

「I|次の文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。( wのついた語は文末に注があります。 ns Sitting in the consultation room of a charming cosmetic surgery clinic in Washmgo. D.C., Hudson Young removed his mask under the satisfied gaze of his doctor. Like a grownns number of Americans, Young decided the right time to undergo plastic surgery was middle of a coronavirus pandemic, He knew he would have time to recover in the privacy ot his own home. The main reason, however, was that Young suddenly found himself face to face with his own image while participating in an increasing number of videophone and web A 「Its something new when you have to stare at your face for a couple of hours a day and there's only so much you can do with good lighting and good angles," Young said. The 52-year-old real estate agent had allready been a fan of cosmetic surgery. He had face lift, eyelid surgery and laser resurfacing for the first time in October. "When you see yourself on Zoom, you are shocked," he explained, as Dr. Michael Somenek examined his w barely visible scars. Young is far from the only one who has found himself disappointed with the reflection he has seen in the screen over the past year. Virtual consultations for cosmetic procedures have risen 64% in the United States since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. “We have seen an increase in the number of surgical cosmetic procedures that are directly related to Zoom," said Somenek, who has seen a 50% to 60% increase in customers. “I think the pandemic B has given everyone time to take care of those things that we've been putting off until later," explained Ana Caceres, who was able to work from home after C a plastic surgery operation she had wanted for a long time. She recovered at. her parents' house outside Washington after a December cosmetic surgery that helped her D deal with a source of insecurity she had had since adolescence. "I didn't have to days off, because I was still able to work from my bed with my lap-top," the 25-year-old said. “When life is going on and you have places to be, it's s0 easy to put things off," Caceres said, showing off a dress she says she now has the confidence to wear. And she has scheduled more cosmetic surgery. Her surgeon, Dr. Catherine Hannan, says consultations at her clinic in the IIS comit1 E have nearly doubled since the beginning of the pandemic. "Our patients have more lines because the last vear has been so hard. A face or boay change can have a psychological
Something I can do to make myself feel more confident right now," Hannan explained. 90 Zoom: パソコンやスマートフォンなどのディバイスを用い、 オンラインで複数の人が会議 impact, too. In this way, patients are saying, I can't travel, I can't see my family, and this n (Adapted from The Japan Times Alpha) 注 cosmetic:美容の resurfacing:古い皮膚を新しい皮膚にする治療 dow bas やセミナーなどに参加できるアプリツール 0 reflection:映った姿 bi insecurity:自信喪失 nintgi boog bal ol psychological :心理的な KGE pag 990 問1空欄 に入れるのに最も適当なものを、 それぞれの中から1つずつ選 A ~ E diw び、番号をマークしなさい。 ad A. (1) camera 2 conferénces 3) software (4) tools らし ア 90 B. 0 atl (2 in advanceb3 in general without イ けaC. (1) coming 1em/ 2going 0 (3) showing u6dergoing ウ 6 D. () go o1g m20(2) grant 1odmun (3) (pt s(4) エ E. (1) clean 02) happy 992 asti (3) (4) varied stress 01 m1d 問2 線 (1)~ (5) の意味に最も近いものを、 それぞれの中から1つずつ選び、 番号を マークしなさい。 (1)() feeling (2 look 0 wagh 9 (3) see (2) (1) cover again 2) discover again(3) get better (4) get worse キ clean 2 forgettable 3 hidden ④ notgeable (4) 0 buyers (2) children たぶんこれ ケ 3 clients 7ポ、 shoppers (5)(1) self-assurance (2) self-awareness(3) self-concern self.imagination コ nnalt podc cou カ
問3 次の文を読んで、本文の内容と合っているものには①を、合っていないものには②をマー クしなさい。 anoり AcCording to this article, the COVID-19 pandemic gave many people much more work hid than usual. サ 2 A vbu (2) Hudson Young had to look at his image in the screen more often due to working online. To 9dm slsey シ 2 (3) Dr. Somenek believes that Zoom is one reason for the increase in the number of people aneb wanting cosmetic surgery. ス 1o (4) The people who had cosmetic surgery in the article complained that they had to 191aia arrange holidays from work after their surgery. om bms sem セ 2 (5) The author suggests that the number of people who would like to have cosmetic 119bu surgery has increased in the U.S. 2nhow 91らw Tod sabi s ソ mom ont t qu 1eg 1on bluoo sita ausoed asw loodoe most d bne bretie of Inaulst 2ingbutas oil sai noasot staTegaa s as baine god to 19ho To vi o d 1o. aodan ngas maldosg odi tdaildgid o 1o 1o 1o01 9130 6 29ueat oieuob tedi anibi om 2191 hogque sbivon od a9ge easgst maldong alit booslq ss ahe ai tnedmno V ysm vhue voy ott dauodle sedt baged 19d 1919 d mogque Inuae iauos 1o0 et bauho hes eん s botpu dunoba os bin n


