


英語 高校生


Only with children but with am sect ・ Tons of the community All tastes are appeahing PeoPle, fomt martial arts and romance to history economies snd politea ft 了 ee people asleep while aeated. Public traneport is in fact clen and safs an neither men ao "Yomen( 2 )totravelon pubhictransport even in the middle ofthe ight 1Most arge companies pay for the commuting costa oftheir employees_ Tain passes seal fr one, three or six montbe and are purchased by indiwidual employees who ane *reimbursed by their company. Although they are( 3 ) onpubiic transport during the week many people sre pnd eing their cars during the weekend. Now that buying a house is becoming more an momedi sn imposible dresm some Japanese are opting to by a car instead and there has been increase in the number ofpeople buying foreign uxury care。 For getting( 4 )thelocalcommunity such as going to and from the station, bicycles are more convenient than cars. More stations and shopping centers here have parking arees icycles ike stations and shopping centers in my country have carparks. 語注 : ※reimburse 「(胡用などを) 払い戻す, 返済する」 間1 下線部(1)の理由として最も適切なものをアーエから 1 つっ選び, 記号で答えなさい< 毎朝の通勤電車の混雑を避けるため 都心を中心に生活費が年高くなっているため 都市部での不動産価格が上昇しているため 街の中心地で雇用が増加しているため Hさささ We 膨? 低所( 2 ) に入る最適な用をアーエの中から1つ選び,記錠えな 7 seay イ femr ウ afaid 6 av 回3 会所( 3 ) に入る最も連切な語をアニの中から1つ選び 包みでをんな生 ア depressive イ dependable ウ depictive ー depend

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