


英語 高校生


1. When I realized I was wrong, I apologized ( Dhim my mistake 3 to him my mistake him for my mistake to him for my mistake 2. I graduated ( ) high school in 2015.m 1 from duo@for 3. We ( ) the problem of poverty. ①discussed 3 discussed of インター bist 4. Do you think I ( ) my elder sister? Dresemble resemble with (立正大) 4 of ③at de (酪農学園大) discussed about the discussed with して楽しめる b biabidea (東洋大) 3 resemble for b①am resembling 5. Kate () her baby boy on the bed after dinner. bid oa ed or blu ①laid lain give/tal 3lay 9131 (京都産業大) lie blow- em evig bnim LOV (広島修道大) ①raise ②rise wwo no alim to no 6. Please ( ) your hand if you want to ask a question. to baim w prey set up hard ratake up Sunda tegral 'nob 98819 7. Because of the bad weather, I decided ( ) out. ①not to go vud king/from home last night, to not going ③not going ④going not yud o (清泉女子大) guinisque beringsr 8. The repair shop failed ( ) my car. (東北芸術工科大) ①to fix 2 to affix ③fixed ④fix Ieva un baimer) Botong sandT 9. There was a big fire yesterday. Fortunately, everybody managed (). 011 (亜細亜大) Descape escaped Bevig 3 would escape aDob to escape 10. I closed my eyes and pretended ( ) asleep. o be Last wee toob edT 880 of Obe evig(玉川大) being 3 of being to be toy mailliW bus arrotiv 280 (to) during the exam.

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英語 高校生


しまった。 st few / hardly / of) I became < 東邦大 > For years. 4 whether ause/down/ upon). lest study hard. while <京都学園大 > with <浦和短大 > <東京電機大〉 ring them back within a <立教大 > 〈 南山大 > could not pass it. ng, he kept making <東海大 > 094 095 096 295 296 ( ) he likes it or not, you must teach him how to handle it. What 2 Who 3 Whenever 4 Whether He ran ( (1) as 297 It was ( 000 1 very 299 ) quickly that I couldn't catch up with him. 2 too 3 so ) a bad snowstorm that they shut the airport down. 3 such 4 too SO 298 I opened the door quietly ( 1 so that 2 unless 4 more ) the teacher wouldn't notice me. 3 otherwise 4 because of 〈神奈川工科大 > 300 寝坊するといけないから目覚ましをかけておきなさい。 <1語(句) 不要) (in / the alarm/you/ don't/ case / set) oversleep. 301 ( ) you're a grown-up, you must stop this childish behavior. 1 Now that 2 As long as 3 Even though 4 In case <神奈川大 > 302( ) he made up his mind to go, there was no stopping him. Though 2 Whether 3 While 4 Once Our grandmother never travels by air ( ) she will have a heart attack. in case that 2 so that 3 in order that 4 for fear that <九州産大 > < 芝浦工大 > 〈 広島工大 〉 <日本大〉 097 <駒澤大 > 098 <九州産大 > 303 As long as I know, prices in Spain are much lower than those in Japan. 2 0 < 松山大 > 099 100

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英語 高校生

5の1の問題で この解答の他に i wasn't made alone. っておかしいですか?

1. その科学者にノーベル賞は与えられなかった。 The Nobel Prize □ 2. マイクがチームのキャプテンに選ばれたのですか。 Was 3. 英語でこの魚を何と呼びますか。 What 4. 私は昨日、にわか雨に遭った。 I was a shower yesterday. ■ 5. 捨てられた犬には、動物愛護施設で世話されるものもいる。 Some abandoned dogs e Hints 英作力を磨く 次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。 総合 僕は一人にしてもらえなかった。 3 あなたは彼の言葉にがっかりしましたか。 to the scientist. as captain of the team? まもなく彼は引退するだろうと報道されている。 (It で始まる文に) called in English? 1. 「OをCのままにしておく」 leave + O + C 2. I was very ( ① shock E. I was quite ( 1 astonished 入試問題にTry ( に入る最も適切な語句を①~④から選びなさい。 総合 1. It is often ( ) that I look like my elder sister. ① said ② talked in animal shelters. 2. 「まもなく」 soon 「引退する」 retire 3 spoken ) to know he already had a girlfriend. ② shocked ③ shocking ) at the results of the previous election. ② astonishing ③ astonishment I do not know why she started to panic, but she might have ( ① been frightened ② been frightening~がもしんない ③ frightened ④ frightening ④ told ( 広島修道大 ) (跡見学園女子大) ④ shockingly ( 京都女子大) 4 my astonishment by the lightning. (近畿大) L6 L 受動態 ② 2. Was Mike chosen [selected] as captain of the 1. The Nobel Prize was not given to the scientist. team? 3. What is this fish called in English? 4. I was caught in a shower yesterday. 5. Some abandoned dogs are taken care of are looked after] in animal shelters. 解説 1. give 「(人) に(物) を与える」 を使った SVOO の受動態。 「物」 を主語にしているので, 「人に」の部分に 前置詞 to を使っている 2. choose [select] A as B 「AをBに選ぶ」の受動態。 3. <call +O+C> 「O を C と呼ぶ」 を使った SVOCの受 動態。 C が疑問詞 what となり, 文頭にきている。 4. 「~に遭う」は be caught in ~ であり, by は使わない。 5. 「~の世話をする」 take care of 〜 は群動詞。 受動態にし たときに前置詞 of を省かないように注意する。 5英作力を磨く 1. I was not left alone. 2. It is reported (that) he will retire soon [before long]. 3. Were you disappointed at [by, with] his words? 解説 1. <leave +O+C> 「O を C のままにしておく」 を受動態にする。 <by + 動作主> は不明なので示さない。 2.「~だと報道されている」 は〈It is reported that .../ 3. 「~にがっかりする」 be disappointed at [by, with] ~ を 使う。 be disappointed in ~は 「(人) に失望する」 の意味 で使うことが多く, ここでは不適。 6 入試問題に Try 1. ① said 3. ① astonished 2. ② shocked 4. ① been frightened 解説 1. 「私は姉に似ているとよく言われている。」(His (often) said that...) を使う。 この場合, talk, speak. tell の受動態は使えない。 「彼にはすでにガールフレンドがいると知って、私はた 「クを受ける」 の 〈at + 名詞>の代わりに不定詞が使われて いへんショックを受けた。」 be shocked at ~「~にショア いる。 受動

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英語 高校生

答え合わせをしたいので「アップリフト英文法 文法項目別演習1000」の受動態の解答をお願いしたいです😭

4 受動態 空所に入る最も適当な語句を答えなさい。 077 Her dress was made (a) silk. 1 for How blo 2 by 078 He was seen 1 go 080 079 Luxury houses with ocean views are currently (lice being built 101 083 081 The patient ( .noitala yowdua sd) to dellyna ni 1 gave 2 gives 私はクラスのみんなに笑われた。TW I was 082 The old building will ( be able to ) into a coffee shop with his friend. ead of thron 2 going 3 gone went till he would be in southern India. (z) 2 building.no3 buildstonqarlı having built ni bonzin 088 086 The World Cup ( Ⓒhad played 3 has been playing 089 The thief was caught ( O stealing (2 085 The patient was made ( Obe staying 084 私たちはにわか雨にあいました。 We were caught ( I am often ( 1 said All the spectators 1 excited ) by every student in my class. JJSAJORS ) enough medicine to bring about a complete recovery. naloqa \ of \singissol 3 need to steal 2 stay 3 at ) a shower. 920or ) Illw lood won aid svalled you our the allpoiblos ( 東京工科大 ) 4 of ) torn down tomorrow 3 have berl grusom smisdi ) every ) a television from the hotel. four 087 Butter and cheese are made () milk. 1 by 2 for 10) that I look like my talked (2) 2 got excited JIEMSCHORCR years was given had 4 3 stolen - 15X0 savor sit to Jue Tot boiteitbazing broame to tazym boiteita (2) should study harder. neuon sit to Ipo gniam nsm si Wez to mo mun nese zow nam adf To tuo grinun awody med va in bed all day by the doctor. 3 to have stayed row morning. O 4 be since 1930. 2 has played 4 has been played 3 from elder sister. 3 told ) about Ichiro's two-base hit. 3 got exciting Iyabasten (京都産業大) was giving 4 stole 4 (関西学院大 ) to stay 4 in 4 spoken (名古屋学院大) (センター) (鶴見短大) (京都産業大) (日本大) ( 酪農学園大 ) ( 上智短大) (近畿大) were exciting 受動態

未解決 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

‼️‼️至急お願いします‼️‼️ 分詞の文法が分かりません> <‪💧‬解答だけでもお願いしたいです🙇‍♀️🙏

7 分詞 1 空所に入る最も適当な語句を答えなさい。 166 167 There is a weekly brass band concert, ( weather is permitting 3 weather permitting 1) left my umbrella in the train, I got wet in the rain. 2 To be 3 To have Being 168 Bill was the only person ( 169( 170 What happened to Taro? He seems to ( 1 shock 2 shocked 171 They were ( amaze ) in the car accident. being injured 2 injuresmorl bo injured 79170 254 injuring foodse 100) in plain English, the book is suitable for beginners. Writing 2 Written 3 Having written 172 All things ( 175 ( 3 considering having considered 173 I've got a surprise. Keep your eyes ( 1 close 2 closing to close 174 Mary's parents seemed ( ) at the singer's fantastic voice. 2 amazedynille amazing of ), everybody can say this result is correct. 2 to consider relief Tre and wo? relieved 178 There is nothing ( embarrassment 2 weather will be permitting 4d weather permits Jnslia boniemen 4 176 He was lost in thought with his 1 close 2 closed KISV 150) by something. 3 be shocking eyes ( 4 Having ) his mistake, John decided to apologize to his parents. Had realized 2 Realized 3 Has been realizing li jarli ne ). 3 closing considered onod \ gniwonal (東京造形大) 4 To write t 4 4 be shocked (京都産業大) 静岡県立短大) matomy(東北工業大) 4mamazement (札幌大) ) to hear that her plane was on time. ( 聖マリアンナ医科大) to relieve 3 relieving Monty ) until I tell you to open them. ( 桜花学園大 ) close to have clo closed 3 4 od of brusque invasiq 280dy to IA to close (金蘭短大) 177 Do know that woman over there, the one (de ) in the white blouse? you mimidi won of w rol hatnicareant 27 11 1 to dress dressing 3 dressed 4 dresses ( 桜花学園大 ) (南山大) 4 Realizing ( 桜美林大) 南山大) ) about asking for help when you are in trouble. (関西学院大) embarrassing 3 embarrassed 4 embarrass 21 7 一分詞 分 詞

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


1 ()内に入る最も適切な語句を①~④から選びなさい。 (1) As far as I know, there are ( each 2 few (2) In developing countries, there are still a lot of villages with no 1 run 3 running ran (3) I didn't like the movie. It was not as ( 1 excited 2 exciting (4) I was so ( 1 disappoint (6) The company is planning a trip ( ) studies on the history of the region. 3 little ) when I heard the news 2 disappointed 3 disappointing and grolle Halid (5) Our office will not accept responsibility for items lost or ( 1 steal 2 stealing 3 stealth to go to swimming going swim (8) My sister ( 1 likes (7) Can I borrow something 1 to write (10) The student ( 1 what ) as I had expected. 3 excite (9) The singer is very talented and is sure 1 to win 2 won juo beatio )? I don't have a pen. 2 to write for (14) One reason 1 which (11) To my surprise, Paul gave me all the books ( 1 of 2 of which ) at a beautiful beach in Okinawa. 3 going to swimming CHE 3 to write with mundo ) the singing contest. ) he had. 3 that (13) Barcelona is the city () I spent last summer. 11 those 2 where 4 much lood a hell ) water. to pass the exam, for she spent a lot of time preparing for it. 2 is liking 3 likely nulol 3 which 4 have run Bürostuler e'an enw triguor (#****** to disappoint excitement Svi no es mob amse salt sven 4 stolen J - 4 what (12) There are only a few places around this area for children to play, (x) is 1 that 2 what 3 where E 4 is likely (東京電機大) idquodi L 4 to go swimming arbonogeek(岐阜聖徳学園大) 4 to write on COPY winning 4 3 for winning MAZSPRODAT ) had a temperature has gone to the nurse's room. lir)) (f (神戸松蔭女子学院大) 2 who 3 whom 4 whose VYSTIM 4 while is really a problem. 4 which (名城大) (日本大) 東京電機大) as C ESPERIEN (松山大) Kenji likes that class is that it is directly related to his dream for the future. 2 when na we 13 where ignoolew\ iady Soa 2 下線部のうち, 誤った英語表現を含むものを1つ選びなさい。 (福岡大) (甲南大) (S) ( 愛知学院大 ) og a spelliver to teriqeorts sil フェリス女学院大) 4 why X (1) Students who choose to 2 major in one of the Liberal Arts disciplines 3 will take courses 4 designing to foster independent thinking. (東北医科薬科大) (2) 1 After serving in the military, the man went back to his native village, 2 which he lived 3 among his Dk. \ ei, childhood friends 4 until he died. her family. (京都外国語大) (2 (2 (3) (5) (6) B D

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


LESSON (38) (4) 1 次の各文の( )内に適当な疑問詞を入れなさい. (1) ( ) broke this flowerpot? (2) ( ) bike is this? It's Tom's. (3) ( ) are you waiting for? I'm waiting for Mary. ) did you have at the cafe? I had an apple ( juice. ( 5 ) ( 疑問詞 基本編 2 次の各文の下線部が答えの中心となるような疑問文を作りなさい. (1) The school festival will be held next Sunday. (2) Ms. Sato is from Okinawa. ) season do you like best? I like spring best. (4) Manabu went to the stadium by bus. Bob did. (3) Yumi didn't come to the farewell party yesterday because she felt sick. (5) She ate three doughnuts last night. 3 次の文中の誤りを正して全文を書きなさい。 (1) I want to know when will he come here. (2) Where do you know the next Olympics will be held ? (3) Do you think where that brown-haired girl is from ? 日本文に合うように、( )内の語(句) を並べかえなさい. (1) あなたが外出している間は, だれが犬の世話をするのですか. (of, who, your dog, care, takes) while you are out ? $1 (2) 彼女は手に何を持っているのだろう. (she, I, what, has, wonder) in her hand. 3 〔pp.381~387] HINTS 1 pp.381~384 (1) flowerpot 「植木鉢」 (3) wait for ~ 「~を待つ」 (5) 「どの季節」/限定 されたものの中から選 35. 2 pp.384~385 (1) school festival 「学園祭」 hold 「開催する」 (3) farewell [fèorwél] party 「送別会」 (5) doughnut [dóunat -nit] 「ドーナツ」 3 pp.386~387 間接疑問文の語順に注意、 (3) brown-haired 「茶色い髪の毛をした」 4 (1) 「外出している」 be out 「~の世話をする」 take care of~ 18 58 月日 1 次の各文の( )に適するものをa~eから選びなさい. (1) ( ) is Jane going to stay at your house? c. How old (2) ( a. How far b. How long ) your father do ? b. What work ) they were absent? a. What does (3) Why( a. you suppose (4) Do you understand ( b. don't you suppose )? a. what this means b. what does it mean c. this mean what *(1) c. What is 2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )に適語を入れなさい. [Why did you go to such a place alone? .( (2) ) did you go to such a place alone ( How many people were there in China ten years ago? ( ) was the ( What has brought you here? Tell me ( ) of China ten years ago? (3) ) you have come here. 3 次の文中の誤りを正しなさい. (1) I wonder where did she meet Ken. [東京情報大〕 (3) How do you think of that? c. do you suppose (2) Why do you know the earth is becoming warmer? HINTS 1 )? 〔 相模女子大 〕 LESSON 38 (3) suppose 「思う」 4 日本文に合うように、( )内の語(句) を並べかえなさい. (1) 私たちは1日にどのくらい進めると思いますか. (we, do, think, far, you, how) can go in a day? 2 (1) 460 「何のために・・・」 (2) 人口を尋ねる. (朝日大*) (2) この手紙を書いたのは彼らのどちらか知っていますか. (know, them, which, do, you, of) wrote this letter? 3 (2) Yes/No で答えら れる. 〔関西学院大〕 (3) 「断る」 turn (3) 私はなぜ私の提案が断られたのかわからない。 I (why, turned down, understand, my offer, don't, was). 発展

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