


英語 高校生

わかる方、解答をご教授ください。 難しいです。

| 181. Although our universe is still young, theorists are busv its ultimate fate. の explore ③ explored to explore の exploring (上智大) 2 182. At first, I had difficulty ( ) people when they spoke too fast. d O understanding の for understanding (京都産業大) TATT 3 to understand の understand ) in standing when there are seats available 2 what is more 2 183. There is ( の one another G 3 each other (早稲田大) の no sense 8 u 201G 2 184. Something is wrong with the engine. I'm afraid it ( ) の needs to repair ① must repair 3 needs repairing の is necessary to repair oplecr (同志社大) BI0 mirl haine 2 185. ホームズは誰にも気づかれずに部屋から出ていった。nodW art s Holmes(by / of / the / out / without / went / noticed / (日本福祉大) room / anyone / being ). 2 186. 私と一緒にちょっと散歩しませんか。(1語不要) What( to / you / say / do / how ) taking a short walk W TE (国学院大) a with me? の 187. 東京にいつ激しい地震があるか誰にもわからない。 There (in / knowing / will / no /is/Tokyo / a / happen / when / severe / earthquake ). (法政大) gailleh om c uet 2 188. 警官は私の言うことを信じてくれなかったが, 言い争ってもむだだ と思った。 The policeman did not believe my story, but I thought it was ( with / good / arguing / no / him ). (四天王寺国際仏教大)

未解決 回答数: 1