


英語 高校生


コミュニケーション英語ⅡI 表現課題 ⑤ 1.物語を作ってください。 タイトルもつけましょう。 ただし、教科書 p129 の 1 2 の 10 個の文の中から2 文、3の指示に従って作った英文1文の計3文は必ず含めてつくること。 使った3文については、赤で下線 を引いておくこと。 分量は250語以上書いてください。 語数は自分で数えてタイトルの行に書いてください。 ( 締切 / ) 21で作ったお話を授業内で発表します。 発表時間は2分以上6分以内です。 しっかり覚えて、 何も見ずに発 表できるように準備しましょう。 went Title 45 Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mary She lived with her sick mother. The doctor wanted to Cure her mother's illness, but the problem is that he didn't know how to cure her. Then Mary thought that she might find out Something if she meet to a knowledgeable old man in town, so she is The old man said, "My wife had the same ? disease. But the medicine I got cured her." He had a provid expression. Mary asked him where he could get the medicine. 23 to the man. 82 " IL It's a scary witch's house," he said. Mary was scared, but 104 decided to go to the witch's house for her mother. After that, 116 She got a map and walked to the witch's house. 語 11 22 33 126 After walking for a while, it got darker and darker, and 139 it was very spooky. Mary was frightened but kept walking. 129. It was then. She found the witch's house! She was so happy that she opened the door without knocking. There was a witch there, and she said You are a bad girl to come into my house without knocking". The witch transformed her into a toad. She cried because she had not expected the witch was so Terrifying. Still crying, she insisted to the witch that she desperately wanted the medicine. The wich was mored by Mary's impassioned appeal. And the witch said of If you give me ten years your life, I'll give you the medicine? She accepted the offer. The witch restored her original form. and extracted the medicine from the flowers. Then she thanked the witch and returned home safely. Mary's mother was cared by the medicine and lived happily with Mary. Later that day. and she asked Mary went to thank the knowledgeable old man him how to convinced the witch to give the medicine. He said, 「 11 I told the witch that I would give you the life cr 11 of the next person who visited you for 10 years." (55

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英語 高校生

WORLDTALK2のLesson8Part3とPart4の右側のページGet the GistとPracticeを、教えてくれませんか??

***** Get the Gist ①英文を聞いて文を完成しなさい。 ② その文が本文に一致していればTを, 誤っていればFを○で囲みなさい。 1070 1. The graduate students thought developing humanoid robots would ad to be useful for (01) (153 1) 1.6 ofu 2. The humanoid robot Takayuki's team created ( T/F ) (iv) in all other countries. 2015 enw 3. Halluc II is an innovative robot that can () ( T/F direction. LUSTASSUJUNEDASSH 「◆「~した後」 「~したので」 などの意味を表します。 Having finished his work, he went out for dinner. moitemtolai gaibranibabanoona ont of The is how she beglad glassny i Grammar 完了形の分詞構文 10W duidzi oflift wol ●「(以前に,それまで) ~したので,…..」=having + 過去分詞,S+V 23 Having worked with them for a while, he realized they each had しばらくの間彼らとともに働いたので recent wire their own specialty. of in Never having been there before, I couldn't find the building. 10 400 alid toqpd bloyaleT Lesson8 1109 Halluc IIの最新版 Halluc ) any 00 Ilx(ハルクツー・カイ) 主節の時制よりも 以前のことや、完了形の 意味合いを表すよ。 bumotà es teulasvil id ai olgong Practice [ ]内の語句を並べかえて、英文を完成しなさい。 (文頭にくる語も小文字で示してある。) 1.[read/the book / having ] I knew the story of the movie. 2. [ my wallet / lost / having ] in the train, I had to borrow some money to return home. 3. [ failed / in the exam harder. Mk.5は人工知能を搭載した小型 の二足歩行ロボット。 世界で初め て人間のようにスムーズで安定し た歩行を実現した T/F 1.8 having ] before, she decided she would study 00 111

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