


英語 高校生

【至急】この文を日本語訳していただきたいです(><)めんどうであれば④⑤⑧だけでも大丈夫です~ˣ˷ˣ 明日の宿題なのでよろしくお願いします. . .

にましょう. D 3 ●傍注に出ている単語を○で囲みましょう. 日本の国土の特徴は何でしょうか. for ab claundwo Japan is a country of forests. // They account for about 66 percent of abniw asw together with Finland and Sweden. // gros smua sdi grignie a big staff Japan's land. // The global average is 31 percent. // PROSLA USR/Poe them. // 2015 pristnom futbund 2nd 6918 einT the top three developed countries / with a high forestland rate / for many years, / 日本の生態系はなぜ豊かなのでしょうか. 2 Due to the humid climate, / a variety of natural e Mol naad ved vart basles Japan has been among 5043 G710NG geographical isolation with thousands of islands, / Japan is rich Inhal A-ka.c vigintasl nist YVES & bar ow AcOS JU48@v=t& nicht odi adguro I ado(( 63 ) (dual); ecosystem. // Inciterá sdi [ Many species are unique to Japan, / and the forests provide homes for some of CASAHAN S (s\ bruot \ boog \ 1892 \om) ode orfe environments, / and >7J>JECTII in habe #7 wow adt\ wode) woy Urw 森の生態系で大きな役割を担っているのは何ですか. nose Sr Doy lliw All the plants and animals in the forests / have a close relationship with each biodiversity. // 1900itibo-TIE GA 720 smod land me I nodw (died \aw gabin\ a) android yM other. // Many varieties of mushrooms, or fungi, / play a large part in this forest (boininq \ wolley \ planu bavorigob \ * (109 words) Lopah add horri E

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