


英語 高校生

答え欲しいです( ; ; ) お願いします‼️

54 tro Exercises 1 5. 6. Lesson 71 不定詞 ① Dialogue A: What do you want to be in the future? 将来何になりたいですか。 B: I want to be a florist. 私は花屋になりたいです。 A : I hope your dream will come true. あなたの夢がかなうことを願います。 1 日本語に合うように,[ [ ]内の動詞を使って英文を完成させなさい。 AC 1. スポーツを観戦するのはわくわくする。 It is exciting 2. それはお気の毒に。 I'm that. [ hear ] 3. 彼女の目標は慈善事業のための資金を集めることだ。 Her aim 4. 私たちは彼が元気だと知ってうれしかった。 We were pleased 5. 私のひいおじいさんは90歳まで生きた。 My great-grandfather lived 6. リサは試験勉強をするために, 夜更かしした。 Lisa stayed up late [watch] _money for charity. [ raise ] that he was fine. [know] 90. [be] 2 [ ]内から適切な動詞を選び, 不定詞に変化させて下線部に入れなさい。 [総合] 1. She grew up. a doctor. 2. My father needs 3. Hot drinks help. 4. There is nothing. I'm very happy [ be / drink / keep/stay/study/stop] for the test. [ prepare] smoking. LAJ (25è our body warm. in the fridge. with you. is necessary for every student. 教p.64 p.e 3 左右の語句を適切につなぎ, 英文を完成させなさい。 BC 1. We have some work • to catch the last train. 2. I woke up ・to finish today. 3. I need a piece of paper ・ to say such a thing. 4. She hurried to the station・ ・to write down his phone number on. 5. He must be crazy ・ to find that I had gone past my stop. Exercises 2 4 絵に合うように, 1. ooo 5 ピクニックに 1. We dec 2. They ha 3. He wa- 日本語に合 1. 私は (do 2. 穴を Ca U 3. U Ca そ 6 日本 1. T T 2. C offi (po pha

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英語 高校生


疲れを感じたので, パーティー -decided _laelig ticd )( )not to go to the party. 〈中部大) マサキは一生懸命に勉強したので, いい成績を収めた。 )( )( ) ) he got a good grade. Masaki (東海大) 定期的に逆動をする人は健康で長生きであるという傾向がある。 )( )to stay healthy and live longer. (東海大) _whe eiaee 1gulerly tend People ( 友人に仕事を手伝ってくれるように頼みなさい。 work. Ask. ficod a 1e hele )()you with your 〈東邦大) ときどき実に簡単に見えることが難しいとわかることがある。 ) sometimes turns out to be difficult. s r T このビルは私たちの家より3倍高い。 (芝浦工業大) (6)_ti pedie as This building is three ( )our house, 出かけるよりは家にいたい。 (国土舘大) fater I( ) than go out. 今年はつづり コンテストで誰が優勝すると思いますか。〈日本大) Who de foa think cill )win the first prize in the spelling contest this year? サオリはハルナに会ったことがないようだった。 (9)10 have met Saori secms not ( ) Haruna. (10) 官僚としてジョンは市民の不平に耳を傾けることに慣れている。 〈東海大) As a government official, John ( ) to citizens' complaints. 10)15 used to lsteaing ピーターは絵が好きだったので素晴らしい画家になった。 Peter's ( him an excellent painter. 彼女はバスに間に合うように急いで走った。 (駒浮大) de1_ matd )the bus. TH rime (12) 1t She ran fast ( 彼がパーティーに来るかどうかは問題ではない。 )or not he comes to the party. (13) ジャックはジルからのラブレターを受け取ると,すぐにそれを持って2階に走った。 (明海大) ( )( ) )( )( ) from Jill, Jack rushed upstairs with it. (14)

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英語 高校生


Lesson 19 , od ne mi m om a get their support. 5 He himself was through far-reaching reforms. He abolished slavery, introduced a *bureaucracv and 298628 ig piaum. ofh al nao o litmo of the 2010s, donated about 90% of his salary to charities which helped poor people. The he was often described as the world's *humblest head of state. Not all leaders are like them. Unfortunately, some leaders only care about their statis 15 When their popularity declines, they often try to shift the criticism onto others so as to maintain their power. The class system during the Edo period aimed at dividing people into classes and giving them contentment by encouraging them to look down on the lower classes. Hitler managed to win people's support by setting *Jews up as their enemies. It is quite difficult to satisfy everybody and unite a nation. Nevertheless, good leaders smo ons Tanolaom nd listen to people's voices, including critical ones, to make better policies for the welfare of 20 naw asng-1agie all the people from the perspective of national interests. So when you are qualified to vote, collect as much information as possible about candidates and political parties. It will help Coo b you judge whether they are willing to create a better society or are just trying to ake 25 advantage of their status for their own benefits. Your single vote can make a big differèIto to our future. oiauM 9oitasrf o eysW ) 363 words

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