


英語 高校生

【英語表現Ⅱ】 時制の問題です!わかる方、教えてください🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

When I(graduate / will be graduating / have been graduating ) from high Review Exercises 1 5.次の日曜日は、 私は一日中ずっとテスト勉強をしているだろう。[study] まとめの問題 Next Sunday, I for the exam all day. 復習 1英語表現Iの復習: 時制 現在形/現在進行形·未来進行形 未来完了形/過去完了進行形など Lesson 1 3 Put the words in the correct order. Lessen 1 Lesson 2) Lesson 2 1. 恵美は帰宅する前に、しばらく乗馬していた。 Emi [a horse/ been / had / riding | for a while before she came home. 2.来月のそのパーティーでは、 市長はスピーチをしているだろう。 The mayor [ a speech / be / giving / will ] at the party next month. Lesson 2 Lesson 3.空港へのバスは、 朝9時にこの温泉を出発する。 The airport bus [ nine o'clock / at / hot spring / this / leaves ] in the 1 Choose the correct words. 1 1.飛行機は、30分後に出発の予定だ。 The plane ( is leaving / was leaving / left ) in thirty minutes. morning. 4. バレンタインデーまでには、彼女と仲直りしているだろう。 2.高校を卒業したら、ネパールに行きたい。 By Valentine's Day, I [ made up / have / will / with ] her. school, I would like to visit Nepal. 4 Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences. Lesson 1 Lesson 2) 3.彼女は、ダンサーになる前は、スケートをしていた。 She(had been skating / has skated / has been skating) before sho 1.2050年までには、 この氷河は溶けてしまっているだろうと言われている。 (溶ける melt) )()by the year 2050. It is said that this glacier ( dancing. 4.元宇宙飛行士が、来月わが校を訪間の予定だ。 A former astronaut ( mayvisit / has visited / will be visiting )or 2. およそ40年後には、 宇宙エレベーターが人間を宇宙に輸送しているだろう、 と言う科学者もいる。 (輸 送する transport) Some scientists say thata space elevator ( ) people into space next month. in about forty years. 5.遊園地のそのアトラクションは、私たちがそれまで経験したことのないものだった。 That attraction in the theme park was something we( had never experienced / had never been experiencing / have never experienced ) until then. 3.私の曽祖母は、ドレスメーカーだった。ミシンを買うまで、彼女は長い間すべてのものを手で縫って いた。(縫う sew) My great-grandmother was a dressmaker. Before she bought a sewing machine, she ( )( ) ) everything by hand for a long time. 4.兄が新しい仕事を得たら、私を夕食に連れて行ってくれるだろう。 2 Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences. Use the words in the brackets. Change the form, if necessary. Cesson 1Cesson 2 When my brother ( ), he will take me to dinner. 5.最近、学生たちは電子辞書ではなく、紙の辞書を使っている。 Students( )() paper dictionaries, not electronic dictionaries these 1.次の週末までには、 私はこの本を読み終えているでしょう。[finish] By next weekend, I reading this book. days. 2.彼女が来るまで、 彼は3時間ずっと家中を掃除していた。[clean] Before she came, he in and around his house for three hours. 3. 最近、日本の若い俳優は、英語が上手になってきている。[get] These days, young actors in Japan 4. もしあなたがチケット売り場に早く行けば、その日のお芝居のチケットが買えるだろう。[go] If you better at English. to the ticket office early, you will be able to buy a ticket for the play for that day. Review Exercises 1 13

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英語 高校生


14 Lesson 3 基本時制,進行形 5 (進行形にできない動詞) 次の英文の下線部が正しければO, 正しくなければ×を書け。 (メ) (1) He is knowing her father. (2) What was he doing when you looked at him ? (3) This house is belonging to my uncle. (4) We are having a good time in Hawaii. (5) Tom is resembling his father very much. X) (6) I am thinking he will come to our party. )内の語(旬)にかえて,全文を書きかえよ。 6 (総合問題の] 次の文の下線部を( (1) Her train will arrive soon. (a few minutes ago) (2) Our parents came back from London last week. (next week) (3) What was he doing at that time ?(now) (4) We were waiting for our new teacher at eight yesterday.(tomorrow) (5) Did you stay at home last Sunday ? (next Sunday) (6) Is your mother out now? - No. She is cooking dinner.(then) 7 [総合問題2] 次の対話文を完成させよ。 (1) Where( ) meet ? Let's meet in front of the library. ) the concert( ) start at six? Yes, it is. We don't ( ) much time left. Let's hurry. (3) Excuse me, but will you tell me the time of his departure ? 文 Yes, sure. His plane is ( ) for Hong Kong at 3 : 00 p.m. ) have a glass of wine ? -Yes, thank you. I like wine very much. (5) You need some fresh air..( ) open the windows ? Yes, please. (6) He( ) diligent when he was young, ( I think so. But I don't know about his later life. ) he ? (7) Will John call me when he ( ) for Australia ? ) call you from the airport. odA He says he (

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