


英語 高校生


Vision Quest ⅡI Ace WORKBOOK 4 日本語に合うように, ( )内の語を並べかえて英文を完成させなさい。 □1. おそらく彼女は故意に私を待たせておいたのだろう。 (関西学院大 * ) (it / kept/she / was/that/likely) me waiting on purpose. □2.人それぞれ考え方は異なるものだ。 (広島国際大*) (differ/from/ of / person/thinking/ ways) to person. □3. 彼が真実を語ってくれるかどうか疑わしい。 成蹊大 (doubt/he'll/I/ the / if / tell) truth. □4. 誰がそのプロジェクトを実行しても構わない。 (大阪医科大*) (carries / doesn't / matter / it / who / out) the project. 5 次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。 □1. SNSのおかげで, 人々は連絡を取り合える。 [enable を用いて] □2. この本を読み通すのに10日かかった。 (朝日大) □3. 大学生活において, 良い人間関係をつくることは大事です。 (工学院大*) □4. 新たな税金により, 人々はアルコールを過剰に摂取しなくなるでしょう。 [prevent を用いて] (関西学院大) □5. へき地の医師不足が深刻化している。 (青山学院大) Hints 3. 「人間関係」 personal relationship 4. 「アルコール」 alcohol 5. 「へき地」 remote areas 6 次の会話文を完成させなさい。 (慶應義塾大) Mike: I heard more and more parents are giving their children non-traditional names. In Japan they are called “kira-kira names." What do you think of this trend? Ken: Mike: I think these parents are influenced by anime and manga. 5

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英語 高校生

英語です。クリティカルポイント2のチャプター3の答えが配られていないので、答え合わせができません。 答えを持っている方、または解いてくださる方、よろしくお願いします。

2. This electric machine did not function properly when it was delivered to my house, I have called several times, but there 助動詞·受動態 Chapter baim uoy biuo de o0 ー文法。語法一 空所に入れるのに最も適当な語(旬) を選びなさい。 ) out of town. n ud 1 1. Miki and her family ( (南山大) is no answer. 0 could go 3 should go の would be 2 must be lt uoy ) broken during shipping. (ship =輸送する) 2 could be om (慶歴大) It( ③ has to be の must have been 0 can have ) be watching TV. There are no programs today because of the strike 3 3. He( 2 can't may の should (東北工業大) 0 must 4.I saw Mr. Yamada at Shinjuku Station this morning." “You( ) have. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. 2 didn't (センター試験) D couldn't 3 might の should aci 5. Jim had a skiing accident, but he's all right. He's lucky, because he ( 97 (センター試験) 20clH d oo hurt himself badly. 0 could have bns ana 2 might ③ should の will have 6. This is a very important meeting. You ( ) miss it. (慶塵大) 3 ought not to amod og O had not better ② must have の should have ) here by now, for she took the early train. mort 7. My sister ( (センター試験) may arrive on ont 0 must arrive 2 can arrive の ought to have arrived (walin 8. Dorothy isn't in the office%; she ( 0 can be having ② can have coffee in the cafeteria. (センター試験) 3might be having 1ont ④ might have ) have to queue, when we've_already got our (東京電機大) 9. It is ridiculous that we ( tickets. (queue =列を作って並ぶ) 0 might ② ought ③ should の would 10. She proposed that a doctor ( ) be called in immediately. ④ ought (昭和女子大) 0 would 2 should ③ could 11.“I don't see Tom. I wonder why he's late.” “Well, he ( ) his train, or maybe he overslept." 0 might have missed ③ should have missed (センター試験) ② might miss ④ should miss 14

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英語 高校生

解ける方いらっしゃいますか…?いたら解いて欲しいです😭😭 新演習 750(12接続詞)

(2 By the moment (名古屋工業) 14.( )I saw thecute puppy at | 29. ( ) the の The moment 4 For the moment healthy ad 3 To the moment 1 As soo 4 Yet (清泉女子。 )you do not have a receipt, we cannot exchange this. 3 Unless 15.( 30.( ) he 2 Since の However ① As )it is getting warmer. 3 why 16. The ice is melting ( ① therefore の though (中部大 ② because mie 31. I wish we ) that I've completed my homework, I can enjoy the rest of my holiday 3 Now 1 that 4 After (山梨学院。 32.( ) th ① As 17.( O g6 ) you have a parking permit. 2 Because O Since 18. You may not park on the university campus ( ③ unless 4 without (中央大 126 ln Mik 2 So that OO 2 同じ意味に の because ) Hanako comes too. 19. James will come to the party tonight, ( Owhich ④ why 0od(西南学院大 33.(a) The 3 provided ② insisted ol (b) As ) she was very busy, she was able to finish the work on time. 4 So 34.(a) I ha 20.( ③ Because (駿河台大 2 Although (b) Har 大) ① Since sT 35.(a) Tal- 21.( ) we are currently in a serious depression, our company is making a good showina Jsde 1o1 9 (b) Ta- doii sales. ② However oL sakeg wo ( (東京理科大 ① Despite 991o mo09 の Though 3 次の英文 ③ Notwithstanding 18lw dsrli S 36. No 22.( ) she is only 16 years old, she seems very mature for her age. m boy の Because of ② Even though 3 In spite of ④ Why oitedw (立命館大 37. My de ) it was, they set out for their destination. ③ how 23. Late ( om 9rt mi qu o o1 (4) as 0when 2) so (中央大 199worl ) mod 38. As ()AGn 24. The recipe was ( ) simple that even I could follow it. 39. A ne ng tsl mwoml svad10 (東邦) netw U 1 such 2 less unub (3) SO 4) as adve mot S) 135Ja 25. It was ( )a beautiful sight that I took lots of photos. ste t'nbib y9tibreb y (漁徳水 Vdn 4 次の日本 1) so (2) as (3) such 4 what tr 40. 新し 26. As ( ) as I know, this article is one of the most impressive accomplishmelo Hig linguistic research. 0 long 20 mod ml ② much diff ③ large 4 far (杏材 27. Yoshiko prepared dinner ( ) her mother was watching TV. 41. 木の Smmr vibsd bad L y (東京 1while 2 that ③whether which Wit 28.( ) most of his friends are hard working, he is rather lazy. niogye O Except that (2While ③ Despite Since (県立広島 ロ ロ ロ ロ ロ

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英語 高校生


不定詞と一 動名 詞 UATE: Infinitives and Gerunds 。The doctor has advised me not to eat eggs anymore, so I've stopped Power Frame> Grammar ( ) them. D to have bought 3 for buying STEP 04: 不定詞と動名詞 2 buying の to buy Frames for Tbis Chapter -この課のポイントを示す例題一 (南山大) 空所に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 口 04 Have you finished ( )your essay? の to write 04 ② writing の to be writing 3 to have written (明治大) )a lawyer. の to become (九州国際大) I've decided ( I can't afford ( 口 05 O to buying FRAME 026 )a new car. 3 became O becoming 2 become 2 to buy mde 3 buy の bought (福岡大) I've finished ( ) the room, and I'm really hungry. What's fom FRAME 027 You had better avoid ( 2 to say 口06 ) anything to embarrass your parents. 3 saying dinner? O say の to have said (摂南大) 2 to clean O cleaning の being cleaned 口07 You ought to think about giving up ( ). It's bad for your health. 2 to smoke 3 cleaned (法政大) O smoking e ) the door before you leave. 3 closing FRAME 028 Remember ( 3 smoke ④ being smoking く芝浦工業大) O close 2 to close の you close ddoun y s ne (玉川大) )in Canada? 2 being working ④ working 口08 Have you ever considered ( ) English to communicate with the world. の to learn FRAME 029 I want you ( O to work 0 learn 2 learned 3 learning 3 to be worked 〈福井工業大) (甲南大) FRAME 030 Mary saw a police officer ( ) the room. 口09 After a lot of problems she ( ) to learn to drive a car. D enter 2 enters O gave upot ②managed 3 put off の succeeded(センター試験) 3 to enter の have entered く梅花女子短大) ■10 Iwill never forget ( had. ) Paris last year. It was the best holiday I've ever RAME 031 Don't ( ) the students enter this room. TSn O to visit 2 visit 3 visited ④ visiting (金沢工業大) O allow 2 let 3 permit ④ admi く十文字学園女子大) ) to impress the audience. 3makes 口11 This story never ( O sees 2 fails ④ becomes 〈関西学院大) ERCISE A >> 空所に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 onaxa 口12 Please remember ( O having stopped 3 to stopping ) by his office before you go home. ② stop の to stop 01 I've decided ( ) here. I'm tired. 2 stayed (近畿大 O stay 3 staying の to stay (金沢工業大) journalist. )Manhattan on business as a young. ③ visit 2 Father promised ( ) his son to the zoo on Sunday. 口13 I remember ( の visited くいわき明星メ 2 visiting b b )an appointment before you go to see the dentist. の taking の to visit o wond faob。 Don't forget ( 2 took 3 to take ④ have taken shu nn (立正大) 口14 2 to be making O making (京都産業 ④ to make 3 to have been making 革文法完全演習パワーフレイ』

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英語 高校生

Vintage Aviator600の22から30までおしえてください。

OEEEEf Vintage 口022 ) have accepted that offer! ) show up, tell her to ring me immediately. (2must 口034 What do you think ( be / like/ to/it/would) get along without TV sets in your home? (b) If she( の did 3 shall Oshould (専修大) (日本大) 口023 (a) It is ( (b) The new tower in Tokyo is 634 meters ( O large )time that you went to school. 口035 Both Gracie and I like British movies a lot. I(without / cannot / meet/ talking / her) の long 3 tall Ohigh (駒導大) about them. (法政大) 口024 (a) He can siggn ( (b) All( ) better than his brother. )numbers can be divided by two. 3much |基*) Deven 2 far の still (日本大) 5次の日本文に合う英文になるように,( ) 内の語(旬)を並べかえなさい。 (a) She is the( (b) I'm pleased that Jane's got a job at ( D last 口025 ) person I'd expect to meet in a disco. 口036 この大聖堂に足を踏み入れると,敬険な気持ちにならざるを得ない。 One (but / cannot / feel / help/into / reverence / this / walks / one / when) cathedral. (青山学院大) 2first 3 least の most (神戸学院大) 3次の英文の下線部のうち,誤りを含むものを1つずつ選び、訂正しなさい。 あなたの寛大なお申し出がなければ,私たちは子どもたちを幸せにすることができな かったでしょう。 (not / your /had / offer / for / been / generous / it ), we could not have made our children happy. 口037 口026 Rie o was spoken by a o foreign student o while she was o waiting for the bus. 〈開教大) く関西学院大) 口027 o In order to improve your English, you should spend as の much hours o studying the language oas possible. (立命館大) 口028 E-commerce o makes the creation of a @home-based business much p easy than oin the past. ロシアは南アフリカの4倍を超える量のダイヤモンドを産出している。 Russia produces ( four / number / more / of / than / the / times ) diamonds produced in South Africa. |本) 〈京都外国語大) 口038 (日本大) 口029 oWhat do you ethink ois the second o large city in the United States? (関西外国語大) Chewing gum is so popular o that e nearly 300 sticks of gum g is consumed per capita in the U.S. o each yea. 口030 (東京都市大) 彼女は、数学では他の学生に負けなかった。 She was ( the other / to / students / superior / at / math ). 口039 (東京理科大 4意味が通る英文になるように, ( ) 内の語を並べかえなさい。 A: According to the waiter, there will be at least a 20-minute wait. B:(reservation / had / a /we / made ), we wouldn't have to wait. 口031 〈玉川大) 車で大学へ来るのにいつもどれぐらい時間がかかっていますか。 How long (does/it/usually take /to/drive /you) to the upiversity? 〈日本大) We had Made a 口040 (* 本) teser vation A:I heard you moved to a new house. How do you like it? B:Ilove it. It's ( the / three / size / of / times) the old one. 口032 (玉川大) Words & Phrases Alex:(do / is/it/know/time / what / you) now? Pat: Quarter tothree. 口006 dusk「タ暮れ」 口012 on the way 「途中で」 口017 bribe「防略」 口008 diligent「動勉な」 口014 taste 「好み」 口021 thrive 「繁栄する」 口033 (防衛大) 口028 e-commerce 「電子商取引」 口030 per capita 「1人あたり」 Atnet 600

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英語 高校生


rds & Phrases EXERCISES B (1) 英語を話せさえすれば国際人になれると勘違いしている人がまだ大勢い、 るのは残念だ。 状況例数多く流される英会話学校の CMを見て, 国語の先生が発言している。 ~と勘違いしている mistakenly believe - / have a mistaken idea that ~ (日 次の文を英語にしなさい。 [新潟大] ~は残念だ It is a pity la shame] that ~ ols (2) 大気中の二酸化炭素の量が増えていることが, 地球温暖化を引き起こし ている。 状況例 理科の教科書で, 地球温暖化が起こるメカニズムが説明されている。 大気中 in the atmosphere [中央大] 地球温暖化 global warming amgoure mpe (冠詞は不要) ofを使う bao ag oh a sid Mo (3) 車内で老人に席を譲るようにという車掌のアナウンスがあっても,それ を無視する人がたくさんいる。 車掌(→電車[バス] の車掌) [中京大] a train[bus] conductr 状況例 老人が友人とお茶をしながら, 電車の乗客のマナーについて話している。 メーロく 大ーロ せお子 (4) 最近,ペットをどこにでも連れて行きたがる人が増えている。その結果 ペットと一緒に入れる場所の人気が高まっている。 [大谷大*] 状況例ペットと宿泊できるホテルが最近増えていることに関し, 新聞記者が書いている。

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