

*Zは 2ETSTARの略す. Lesson 1 No.6 英文解説 Lesson 1 Let's Go to the Movies! Do you like movies? How do you enjoy them? - movies Some of you may watch them/on DVD at home / while others may go to a movie theater (to feel the power of 況 * movies the movie / ona big screen. SomeOther~ …なんもいろし、~以をいる ~する7にめに ~にロえて 映画自体。 映画の Besides enjoying the movie itself, /you can enjoy theatmosphere / and also have a good time /with your friends ()案田気 or boyfiriend or girlfriend / in the movie theater. 同格 The following essay, / written by Kip CatesS a Canadian writer, / tells us a bit / about his movie theater 過去分詞 /(6)5ょっとのこと S Vo 0 experiences. (A%)キャプワイツル Let's read it. * the following essay (回~回) 2 複合的(2-p296) Whenever Ivisit a new country, /Ialways go toa movie theater. ~するときはいつも * Kip Cares あれた国の Watching a film/ina foreign country / can teach you a lot / about the people, their culture and their customs. 0 0 S の 再帰バル詞(に:ip491) ~身、~自体 ダ Just as interesting as the films, / however, / are the movie theaters themselves. 倒置:正置では0r が逆だった、@を強調するために倒置をして文本に置いた。 Now,/ you'd think/that movie theaters around the world / would all be the same. w would 世界中 A以たりよっり 〈他〉 After all, / going to the movies / involves the same basic process: / You choose a movie, / purchase a ticket, / buy S V Some popcorn, / then sit down/and watch the film. ~というのも…だゃら Surprisingly, / however, / movie-going can be quite different, / depending on the country. ()高いたことに 映画を付に行くこと ~によって 巨Xは駐車揚にスクリーンを設置し、 6 事に楽ったきま今営質できる 映画上映施設 3 I grew up/in North America /in the 1960s. That was the golden age / of drive-in movies. - the 1960s 最期 ドラィラィンラ9ー1見る味画
The United States alone / had over 4,000 drive-in theaters. …だけでも ~13にめに (Tosee a film, / people drove to the theater, / parked in front ofa giant outdoor screen, / then enjoyed the movie / from the comfort of their cars. 屋外の巨Xなスクリーン 車中の快適さ 4 I still remember my first movie theater/ in England. 今も I was settled in my seat / waiting for the film to start/ when suddenly everybody stood up. …に落ち着いていた ~しながら “What's going on?" /I wondered. I soon found out/when everyone started singing God Save the Queen. 神上性を守りたきえ(王段下万典)イギリス回駅 当時 At that time, /it was a custom/ to play the national anthem/in British cinemas, / something(we never did / in to 以降を受ける 形式主語it 国数 を含むカすダ人たら Canada. This is still done / in countries/such as Thailand and the Philippines. e 映画上映前に国歌育唱をすること |5 Seeing a movie / in the Middle East / can also be interesting. S 中東 In many countries, / mixing of the sexes / is a cultural taboo. S 駅が同降すること In some Islamic nations, / the theater is divided / into three sections: / one for single women, / one for families / and one for single men. This gender segregation / can be quite strict, Qatar even has a women'only movie theater! 約文 男々別の分り隔て ()藤形は 6 (性装として)がある India is famous/for Bollywood movies (with their colorful costumes, / romantic stories/ and energetic dancing. ボリウード映画 (イッド映画限業の連格) Bollywood movies カ強い踊り
Indian movie theaters/ are also quite unique. Ionce went to see a movie/in Madras. かって、以前 マドラス (イド南部の寺) The summer heat was unbearable / so it was a relief/ to come into the cool lobby / of the theater. ()慢さない 形式生語) In the corner, /I saw a glass case / full of trophies. V 0 C 覚:0がCの状態であるのを見た It turned out / they were trophies/ for "best air conditioned movie theater"! 7 One of my most interesting movie experiences /was in Taiwan /back in the 1980s. ~にさゅのぼって Iwas in a theater/ full of Taiwanese people / watching a Chinese drama. 現在分詞 ~している Suddenly, / in the middle of the movie, / a loud "cock-a-doodle-doo" / rang out / from the row in front. 鳴り撃く コケコッコー 前りで Everyone laughed! It seems / a local farmer had brought a rooster / into the theater / and wanted to see a movie / before heading w (4)種鶴 back to the countryside. 田舎 w 8 If you have a chance / to travel,/make sure / to see a movie / in the countries / you visit. 確気に~する Im sure /you'll learn something interesting / about the people and their culture! きっとだろり
英語 moveis 英語の勉強法 perspective3 文章



