


英語 高校生

ここでのaway toの意味はどうなりますこ?

2-1 you ve been selling many items that are lexcessively packaged with single-use 過度に <package (~を包装する) 使い捨ての plastic. You are the largest supermarket chain in this country. 問1-1-問2-2I believe you have a duty to take the plastic waste problem more seriously. 義務 を真剣に考える I know that you have recently started charging customers for plastic bags and also <charge (〜の代金を請求する) started the “Bring Your Own Bag” campaign. I don't deny that this helps. However, 問1-2 We ~を否定する 前文の内容 (店が始めたこと) should deal with a more fundamental problem. Whenever I shop at your store, I end up 〜を扱う 基本的な 結局~することになる -=plastic waste. getting so much plastic waste. 問2-3 It's very troublesome to sort it out wash off the dirt, わずらわしい を洗い落す 汚れ、泥 ~を分別する dry it, and take it back for recycling. ① 問2-4I often see many people simply throwing the bags away to avoid the bother. Therefore, I would like you to do something to free ~を避ける 面倒悩みの種 0 を ~から解放する customers from the stress of dealing with plastic waste. Regards, Daisy Smith Re: Plastic packages <posted on 18 January 20XX> To: D. Smith com: nart Customer Service Centre が多す 店はプラ みを減ら すべき 8021* 3:31064 店から顧 の投稿:

解決済み 回答数: 1