


英語 高校生


(2)日本政府によれば,外国人観光客が急増している。 日本の伝統的な文化に興味を持ち、寺院を訪 れる人もいれば,健康食として人気が増している日本食を楽しむ人もいる。 文の骨格 ① [日本政府によれば] +② [外国人観光客が] + ③ [急増している] ① 「日本政府」 に the は〈必要/不要? ① 「~によればSV」According to ~, SV./~ says that S'V'. [ 青山学院大 ] ② 「外国人観光客」foreign tourists / visitors to Japan ③ 「急増している」 は 「急速に増えている」とする。 「急速に」は rapidly が適切。 文の骨格2 ① [人もいれ] + ② [日本の伝統的な文化に興味を持ち ] + ③ [寺院を訪れる] +④ [ば] + ⑤ [人もいる ] ⑥ [日本食を楽しむ ] + ⑦ [人気が増している] +⑧ [健康食として] ② 「興味を持っている」は,人が主語の場合 <be interested / be interesting> どちらが適切? ② 「日本の伝統的な文化」 は形容詞の語順に注意。 [主観的形 容詞] → [客観的形容詞] の順になる。 ⑧ 「健康食として」 は 「それが健康的なので」と考えればよい。 「健康的な」 は health の形容詞形。 According to Japanese Government, foreign touriate rapidly increasing Some people are interested in visiting temples, others enjoy Eating Japanese foods which is becoming popular because it is health.

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英語 高校生

赤丸をつけたところが分かりません。ちなみに、【】は副詞句・副詞節、()は形容詞句・形容詞節、〈〉は名詞句・名詞節です。 1つ目の赤マルは、なぜthat以下が副詞節なのか(自分は名詞節だと思った) 2つ目はの赤マルは、何のofか

[At the turn of the twentieth century, a remarkable horse (named Hans) was paraded [through Germany] [by his owner Wilhelm von S M Osten, a horse trainer and high-school mathematics teacher. Not only could "Clever Hans" understand complex questions (put to him 同格のカンマ 「すなわち」 V S in plain German) 構文図解 M M O 過去分詞の名詞修 [If Tuesday falls on the eighth of the month M - but he could answer them by 0 M M what date is the following Friday?" not only A but (also) B S C S tapping out the correct number] [with his hoof]. [Using this simple V M with 「~を使って」 分詞構文「~して」 M response], it appeared [that Hans could add, subtract, multiply, and S V M add, subtract, multiply, divide divide, tell the time, understand the calendar, and both read and add ~ divide, tell the time, understand the calendar, both words spell words]. Suspicious, the German board (of education) appointed S M M V Being 省略の分詞構文 a commission, (including circus trainers, veterinarians, teachers, and 0 「~を含んだ」 M circus trainers, veterinarians, teachers, psychologists psychologists), to investigate the situation. Surprisingly, they to do C M S concluded [in 1904] <that no trick was involved>. This did not satisfy V V M S O 名詞節のthat the board, and the case was passed [to psychologist Oskar Pfungst) O S V M [for experimental investigation]. [Braving both the horse's and M 名詞節のthat observer of human behavior >. M owner's notoriously bad tempers], Pfungst finally was able to 分詞構文 「~して」 S M V demonstrate <that Hans was no mathematician, but rather a fine not[no] A but (rather) B[ATTB 20 t を使っ 教育

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英語 高校生


44 1 次の文章を読み, 下線部(1)~(3)を英語に訳しなさい。 2017年度 〔4〕 地球の表面の70%を覆い, 人類の生活に欠かせない海の環境が, 今のままでは 危機的な状況を迎える。 貴重な栄養源である海の魚は乱獲によって減少し, プラス (1) チックごみなどの海洋汚染が深刻だ。 大気中の二酸化炭素(CO2) 濃度の上昇は、 海水温度だけでなく, 海水の酸性度が高くなる 「海洋酸性化」 を招くと懸念されて いる。 【出典: 「海の日/環境保全の努力強化を」 「山陰中央新報』 2016年7月19日 (共同通信配 信)】 2人はコミュニケーションによってさまざまな恩恵を受けている。他者に何かを知 らせる,必要なものを入手する、新しい知識を得るというだけではない。誰かに気 持ちを話すことで心の安らぎが得られることもある。また, ことばによって協力し あい、助けあうこともできる。 テレビ,ラジオや新聞などのマスコミも多くのこと を伝えてくれる。近年はさらにインターネットによる多様な情報の発信,受信な ども加わり, コミュニケーションの恩恵は計り知れないものになっている。 【出典 : 岡本真一郎 「悪意の心理学』 中央公論新社, 2016年】 (2) 3 「折々のことば」 鷲田清一 「これもいい」 「あれもいい」という発想のほうがおいしい料理を作れる。 小林カツ代 すぐに作れるおいしい料理を紹介し, 忙しい親たちに支持されていた料理家は, 自然派とか安全派,「食育」などと肩ひじはらずに、おいしい料理を食べさせるほ うが子育てにはいいと言う。実際、おいしいものを作って喜ばせてあげようと腕 を鳴らす人が輪の中心にいると、その集団は華やぐ。 ほんとうはそれがいちばんい いのかも。 「学びの場.com」 の取材に答えて。 (3) 【出典: 鷲田清一 「折々のことば」 「朝日新聞」 2016年2月5日】

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英語 高校生


「I|次の文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。( wのついた語は文末に注があります。 ns Sitting in the consultation room of a charming cosmetic surgery clinic in Washmgo. D.C., Hudson Young removed his mask under the satisfied gaze of his doctor. Like a grownns number of Americans, Young decided the right time to undergo plastic surgery was middle of a coronavirus pandemic, He knew he would have time to recover in the privacy ot his own home. The main reason, however, was that Young suddenly found himself face to face with his own image while participating in an increasing number of videophone and web A 「Its something new when you have to stare at your face for a couple of hours a day and there's only so much you can do with good lighting and good angles," Young said. The 52-year-old real estate agent had allready been a fan of cosmetic surgery. He had face lift, eyelid surgery and laser resurfacing for the first time in October. "When you see yourself on Zoom, you are shocked," he explained, as Dr. Michael Somenek examined his w barely visible scars. Young is far from the only one who has found himself disappointed with the reflection he has seen in the screen over the past year. Virtual consultations for cosmetic procedures have risen 64% in the United States since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. “We have seen an increase in the number of surgical cosmetic procedures that are directly related to Zoom," said Somenek, who has seen a 50% to 60% increase in customers. “I think the pandemic B has given everyone time to take care of those things that we've been putting off until later," explained Ana Caceres, who was able to work from home after C a plastic surgery operation she had wanted for a long time. She recovered at. her parents' house outside Washington after a December cosmetic surgery that helped her D deal with a source of insecurity she had had since adolescence. "I didn't have to days off, because I was still able to work from my bed with my lap-top," the 25-year-old said. “When life is going on and you have places to be, it's s0 easy to put things off," Caceres said, showing off a dress she says she now has the confidence to wear. And she has scheduled more cosmetic surgery. Her surgeon, Dr. Catherine Hannan, says consultations at her clinic in the IIS comit1 E have nearly doubled since the beginning of the pandemic. "Our patients have more lines because the last vear has been so hard. A face or boay change can have a psychological

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英語 高校生


1S+V+O+O, S+V+O+Cの受動態 119 1. Santa Claus gives children wonderful presents. 0 → a. Children are given wonderful presents by Santa Claus. b. Wonderful presents are given to children by Santa Claus. 2. My classmates call the dog Ichiro. 120 0 C The dog is called Ichiro by my classmates. 1.0(人), 0(物)のそれぞれを話題の中心(=主語)にした表現が考えられる。 give 型:give, lend, send, show, tell, etc. O(人)を主語にした場合(→a) 0(物)を主語にした場合(→b): 普通はO(人)の前に to をつける。 buy 型:buy, make, cook, choose, get, etc. O(人)は主語にはしない。 25g GUCG gnuuk is uid T0ob sd O(物)を主語にし,必ずO(人)の前にfor をつける。 His grandmother made John this cake. 0T airdt nssla 0 * This cake was made for John by his grandmother. 2.0を主語にし, Cは〈be動詞+過去分詞〉の後にそのまま残す。 OLSUBca m 2 注意すべき受動態の表現 Saoforig 3. They say that she is the most popular singer in the U.S. 121 → a. It is said that she is the most popular singer in the U.S. b. She is said to be the most popular singer in the U.S. 4.I was spoken to by the girl yesterday. 5. The soccer player is known to many people in the world. 123 122 3. They say that (…と言われている, …だそうだ)の表現。 目的語(that 節)を主語にした場合(→a) that 節の主語を文全体の主語にした場合(→b) 4.群動詞を含む表現: 群動詞全体を1語の他動詞とみなす。 len3 ni gniwolo 1 The girl spoke to me yesterday. 5. by以外の前置詞を使った表現:be caught in ~, be covered with [in] ~、 be filled with ~, be made from [of] ~, etc. 3 日本語では能動態で表すが英語では受動態を使う表現 6. We were surprised at the newsflash. 124 その 7. Ten people were injured in the accident. 125 be 6.感情や心理状態を表す表現: be disappointed with [at/by] ~, be shocked by [at] ~, be excited about [at] ~, be interested in ~, be pleased ye be d be r be worried about ~, etc. with ~, be satisfied with ~, 7.被害を表す表現: be delayed, be hurt, be killed, be wounded, etc. ovel be b 9

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