


英語 高校生


あなたは昨日よりもずっと疲れているように見えます。 11. You look ( ) more tired now than yesterday. @much 3 many so $39012 (2184 € offer gerta より 12. Our products are ( better ) in quality to any others. superior スーパニオ プリフィ 13. Since it's raining outside, I prefer staying at home ( tonight. Obut for more superior 外に雨が降っているので今夜は家にいるのを好外に外食していきます Sm more better 3 that ・ジェンキンスと話してもしい? 17. A: Can I talk to Mr. Jenkins? B : I'm afraid that Mr. Jenkins (w doesn't won't excited than you are!" Ⓒall the more 3hone the less 興奮しています。 メアリーは卵をゆでることもできないし、ましてや夕食を作ることもできない。 16. Mary can hardly boil an egg, ( ) cook dinner. Oneedless to say 3 much less □19. 僕はそんな話を信じるほどおろかではない。 □14. 何百万もの人々が1日1ドル以下で生活していると言われている。語順整序 (松山大) It is said that millions of people (than/a/living on / less/are) dollar a day. 何百万人もの人々がり月、ドル未満で生活していると言われていま living on less than a ) than 100 fans left in the concert hall. 15. There were no ( ・コンサートホームには100人にすぎないファンしか残っていなかった。 further 2 more bigger no matter in order to works here. 3 not Avery no less no more すばらしい試合がしたね 次の試合が待ち切れません 18. "Wasn't that a great game? I can't wait for the next one!" I (to/know/better / than) believe such a story. know better than to 4 to 20. The longer you stay in this theme park, the ( bigger Qbiggest most ・今夜 ) going out for dinner (フェリス女学院大) 第12章 longer (中部大) no longer (名城大) (日本大) (昭和大 (東北福祉大) 2221 "Yes, I am () 12 11 7 4 1 + 2/1/16 1=2412 (九州ルーテル学院大) (大正大) ) money you will spend. more 比較 (東海大)

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英語 高校生

答えを教えてください!!! 至急お願いします!!

スクランブル 英文法語法 学習日 (4)助動詞 第十章 年 月 日 別冊解答pp.15~17 )にふさわしいものを1つ選べ。 "STEP 選択肢のなかから( 基礎 1周題 1 I'd( ) to say thanks to you. 2 take ③ like 4 had (名古屋学院大) D used 2 You might as ( O good ) tell the truth. 3 if の welle V(大阪経済大) anol ② better の or to find art boring before I went to a modern art museum. ② using 3I( O used 3 to use っの have used (武蔵工業大) ol by 4 John( ) hungry because he has just eaten lunch. 2 must be O may be 3 can't be の should be (桜美林大) teq 5 Oh dear. It's already five o'clock and I'm late. I ( D could ) leave now. 2 had better 3 ought ④ should to (慶鷹義塾大) 6 The baby is sleeping. So, you ( O had better not ) be so noisy. ② had better not to ③ had not better の had not better to (中部大) 7 You( introduce me to the professor because we have already met. (1 never 2 are supposed to 6 will ③ should ④ do not have to (大正大) m uo! 8( you rather go first? ② Dare D Are 3 Had 4 Would d (関西学院大) 9 Idon't feel well. I might ( O be caught ③ have been caught )a cold. 2 been caught の have caught (近畿大) 10 Ican't find my umbrella. Someone ( od ) it by mistake. O must take ② will take ③ ought to take Dobn ④ must have taken (東京国際大) 10 第4章 助動詞

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