


勉強方法 高校生

英語がとっても苦手です。 全く覚えられないし文法も理解できません。 この文章が今回の範囲です。 勉強方法や大事なところなど教えてください!

*Zは 2ETSTARの略す. Lesson 1 No.6 英文解説 Lesson 1 Let's Go to the Movies! Do you like movies? How do you enjoy them? - movies Some of you may watch them/on DVD at home / while others may go to a movie theater (to feel the power of 況 * movies the movie / ona big screen. SomeOther~ …なんもいろし、~以をいる ~する7にめに ~にロえて 映画自体。 映画の Besides enjoying the movie itself, /you can enjoy theatmosphere / and also have a good time /with your friends ()案田気 or boyfiriend or girlfriend / in the movie theater. 同格 The following essay, / written by Kip CatesS a Canadian writer, / tells us a bit / about his movie theater 過去分詞 /(6)5ょっとのこと S Vo 0 experiences. (A%)キャプワイツル Let's read it. * the following essay (回~回) 2 複合的(2-p296) Whenever Ivisit a new country, /Ialways go toa movie theater. ~するときはいつも * Kip Cares あれた国の Watching a film/ina foreign country / can teach you a lot / about the people, their culture and their customs. 0 0 S の 再帰バル詞(に:ip491) ~身、~自体 ダ Just as interesting as the films, / however, / are the movie theaters themselves. 倒置:正置では0r が逆だった、@を強調するために倒置をして文本に置いた。 Now,/ you'd think/that movie theaters around the world / would all be the same. w would 世界中 A以たりよっり 〈他〉 After all, / going to the movies / involves the same basic process: / You choose a movie, / purchase a ticket, / buy S V Some popcorn, / then sit down/and watch the film. ~というのも…だゃら Surprisingly, / however, / movie-going can be quite different, / depending on the country. ()高いたことに 映画を付に行くこと ~によって 巨Xは駐車揚にスクリーンを設置し、 6 事に楽ったきま今営質できる 映画上映施設 3 I grew up/in North America /in the 1960s. That was the golden age / of drive-in movies. - the 1960s 最期 ドラィラィンラ9ー1見る味画

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勉強方法 高校生

推薦でこのような英語長文が出てきます。 何か良い対策はありますか? 問題としてはほとんど和訳です。 基礎英文問題精講はもってるのですがそれで良いでしょうか? 基礎英文問題精講で大丈夫なら良い勉強方法も教えて頂きたいです!(使い勝手がよく分かっていないので…)

英語 1 次の英文を読み. 下記の設問に答えなさい。 One of the great debates in Western civilization is whether humans are born cooperative and helpful and society later “corrupts them (eg Rousseau), or whether they are born selfsh and unhelpful and society teaches them better (e.g., Hobbes). As with all great debates, both arguments undoubtedly have some truth on their side. Here 1 defend a thesis that mainly sides with Rousseau's take on things, but which adds some critical complexities. T will call this thesis。 "3n deference to two of this books contributors, the Early Spelke, Later Dweck hypothesis. Specially,Twill argue and present evidence that from around their frst birthdays 一 when they first begin to walk and talk and become truly cultural beings 一 human children are already cooperative and helpful in many, though obyiously not all, situations. And they do not learn this from adults:itcomes naturally. (Thatis the Spelke part.) But later in "ontogeny, children'e relatively "indiscriminate cooperativeness becomes modied by such influences as their judgments of likely *'reciprocity and their concern for how others in the group judge them, which are involved in the evolution of human's natural cooperativeness in the frst place. And gey begin to 1earm many culturally specific social norms for how we do things, how one ought to do things if one isto be a member of this group. (That is Dweck part) U出上 Tomasehor MihacL Carol Dweck。 Joan Sik_ Brian Skrmsand Ehzabeth S_ Spelke。 Why We Cooperare。 etcerpt nom pages 4. (9 2009 Miaswechuwetes Institute or'Twhnolomsr by permissisn oFThe AITT Peas] 注: Weorrupt 「ーを限章きせる」 "33m deferenoe to 「一に著意を払って」 “Jontogeny 「個人の発信遂程」 indiacriminate「分け剛てのない」 Preciprodity 「お古いの助け合い 間1 下線部(1)の論争とはどのような立場の間の論争なのか 本文に従って日本語で答えなさい。 立場1 | 立場2 | 問2 筆者は. 誰の意見を最も明確に支持することを表明しているのか。 その人物名を本文中から抜き出し. 解答欄に書きなさい。 間3 eyが何を指すのかを明らかにし, 下線部 2) を日本語に訳しなさい。 HI 次の英文を読み. 下記の設問に日本語で答えなさい。 1magine being able to sleep with one eye open, and half your brain awake. Recent research confirme that dolphins and whales do 一a phenomenon known as 。,unihemispheric slee. Researchers theorize that some animals have developed this ability to help them detect approaching predators or to periodically rise to the surface to breathe and monitor wave patterns, which keeps them from dmowning. While humans do not practice unihemispheric sleep, it is "iconceivable that particular regions of the human brain stay awake while others sleep, or that the intensity of sleep may vary across difierent brain regions, says Niels C. Rattenborg, PhD, of the University of Wisconsin, who has studied a similar phenomenon in birds。 The fnding is important, he says because it shows that at least in some animals, "sleep and akefulness can be independently controlled within different regions of the brain according to changing ecological demands" 【出内 : Ballie, R 2001.Animal aleep studies oHfer hope for humanw: A genetic link for narcolepsy。 sleeping with one eye open and fear onditioning are all investigated in animal research. Retrieved from http2wwwraporgmonitoroct01/animalslecp_aspx (一痢必要)] 注: *1conceivable「 (一ということがり考えられる」 間1 下線部 unihemispheric sleep とはどのような降りかを本文に従って説明しなさい。 間2 なぜイルカやヤクジラがunihemispheric sleep を行うのかについての仮説を本文を読んで2つ挙げなさい。 仮説1 仮説2 問3 下線部 The fnding is important と述べているが、なぜそう なのかを本文に従って説明しなさい。 ーー

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勉強方法 高校生


ーー jm怖/の まま c寿血 オリニント穫界の成きし 笠書 p-13【オリエテン 2 5 ニングニンバス p.6ーp7 間 department store on。 。hous6 『 m London. 中 Yi ey ents to send to the w 1 ra Ne Sm 山 w hey found a small Cage 、。 ever seen 8 jion ata NN | 156: 軸 6 fors2e 還昌Bm レンウルの er 4ee eK ou oue put ooked 7 Sad. They psupr9 7je paby fP small c886・ Tinally Johi Y eg ar for4 2 jon 近 90 Saiq sorry Or Q ets buy 記玉 8 関ii wzeee2 リン ed Christ2an. mjust a few da $ jon Wa n2 jon 9 jis neW jfe with John and Ace. 6 e 7.mae ne/ 訪 7he male 77. Chrisfgn /ksgn/ に to 味e ian C8m6 0 Chris Cistian 0 aong really well. fone of the 1 or Ap/ 09提 上 jaian would touch hin g 80 5 oogiO の 0Wis 23 ivey 2 ahow that he anfed 0 PlaY with (herm. 23 cdg kd9/ 「。Cjrjsfian als0 loved 10 ou ohn and Ace pought 。 26. gasf/1ey/ 6 。抽 jasf /e gr fp Him. Wen hey walked with him, he pullea masez special oo 2 cometoの onisJead ean egiied jed6g。 They also ran and playea 73.ger aong(*9) 。 j及a 月0ge砂er ma feld for hours. 77 pu0on4 5 8 without im 70hn said witD a smile. j6 4( fst people were surprised (0 see a jion jn the city e 0 T cant imagine jife 25. 9row up of Dondon。 However hey soon found that Chmistian was a 』ovey 説人e 衣end Lofs of people, including newspaper phofographers and felevisiom reporters, came to see him 衣 1 groWing up very fast. John and (90EIIIOI| j 8DDy je wouldmtlast jong. mi 46 Part 3> in his teeth. 25 “] knew he wouldmt forget uS. Tjust New Words s Pteses pp182r163 ee weres っ _ett /bew ristian found a belt in the house an mickedit up 2.teetn /GS/ (<toot) gp One day.Chi Ace tried to take the belt away from him、but tor tne 3.sngriy /Swrat, frst tme he angrily showed his sharp teeth. Ace was shocked. 1 arp te e was shockedu GO 3. snocked GON t reminded him that Christian WaS a wild aniumal. 4. remind /nmam an expert on and tha gi A few days later、the two men met Greorge。 George said that Christian shouueu join oher a ite in the wild Was 1ions from Africa. Sexper /ekswor jions in the wild. John and Ace knew tnat with George's iQea. AS \. eick uo A 2. take awey S.wenya /kew/ 9. set /seu best for Christian, so they fnaUly agreet 0 In 1970, the three men Went to Tenya to set Christhan tree. They also needed to train Christian to live in tne wid. Christian, 5 take A awey then。 met bis new tion friends and learned tneir ways ot RYng. 1 mm Their last day arrived quickly. Jobn anQ Ace spent one +Q. va 2 1ast fun day with Christian. The next morning they lett eary 19 without saying goodbye Afrtca new iife and behaves hke 1: ar Chnristan nOW. told that it Wo appeared、t Was Chwistaw 8 When they came to a feld, a hon Suddenly he started to run toward them.、 In such & sutuatton, anyone Would shout in fight, Watch ou st anQu started hckmg hs tacel However, Christtan placed his big paWSs on Ace's chei He did the same to John. cT camt believe 、He remembers usV' san Ace. knew 和” sanQ John. tian even took his ol trienQs to see ms new endship an love he FT 0 14 Later, Chris family、The men reahized that tue fr no limits.

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