


英語 高校生

英文4段落目3文目のno paintを塗られていないとなくしてしまいました、塗られていないだとしたらno paintedでしょうか?? またno paintは完全否定なんでしょうか、、??

第4問 次の問い(A· B)に答えよ。 (配点 33) will shrink considerably over time.、This shrinkage is caused by moisture not change size too much. But wood from a tree that has just been cut down (water) within the wood escaping into the atmosphere. The drying process of Wood used in the construction of homes must be stable. That is, it must A 次の文章と図およびグラフを読み,下の問い(問1~3)に対する答えとして 2012年度 本試験 15 roo に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の①~④のうち 37 35 fnnu yileub から一つずつ選べ。 19unolli bomisa odt bas boow boi basg es 9120m lo . known as “seasoning. There are actually two ways to season wood. r is to allow the natural drying process to occur. The other is to put it . cnecial oven called a kiln. Kiln drying is much faster than the natural method. During the seasoning process, water is removed from the wood until the moisture content of the wood is approximately equal to the humidity of the air around it. These changes in size due to shrinkage are not uniform because changes depend on the kinds of trees, the way trees are cut, and the surrounding conditions. It is also important to note that even after seasoning, there will always be Some small changes in size due to changes in the humidity of the surrounding air. For example, last year, I used a 230 mm wide piece of eastern white pine WOod to makea cabinet door. It changed in width across the grain (Figure 1), Shrinking by 2 mm from the original in the winter and expanding by 3 mm Ine moisture content of wood changes according to the seasons even niw= from the original in the summer. um volbsoH 8. -409

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