

傍注に出ている単語を○で囲みましょう。 droid yin bute uov 映画『君の名は。』のキーアイテムは何ですか、 それは何を表していますか Do you know the Japanese anime movie / Kimi no Na wa, or Your Name? || 1111 =17 B&nP=xal 017040, ZUETAN The hero and the heroine each wear kumihimo. // This key item shows us / GTB STORT ni RU COJAR the basic theme of the story: musubi. // This Japanese word means the ties 合 FOTO item 195 ) 80 ad anotad viSİXOR JUD between people / over time and space. // A4-XERO nem banised-annews ) mid (to (1) estamento il -ket 映画『君の名は。』は若者にどんな影響を与えましたか. 2 Thanks to the movie, / young people / around the he world as as in Japan / well as in you do t 33364 became interested in the art of kumihimo. o. // ©Now some of them even make - a 21 kumihimo / by themselves. // ENJ .(saidw \\ gob gid] svar 1 組紐についてどんな問いかけがされていますか. 3 The handicraft of kumihimo / has a long history. // How did the tradition mooi edi otni smo 10 ist beriw .Oh. of tying develop? // How did musubi begin / to express the connections between y the Saab ach (mudis \ no\ blo Vat V people? // [101 words] de MAJSC 3pm bluso 1 Jud う. as well lin
英コミュ 高校 高校英語 英語 至急 宿題 高一 高校生 日本語訳 英文


