


英語 高校生


【IV】 次の(A), (B)の設問に答えよ。 ((A)11点,(B)6点) (A) 次の英文を読んで、 下の設問に最も適切な解答をせよ。 選択式の設問は記号 (アイウエ・・・) を1つ選んで答えること。 A World Bank report recently released suggests climate change could, force 216 million people across six regions to migrate within their countries in the next 30 years, with ""hotspots" emerging within the next nine years ( 2 ) urgent steps are taken. ) urgent steps are taken.numputė, valab The "Groundswell Part 2" report examines how climate change is a powerful driver of migration within a nation because of its impact on people's livelihoods through droughts, rising sea levels, crop failures and other climate-related conditions. The original Groundswell climate. report was published in 2018 and detailed projections and analysis for three world regions: sub- Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America. "Groundswell 2" conducted similar studies on East Asia and the Pacific, North Africa, and eastern Europe and Central Asia. Both studies established different scenarios to explore potential future outcomes and identify internal climate in- and out- migration hotspots in each region that is, the areas from which people are expected to move, and the areas to which they might go. The study suggests that by 2050, sub-Saharan Africa could see as many as 86 million internal climate migrants; East Asia and the Pacific, 49 million; South Asia, 40 million; North Africa, 19 million; Latin America, 17 million; and eastern Europe and Central Asia, 5 million. To slow the factors driving climate migration and avoid these worst-case outcomes, the report recommends a series of steps world leaders can take, including reducing global emissions (4) the goals established by the Paris 2015 climate agreement, and taking steps to better understand the drivers of internal climate migration, so appropriate policies to address them can be developed. (注)* hotspot: 自然破壊が進み, 危機に瀕している地域 -2/ Which of the following has the closest meaning to", force"? to talk someone out of doing something to keep someone from doing something to tell a lie I to make someone move 2 Put the best one into blank 2. 7 unless イ 1 ア イ once when I if ウ 3 Which of the following has the closest meaning to "3 a powerful driver"? ア a good person who drives a truckgran amma di kaill) a tool to fix some furniture I 0811 a strong power that causes something to happen a condition which causes climate change 4 Put the best one into blank 4. Pin line with イ I on behalf of in spite of even though

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