からできている C unless d. whether ) international language: people around the world speak 01) Daniel could not dance, but he pretended ( lessons. -1- ) play baseball when he was young. Now, he enjoys a, almost nothing b. as far as I know c. quite wrong d. what is called 12 Student A: Do you think you can use dictionaries in Ms. Benson's exam? ). I intend use this one. Student B: Yes, ( ) car -3- ) he had taken dance 推 (5) According to recent research, female elephants ( in the family. a. care b c. play d. sing (6) This airline allows their passengers ( them. a. of taking on b. take on c. taken on d. to take on 推 nurse (7) The sign says that () from here, that rock looks like a lion. a saw b. see C seeing d. seen (13) a. however b. wherever c. whichever d. whoever (8) Here are two different kinds of cake. You can choose ( want. I'll have the other. Mr. Tanaka ( a. Bye, for now. b. How do you do? c. It's been nice talking with you. d. What do you do? -21 00 A: I like Japanese culture. (15) ) two pieces of baggage with Ms. Davis: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Tanaka? I'm Annabel Davis. Nice to meet you. ) an important ) I'm glad to meet you. B:( ) I think Kabuki is wonderful. a. I am, too. b. Neither do I. c. So do L d. That's unlikely. c. one d. too Server: Would you like coffee or tea? Customer Actually, I'd like ( a both b, either ) one you ). Tea with my meal and coffee after

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