


英語 高校生

インタビューを受けた、と書いてありますが 、なぜ受動態になってるのでしょうか? インタビューを与えた(give) だから、ブラジル人にインタビューをしたと思ったんですけど、、

1 Creativity is effective novelty. V 和訳 創造力とは、有用な目新しさである。 novelty 「新しさ」 2 (That is to say), it is doing or making something new [that solves a SV problem or usefully changes how we act, think, or feel J. bro sin 和訳 つまり創造力とは、問題を解決したり、行動、考え方、感じ方を効果的に変え たりといった新しい物事をしたりつくったりすることなのだ。 that is to say 「すなわち」、 solve 「解決する」 3 To be creative, then, can be as simple (as seeing something (everyone V C else sees], but thinking what no one else thinks about it). どんな 文法?? 和訳 創造的であるということは、他の誰もが見ているものと同じものを見て、それに ついて他の誰も思いつかないようなことを考えるといった単純なものだと言える かもしれない。 166 4 Other times, it requires taking ideas or processes that people usually 0 view as being unrelated and finding some fruitful connection between them. do 和訳 またある時には、人々が普通無関係だと思う考えや行為を取り入れたり、それ らの間に意味のあるつながりを見つけたりする必要がある。 view A as B 「AをBとみなす」 fruitful 「有益な」 1 Recently, we gave an interview (to a Brazilian journalist) about

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英語 高校生

写真 2枚目の3パラグラフ目の棒線部についてです。 和訳と照らし合わせたところ、 吐く  というのが cought upの意味だと思い、調べてみましたが、出ませんでした 。そのような意味はcought upにあるんでしょうか?

erlode aids (0 英文を読み、下記の問いに答えなさい。 For most prey, ( 14 ) is over once they've been swallowed. But one species of beetle can escape from a toad's stomach nearly two hours after being eaten, according to a new study. Found in wooded areas on nearly every continent, bombardier beetles - a group that consists of more than 500 species - get their name from their signature defense mechanism: When threatened, they shoot a hot chemical spray from their rear end. In Japan, the insects have long been known as "the farting bug." Toads have been observed vomiting bombardier beetles after eating them, but no one knew exactly why, or ( 15 ) the beetles survived after their brush with digestion. あわや? bine To better understand the beetle's defenses, two biologists from Kobe University fed a species of bombardier beetle to two different species of toad collected from forests in central Japan. One toad species shared its natural habitat with that particular species of beetle, while the other was unlikely to encounter it in the wild. (16) After the beetles were swallowed, a small explosion could be heard inside each toad, indicating that the insects were firing their defenses. Overall, 43 percent of the toads vomited the beetles, taking anywhere

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