

Lesson 19 , od ne mi m om a get their support. 5 He himself was through far-reaching reforms. He abolished slavery, introduced a *bureaucracv and 298628 ig piaum. ofh al nao o litmo of the 2010s, donated about 90% of his salary to charities which helped poor people. The he was often described as the world's *humblest head of state. Not all leaders are like them. Unfortunately, some leaders only care about their statis 15 When their popularity declines, they often try to shift the criticism onto others so as to maintain their power. The class system during the Edo period aimed at dividing people into classes and giving them contentment by encouraging them to look down on the lower classes. Hitler managed to win people's support by setting *Jews up as their enemies. It is quite difficult to satisfy everybody and unite a nation. Nevertheless, good leaders smo ons Tanolaom nd listen to people's voices, including critical ones, to make better policies for the welfare of 20 naw asng-1agie all the people from the perspective of national interests. So when you are qualified to vote, collect as much information as possible about candidates and political parties. It will help Coo b you judge whether they are willing to create a better society or are just trying to ake 25 advantage of their status for their own benefits. Your single vote can make a big differèIto to our future. oiauM 9oitasrf o eysW ) 363 words
0 第1段落を読んで,次の質問に英語で答えなさい。 Why do leaders try to please their people? blin Because they want to D0 9no gaimo2od ne 2omodgna2 onomA g onodgnama bag 210 0nibio9oA に入る顔も DADSL2pib 3[C OUIODE IouioL )に適切な語句を入れまとめなさい。 buja loo 0gid 2表の指導者たちが行ったことを,( modi dl物 上杉鷹山 大規模なo( )を断固として実施した。また,民に良い pi)に携わった。o obiool p 手本を示すために,自ら②( 一貫して植民地支配を避け,広範囲に及ぶ改革を成し遂げた。また。 )を廃止し、官僚制度を導入して④( blio ラーマ5世 を開始した。 V8e a ホセ·ムヒカ 5 omen 15n )の約 90%をo( )を助けている慈善 団体に寄付した。 mot rents 3下線部の例として本文に挙げられていることを,( )に適切な語句を入れまとめなさい。 Tiodi 江戸時代の身分制度では,人々はいくつかの①( 的は,人々に他の人たちを見下させることによって②( た。また,ヒトラーはユダヤ人を③( )に分けられた。その目 )を与えることだっ ds)に仕立て上げ,国民の支持を得た。 4 第4段落で、筆者はどのような指導者を選ぶべきだと言っているか,日本語で説明しなさい。 wond ol ainBq wolls bmcno2 buon a Ile odw Les 5本文の内容に合うものをすべて選びなさい。 1odw omit oc SIOgle 0travels Couue @ Uesugi Yozan improved the economic condition by creating a lot of farm jobs. D Rama V strongly refused to be ruled by another country. © José Mujica gave away a large part of his income to support the poor. doua © Hitler madea lot of enemies by trying to support Jews. 0p 21 00 bexodur of.. alesw s taui Smartphoncs © You should vote for those who use their positions for their の Better societies can be created if you choose the right politicians. own good. b ie ai 1 nd glod yam aidh oil 6 この文章のタイトルとして最も適切なものを選びなさい。 ow ④ What Is True Leadership? 答えとしD Who Is the Greatest Leader in History? O Why Is It Difficult to Be a Good Leader? © How Do Politicians Win Votes? Taren Care ロ 回


