


英語 高校生


1 内から適切な語句を選びましょう。 (1) That's (which / what) you said yesterday. (2) Are animals (who / that) are in zoos happy? (3) There are three employees (that/whom ) will receive an award. (4) The apartment house, (which / whose) bathrooms are shared by the residents. repaired next month. what he was (5) He is not (that/ what ) he was. (6) Who was the person (to who /to whom ) you spoke yesterday? 3 日本 (1) 私が欲し The camera 過去の彼 is (2) I looked up which I wanted to know in the encyclopedia. I looked h (2) 私は昨日、友人と I met a friend o (3) 始まりがあると Whatever (4) 彼女はいわに She is (5) その木は変 The tree, again ne (7)/Today I didn't see the boy and his dog (which /that) run in the park every day. that (8) This is the pen (with which/with that) the novelist wrote his novels. (9) He said that he could speak English) ( that / which ) was a lie. (10) If (wh whoever / anyone ) is having difficulty hearing me, let me know. 2 例にならって下線部の誤りを訂正し、文全体を書き直しましょう。 (151) My father always keep my promise. → My father always keeps his promise. (1) Iwant to ask for the opinion of someone which is familiar with the law. kamiliar with the lan of someone who want to ask for the opinion. what I wanted to know in the encyclopedia 4 日本語の (1) 京都 Kyo (2) 15 N up (3) The report mentions something what is important to our lives. The report mentions something that ever is important to our lives (4) This is the picture which Allen is proud. This is the of hoch Allen is picture proud (5) I learned the procedure from him, who was a mistake. (I learned the procedure from him), which was a mistake (3) (6) He, which father is the president of the company, got promoted. He, whoes father is the president of the company, got promoted (7) Whoever win first prize in the contest, it matters little to me. wins Whoever work dirst prize in the contest, it matters little to (8) Which is more, they revealed an unexpected finding. What is more, they revealed an what is more this whoever i 66 unexpected finding unexp

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